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发布时间:2019-01-03 15:54
【摘要】:一部完整的影视作品离不开矛盾冲突的设置进而推动故事情节的发展,然而正反角色的对立设置也显得尤为重要。一直以来,人们都十分注重正面形象的塑造,,而对于反面角色的塑造往往只是简单的符号化,尽管反面角色有可能不如正面角色那么讨喜,但其在影片中的作用却是不可忽视的。反面角色作为影视动画创作中一个不可缺少的重要环节,其塑造的好坏直接影响着整部动画影片的质量。 角色塑造在戏剧与影视方面已经具有了较为成熟的理论和丰富的经验,为动画角色塑造研究奠定了坚实的基础。但由于动画的特殊艺术形式,使动画角色的塑造相对于演员的本色表演而言更具虚拟性和假定性的特点,它需要借助点、线、面、色彩等美术手法来完善不同性格角色的塑造。因而,如何在戏剧与影视理论基础上,结合动画特有的表现手段,对当前研究较为薄弱的动画反面角色塑造进行深入细致的探索,就显得尤为紧迫和必要。反面角色的存在其实也具有一定的规律性与特殊性,但当前对于动画反面角色的理论研究仍显薄弱,未有系统性的理论建构,因而动画反面角色应该如何塑造,是值得进行深入和系统研究的。 本论文以人物的不同性格作为切入口,并通过大量动画影片的案例对美国动画电影中主要的三种反面角色性格(凶恶型、粗暴型、阴险型)在相貌、服装、表情、气质、语言等主要角色塑造要素上进行比较分析和集群研究,并在研究其差异性的基础上,对不同性格类型反面角色在作品中的共性作用进行了初步探讨,最后根据美国动画电影反面角色塑造的发展趋势,对中国动画反面角色的塑造提供一些建设性意见,希望能为中国动画的发展做出一些努力。
[Abstract]:A complete film and television works can not be separated from the setting of contradictions and conflicts, and then promote the development of the story plot. However, the opposites of positive and negative characters are especially important. People have always attached great importance to the shaping of positive images, and the portrayal of negative characters is often just a simple symbolization, although negative characters may not be as pleasing as positive characters. However, its role in the film can not be ignored. As an indispensable link in the creation of film and television animation, the negative role has a direct impact on the quality of the whole animation film. Character shaping has already had more mature theory and rich experience in drama and film, which has laid a solid foundation for the study of animation character shaping. However, because of the special artistic form of animation, the creation of animated characters is more fictitious and hypothetical than that of actors. It needs the help of points, lines, surfaces, colors and other art techniques to perfect the shaping of different character characters. Therefore, on the basis of the theory of drama and film, it is particularly urgent and necessary to explore deeply and meticulously the portrayal of the opposite characters of animation, which is weak in current research, combined with the special performance means of animation. In fact, the existence of negative characters also has some regularity and particularity, but the current theoretical research on animation negative characters is still weak, and there is no systematic theoretical construction, so how should animation negative characters be molded? It is worth studying deeply and systematically. This paper takes the different characters of the characters as the entrance, and through a large number of animated film cases of the main three types of negative characters in the American animation film (ferocious, rough, insidious) in the appearance, clothing, expression, temperament, On the basis of the comparative analysis and cluster study on the factors of language and other main characters, and on the basis of the study of their differences, this paper makes a preliminary study on the common role of the villains of different personality types in the works. Finally, according to the development trend of American animation film negative characters, it provides some constructive suggestions for Chinese animation negative characters, hoping to make some efforts for the development of Chinese animation.


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