[Abstract]:In recent years, as a new type of TV series, Chinese contemporary TV traversing drama has not only created an upsurge of viewers, but also attracted more and more attention from academic circles. As a representative cultural phenomenon of contemporary popular culture, the rise of traversing drama has its profound social motivation and cultural significance. Based on the theoretical perspective of cultural research, this paper focuses on three subcultural forms hidden in TV traversing dramas-namely grass root subculture, female subculture and youth subculture. It also analyzes the cultural critical function of elite discourse in contemporary social life, which is oriented to mainstream ideology and elite discourse. Therefore, this paper will focus on the Birmingham School scholars and John Fiske and other related theoretical resources, divided into four chapters to launch a specific discussion. First of all, the rise of TV traversing drama and its causes of macro grasp, in the subject matter content, social psychology, visual aesthetic three aspects to reveal some general characteristics of contemporary Chinese traversing drama. It also provides a theoretical basis for the analysis of sub-culture in the latter three chapters. Secondly, from three aspects: the grassroots characteristics of the literary texts, the popularized characteristics of the role composition, and the deconstruction of the meta-narrative, It reveals the subcultural appeal of grass root and its cultural criticism function to mainstream culture and elite class. Thirdly, the author chooses the case specifically, explains the female subculture hidden through the play in many dimensions, reveals the ways and means of subversion and resistance to the male power discourse by revealing the traditional female image which has been transformed and constructed. Finally, combining with the realistic context, this paper analyzes the youth subculture contained in the drama, and through the analysis of the typical character image, explains the offending, provocation and resistance of the youth subculture to the mainstream culture and the adult world. In a word, based on a relatively positive and optimistic theoretical standpoint, this paper makes a relatively detailed analysis of the three sub-cultural forms that represent the cultural aspirations of a particular group of people in the play, and reveals that they are highly critical. The cultural critical function of subversion and resistance gives a full and dialectical affirmation to the social and cultural value of traversing drama.
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