[Abstract]:As one of the Hollywood movie types, from the early "one night affair" to the "end of the Journey" in 2015, the highway movie has a huge appeal to the audience with its flowing landscape. Modern people use cars or highways to constantly understand themselves on their journeys. This article will take the narrative of American highway film as the research object, study its character setting, space setting and theme construction, put forward the four dimensions of constructing characters, divide the narrative space into geographical space and psychological space. The geographical space is divided into urban space and natural space, which is more directed towards civilized society, while psychological space implies the complicated dreams or desires of the protagonist. On the path of the protagonist's pursuit of dreams and freedom, there are often different combinations of members, lovers, family, partners and mentors who provide the necessary assistance during the journey. Assist different props and plots to assist the hero to complete his heroic journey. On the way, the author sets the antagonistic force as the four aspects of nature, police, family and subconscious. The stronger the enemy the protagonist encounters, the stronger the hero's heart becomes. The narrative archetypes in highway movies are divided into lost heroes and independent women, focusing on the analysis of the unique temperament of female characters in the narrative of American highway movies. There are three main themes of Highway in American Highway movies: the revolt against the alienation of civilized society, the poetic utopian imagination, the complicated memory and desire. Referring to the three-act style and the script beat table, the script structure was broken down into a clearer form. Through analysis, classic American highway films such as Bonnie and Clyde, the Happy Knight, and the Tour around the Flying House were used as the analysis text. It extends the space of American highway film creation in the intertextuality between pan-highway film and other kinds of movies.
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