[Abstract]:Xie Jin's films take the misery of existence and the frustration of the situation as the tragic tone. The tragic spirit in the film has been developed for a long time, and the tragic spirit in the Xie Jin film plays an important role in the Chinese film industry. In the course of decades of development, the tragic spirit of Xie Jin film has gradually formed a unique aesthetic characteristic, and the aesthetic interest and value orientation of Chinese tragedy have been clearly highlighted by director Xie Jin in a unique national way. This nationality is the reason why Xie Jin's films can play an important role in the world tragedy. In the increasingly competitive and diversified mechanism of the film market, like all classics, the tragic spirit of the film is also suffering from the market and audience needs and other aspects of the impact. How to inherit the tragic style of Xie Jin and the creative experience of the film, and how to make the tragic spirit develop vigorously in the modern and contemporary era, has become a problem worthy of further study. The films directed by Xie Jin have been recognized and recognized to a large extent, and there are fewer and fewer doubts about their unique film charm. However, how to make the tragic spirit of Chinese film not lose its most important nationality in the process of development, how to inherit and develop the tragic spirit of Xie Jin film, has become a problem to be solved urgently. Nowadays, there is no social environment and historical background at that time, and the national cultural psychology of the film audience has also changed from the simplification at that time to the diversification. In the present moment, various kinds of thoughts and cultures constantly impact on the traditional culture. Tragic films and tragic spirit also have to face the problem of how to adapt to the current environment and be accepted by more audiences. Starting from the unique aesthetic characteristics and the forming reasons of Xie Jin's films, this paper reflects on the development of Xie Jin's tragic films, and analyzes the aesthetic expectations and psychological characteristics of contemporary audiences by using the new media and new communication methods. This paper analyzes objectively the unique aesthetic features of Xie Jin's tragic spirit, and tries to find a new way of thinking which can be accepted by the contemporary public. In this paper, without reducing the tragic premise, while preserving the excellent quality of the work while fully taking into account the market, audience and other factors, put more humanistic spirit into the film works, It is a beneficial attempt to make the tragic spirit in the film develop in the present.
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