发布时间:2018-10-25 17:17
【摘要】:20世纪文化思想的震荡转型中,空间代替时间成为学术思想界新的题域,自此,“空间叙事”便成为叙事学研究的学者们新的研究热点。每个事件都有它自己的地点和时间,地点也就是场所、空间,故记录事物的存在和事件发生,必须在相应的空间内完成,所以纪录片叙事离不开空间。2011年,,CCTV-9纪录频道成立,其宗旨就是要让世界了解中国,中央电视台纪录片频道的开播,进一步将纪录片推向大众传播的平台,纪录片全民化的时代即将到来,对纪录片的研究也将进入一个新的领域。纪录片的空间叙事也将成为一个新的研究热点。 纪录片的空间叙事,即运用空间进行叙事,通过空间来讲故事,空间成为一种叙事的手段。纪录片作为一种现代化传统的媒介形式,因为其区别于其他同类媒介形式如电影等可以在现实的基础之上加入虚构的成分的创作方式,而要客观地再现环境及事件,故对空间的生产更遵循现实,但由于纪录的选择性和人为的参与性,纪录片的叙事及空间生产在现实意义的基础之上又有更多的内容被填充,使得这个空间更为充实,所以通过空间叙事是纪录片的本能。
[Abstract]:In the transformation of cultural thought in the 20th century, space instead of time has become a new topic in the field of academic thought. Since then, "space narrative" has become a new research hotspot of narratology. Each event has its own place and time, the place is the place, the space, so recording the existence of things and events must be completed in the corresponding space, so documentary narration can not be separated from space. In 2011, CCTV-9 Records Channel was established. Its aim is to make the world understand China, the CCTV documentary channel starts, further push the documentary to the platform of the mass communication, the era of documentary popularizing is coming, the research of the documentary will also enter a new field. The space narrative of documentary will also become a new research hotspot. The space narration of documentary, namely use space to narrate, through space tell story, space becomes a kind of narrative means. Documentary as a modern traditional media form, because it is different from other similar media forms, such as film, can add fictional elements on the basis of reality, but to objectively reproduce the environment and events. Therefore, the production of space is more realistic, but because of the selectivity of records and artificial participation, the narrative and space production of documentary are filled with more content on the basis of practical significance, which makes the space more substantial. So narrative through space is the instinct of documentary.
[Abstract]:In the transformation of cultural thought in the 20th century, space instead of time has become a new topic in the field of academic thought. Since then, "space narrative" has become a new research hotspot of narratology. Each event has its own place and time, the place is the place, the space, so recording the existence of things and events must be completed in the corresponding space, so documentary narration can not be separated from space. In 2011, CCTV-9 Records Channel was established. Its aim is to make the world understand China, the CCTV documentary channel starts, further push the documentary to the platform of the mass communication, the era of documentary popularizing is coming, the research of the documentary will also enter a new field. The space narrative of documentary will also become a new research hotspot. The space narration of documentary, namely use space to narrate, through space tell story, space becomes a kind of narrative means. Documentary as a modern traditional media form, because it is different from other similar media forms, such as film, can add fictional elements on the basis of reality, but to objectively reproduce the environment and events. Therefore, the production of space is more realistic, but because of the selectivity of records and artificial participation, the narrative and space production of documentary are filled with more content on the basis of practical significance, which makes the space more substantial. So narrative through space is the instinct of documentary.
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1 龙迪勇;空间叙事学[D];上海师范大学;2008年