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发布时间:2018-10-16 19:48
【摘要】:1949年新中国成立以来,60多年的时间里,在我国内地制作的电影和电视剧中,国民党军队及其军人的形象是在不断变化着。大致可分为三个不同时期的形象:1949年建国至1978年为第一个时期,国民党军人是反面脸谱化的形象;1978年中共中央召开第十一届三中全会开启改革开放到2005年为第二个时期,国民党军人的形象较为贴近真实客观;2005年4月时任中国国民党主席连战访问大陆开展“和平之旅”至今为第三个时期,国民党军人是多元化的草根形象。在这三个时期里,笔者试图通过对几部典型影视剧中的国民党军人人物形象进行解读分析,来归纳不同时期里被塑造出来的不同国民党军人形象的特点。 影视剧所承载的人文话语,及其传播的大众性,都决定了影视作品的意识形态属性和政治属性。要深入理解国民党军人人物形象的变迁,还必须挖掘出变迁背后的原因,,比如政治经济文化环境的变化、学界及民间的呼吁、影视行业的发展等等。由此才能更深刻、更全面地了解历史,理解影视剧所塑造的人物形象。
[Abstract]:Since the founding of the people's Republic of China in 1949, the images of the Kuomintang army and its soldiers have been constantly changing in movies and TV dramas made in the interior of China for more than 60 years. It can be roughly divided into three different periods: the first period from the founding of the people's Republic of China in 1949 to 1978, the image of the Kuomintang servicemen in the negative face, and the second period in 1978, when the third Plenary session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China opened the year of reform and opening up to the outside world in 2005. The image of Kuomintang servicemen is more realistic and objective. In April 2005, Lien Chan, then chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang, visited the mainland to carry out a "tour of peace", which is the third period, and the Kuomintang servicemen are a pluralistic grassroots image. In these three periods, the author tries to analyze the figures of the Kuomintang servicemen in several typical movies and TV dramas, to sum up the characteristics of the different images of the Kuomintang servicemen who were molded in different periods. The humanistic discourse and the popularity of the film and TV play determine the ideological and political attributes of the film and television works. In order to understand the changes of the figures of the Kuomintang soldiers, we must dig out the reasons behind the changes, such as the change of the political, economic and cultural environment, the appeal of the academia and the folk, the development of the film and television industry, and so on. Only in this way can we understand history more thoroughly and understand the characters created by movies and TV dramas.


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