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发布时间:2018-09-08 11:05
【摘要】:在呼唤中国电影史研究进入历史学科视野,增加历史学品性的背景下,文章认为中国电影史研究欲进入历史学视野,在中国电影史研究发展到一定阶段后,首先要清理其自产生以来的史学遗产,进行中国电影史学史研究。通过描述中国电影史学变化的过程并揭示其规律,能为把握当下中国电影史研究现状与未来的研究方向提供支持。这样,既可以使中国电影历史学进入普通历史学视野的学术设想在学科的层面得以具体实现,也可以解决中国电影史研究中面临的具体困境。 作为这门新学科初始的纲要性研究而言,主要工作是研究框架的确立。解决研究框架需要两层准备。其中,第一层的准备有二个:一是对历史学相关学科理论的消化与吸收,二是相应建立中国电影史学史学科理论。第二个准备要在第一个准备的基础上实现,第一个准备是第二个准备的前提。解决研究框架需要的第二层准备就是学科理论与学科实践的交互检验。 上述两层准备在文章中由“中国电影史学史学科理论建构”与“中国电影史学五十年”两大部分实现。 第一部分在普通历史学视野下通过对于历史学关键坐标的厘清,及中国史学史与西方史学史经典研究范式的考察,结合其它专门学科史学史的研究范式,提出中国电影史学史学科的理论架构。 第二部分通过对中国电影史学1914年至1963年前五十年中关键史学遗产的分析,勾勒这一时期中国电影史学宏阔的发展过程及规律。该部分利用中国电影史学与中西史学特别是中国史学的横向比较研究,归纳综合中国电影史学内在构成要素的史学特征;利用前后中国电影史学特征的纵向比较描述史学变化;利用“内外复合驱力”分析史学特征产生及变化的的原因,揭示史学发展的具体与宏观规律,并予以历史分期与具体研究的呈现。该部分既在第一部分所建立的学科理论的基础上产生中国电影史学史研究成果,在应用中检验完善学科理论,义初步展开了一个对中国电影史学发展中重要阶段的研究实践。即该部分既有对学科理论的构成价值义有研究实践的独立学术价值,与第一部分结合在一起成为研究框架不可缺少的重要组成部分,为今后的可持续性研究打下基础并提供了经验。
[Abstract]:Under the background of calling for the study of Chinese film history to enter the historical field of vision and to increase the character of history, the article holds that the study of Chinese film history wants to enter the historical field of vision, after the study of Chinese film history has developed to a certain stage. First of all, it is necessary to clean up its historical heritage since its emergence, and to study the history of Chinese film historiography. By describing the changing process of Chinese film historiography and revealing its law, it can provide support to grasp the present situation and future research direction of Chinese film history research. In this way, not only can the academic conception of Chinese film history into the perspective of ordinary history be concretely realized at the subject level, but also the concrete predicament that Chinese film history is facing in the study can be solved. As the initial outline of the new discipline, the main work is the establishment of the research framework. Solving the research framework requires two levels of preparation. Among them, there are two preparations in the first layer: the digestion and absorption of the theory of history and the establishment of the theory of Chinese film history. The second preparation is based on the first preparation, the first preparation is the premise of the second preparation. The second level of preparation for solving the research framework is the interactive test of discipline theory and practice. The above two levels are prepared to be realized in two parts: "theoretical Construction of Chinese Film History" and "Fifty years of Chinese Film History". In the first part, through the clarification of the key coordinates of history and the research paradigm of the history of Chinese history and the western history of history, the first part combines the research paradigm of the history of other specialized disciplines. Put forward the theoretical framework of Chinese film history. The second part through the analysis of the key historical heritage of Chinese film historiography from 1914 to the first fifty years of 1963 outlines the development process and law of Chinese film historiography in this period. This part makes use of the horizontal comparative study between Chinese film historiography and Chinese and western historiography, especially Chinese historiography, sums up the historical characteristics of the intrinsic elements of Chinese film historiography, describes the changes of historiography by the longitudinal comparison of the characteristics of Chinese film historiography before and after. By using "internal and external compound drive" to analyze the causes of the appearance and change of the historical characteristics, to reveal the concrete and macroscopic laws of the development of historiography, and to present the historical stages and the concrete research. On the basis of the discipline theory established in the first part, this part not only produces the research achievements of Chinese film history, but also tests and perfects the subject theory in application. It also preliminarily develops a research practice on the important stage of the development of Chinese film historiography. That is, this part has the independent academic value of the research practice on the component value of the discipline theory, and the combination with the first part has become an indispensable important part of the research framework. It provides the foundation and experience for the future sustainability research.


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