[Abstract]:At present, with the rapid development of the global digital level, the influence of digital media virtual technology on film and television creation is becoming more and more obvious, especially the combination of virtual and realistic images, which is widely popular in film and animation. The aesthetic of visual art of the viewer has been improved unprecedentedly, thus making people's thinking and life gallop in the real and magical illusion. In the world, including the United States and other countries, computer virtual technology is gradually applied and popularized in film production. At the same time, the media practitioners in China are actively engaged in the field of virtual technology and reality image perfect integration. So, whether now or in the future, computer virtual technology, with its superior surreal space constraints, will highlight the important means of not beaking in film making. Based on the present situation, this paper firstly explains the concept of virtual elements, real images, virtual images and reality images. Secondly, it discusses the significance of virtual and realistic image fusion from two aspects: purpose and value. Finally, according to the principle of combining theory with practical cases, the harmony between virtual technology and real image is shown. This research mainly uses the literature retrieval method, the case analysis method, the demonstration research method synthetically analyzes the false reality image relations, thus obtains the conclusion, has broken through the traditional observation movie custom, has expanded the audience, the story plot narration of "initial mind" is simple, According to the life experience of adult characters and the virtual fantasy and reconstruction of the basic cognition of the bad situation, the exaggerated facial expression and novel visual special effect lens are used to tell the story.
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