发布时间:2018-09-09 16:10
【摘要】:导演风格的形成,是一个导演走向成熟的重要标志。导演风格包括主题立意、结构框架、场面调度、情节设计、后期剪辑、对话语言、人物塑造、镜头表现、声音、美术等诸多元素,然而人物是电影的基础,是剧本情节的负载体。当代美国著名戏剧家乔治·贝克所说:“一个剧本的永久价值终究在于其中的性格揭示,,性格揭示能吸引人的注意力,它是在观众中使剧本的主题和人物产生同情的主要手段。”①所以,电影对性格刻画得越深刻,把人物塑造得越丰富,他的作品就越具有典型性,越具有艺术魅力,由此可见人物塑造的重要作用。 本文将从导演风格谈起,简述黄健中导演的成长经历及对其日后导演风格的影响,文中对黄健中导演从影50年的代表作品进行梳理和分析,挖掘影片中如何通过人物形象的塑造,来真实的表现人性的扭曲,以及对于社会现实和民族意识的反思;如何用影片来推动中国社会与文化的发展,并分析了影片中主人公对于影片的提升作用。1999年,黄健中导演又将创作题材进一步扩大到重大历史政治事件,在银幕上塑造了一个真正剪掉辫子的中国人——顾维钧和“爱国青年”——肖克俭两个人物形象,从人物塑造的角度,来探究黄健中导演的风格转变。 通过本文对黄健中导演人物塑造方面的细致分析,为以后中国影视作品的创造吸取经验和养分。
[Abstract]:The formation of the director's style is an important sign of the director's maturity. The director's style includes themes, structure, scene scheduling, plot design, post editing, dialogue language, character shaping, lens representation, sound, art, and so on. However, characters are the basis of the film. Is the negative carrier of the script plot. George Baker, a famous contemporary American dramatist, said: "the permanent value of a play lies in the revelation of its character, which attracts attention." It is the main means of generating sympathy among the audience for the themes and characters of the play. "1 so the deeper the film portrays character and the richer the character is, the more typical and artistic charm his work becomes. This shows the important role of character shaping. This article will start with the director's style, briefly describe Huang Jianzhong's growing up experience and its influence on the later director's style, combing and analyzing the representative works of Huang Jianzhong's film for 50 years. How to truly reflect the distortion of human nature, the reflection of social reality and national consciousness, and how to use the film to promote the development of Chinese society and culture, In 1999, director Huang Jianzhong further expanded the subject matter to major historical and political events. A Chinese character, Gu Weijun and "Young Patriotic" Xiao Kejian, who really cut off their braids on screen, explores the style change of director Huang Jianzhong from the perspective of character shaping. Through the careful analysis of Huang Jianzhong's character shaping, the author draws experience and nourishment for the creation of Chinese film and television works.
[Abstract]:The formation of the director's style is an important sign of the director's maturity. The director's style includes themes, structure, scene scheduling, plot design, post editing, dialogue language, character shaping, lens representation, sound, art, and so on. However, characters are the basis of the film. Is the negative carrier of the script plot. George Baker, a famous contemporary American dramatist, said: "the permanent value of a play lies in the revelation of its character, which attracts attention." It is the main means of generating sympathy among the audience for the themes and characters of the play. "1 so the deeper the film portrays character and the richer the character is, the more typical and artistic charm his work becomes. This shows the important role of character shaping. This article will start with the director's style, briefly describe Huang Jianzhong's growing up experience and its influence on the later director's style, combing and analyzing the representative works of Huang Jianzhong's film for 50 years. How to truly reflect the distortion of human nature, the reflection of social reality and national consciousness, and how to use the film to promote the development of Chinese society and culture, In 1999, director Huang Jianzhong further expanded the subject matter to major historical and political events. A Chinese character, Gu Weijun and "Young Patriotic" Xiao Kejian, who really cut off their braids on screen, explores the style change of director Huang Jianzhong from the perspective of character shaping. Through the careful analysis of Huang Jianzhong's character shaping, the author draws experience and nourishment for the creation of Chinese film and television works.
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