[Abstract]:The heroic epic < Gesar > is a great heroic epic written by the Tibetan people in our country, which spread to the Mongolian, Pumi, Tu, Yugur, Naxi, and other minority nationalities one after another. In the course of thousands of years of spread, it has merged with the social life and traditional culture of all the nationalities, countries and regions concerned, and has formed its own unique "Gesar" and the history and culture. "Gesar" is not only an outstanding literary work, but also of high academic value. It is for us to understand and study the social conditions, economic life, history and culture, ethnic exchanges, military war of the Tibetan nationality. A rich cultural treasure trove of issues such as morality, religious beliefs, customs, and literature and art. It is a major contribution of the Chinese nation to human civilization and the common wealth of all mankind. At present, there are few theoretical studies on Gesar film and television at home and abroad. There are only a few papers and monographs related to Tibetan and Chinese. From another angle of view, this paper sums up, synthesizes, compares, analyzes, and through its own efforts, hopes to make the film and television culture more perfect and transparent. At the same time, I hope that with the rapid development of information technology, the epic "Gesar" can be further deepened in depth and breadth by means of film and television science and technology. < Gesar > once appeared in front of the world with the appearance of Tibetan opera, and TV drama. But before the film and television adaptation is local, small, not the overall adaptation. This paper discusses the film and television potential of epic film and television from the characteristics of film and television culture, the potential of film and television in epic, the comparison between Gesar and other Chinese film and TV dramas, the significance of shooting film and television of "Gesar", etc. Give full play to the valuable value of film and television culture in the "Gesar" culture preservation and dissemination in the modern scientific and technological era, and inherit Gesar's cultural and artistic charm.
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