[Abstract]:Animation can achieve artistic expression with plain language and rich imagination, and the essence of the symbol system that art converges is a form of expression of emotion. As one of them, animation symbol art is moving through its unique artistic expression. The animation symbol system spreads through the animation image, thus enables the audience to receive in the subconscious works the humanities sentiment and the national spirit strength which the work conveys. Animation communication itself is comprehensive in nature, covering a wide range of fields, from literary creation, world view structure, story script, to art style, picture expression, lens language, plastic arts, music, etc. Each link is part of its means of communication. These links are closely linked, combined and collided in the whole communication system, resulting in a chemical reaction of unique aesthetic value, which converges into a work full of personality charm. In a word, by studying the animation symbol system and summarizing the influence and the spreading law of the animation symbol, we hope to find a way that is more in line with the development of Chinese animation.
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