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发布时间:2019-01-05 05:07
【摘要】:随着十年动乱的结束,万象复苏。新时期伊始,政治氛围相对宽松,思想解放在不同领域、不同层面展开的同时,中国电影也随着时代的脉搏再次开始了它崭新的跳动,开始了它一步步迈向现今辉煌成就的发展历程。在这段发展历程之中,八十年代对于中国电影尤为重要。这一时期的中国电影批评与创作的关系最为紧密,二者相互联系、相互影响,电影批评真正做到批评之效,对中国电影指明了发展的方向和前进之路。八十年代是一个“学术重建”的年代:这一时期,中国电影人以开放的姿态引进外国电影理论,以虚心的态度对外国电影创作实践进行借鉴和学习;这一时期,电影学术界对电影美学、电影“民族化”等热点话题的讨论达到了最高潮,对中国现今的电影理论发展的影响也颇深。八十年代又是一个培养电影导演的黄金时代,是中国“第三代”电影导演、“第四代”电影导演与“第五代”电影导演集中创作的时代,也是中国电影走出国门、走向世界,终于证明自己的辉煌时代。 在经历了“文革”时期的压抑和灰暗之后,中国电影批评和电影创作重新燃起希望之光,,八十年代的电影批评给重生后的中国电影指明了发展方向和发展契机;在进入市场化之前的中国电影创作实践经历了几多变幻,走过了怎样的一个时期;八十年代电影批评与电影创作的关系究竟如何;中国电影是如何从现实主义传统的回归到“探索片”的横空出世,在争议和批评声中,是怎样的电影批评影响着电影创作?又是怎样的电影实践活动引导着中国电影的批评新方向,使中国电影最终走向世界,走向今天多元化的发展之路的呢?
[Abstract]:With the end of ten years of turmoil, Vientiane recovered. At the beginning of the new era, the political atmosphere was relatively relaxed, and the ideological liberation began in different fields and at different levels. At the same time, with the pulse of the times, Chinese films began to beat again. Began its step by step towards today's brilliant achievements of the development process. In this period of development, the 1980's for Chinese film is particularly important. In this period, Chinese film criticism and creation have the most close relationship, they are interrelated and influence each other. The film criticism really achieves the critical effect, which indicates the direction of development and the way forward for the Chinese film. The 1980s was an era of "academic reconstruction": in this period, Chinese filmmakers introduced foreign film theory with an open attitude, and used an open attitude to learn from and learn from the practice of foreign film creation. During this period, the discussion on film aesthetics and "nationalization" in film academia reached its climax, and also had a deep influence on the development of film theory in China. The 1980s was also a golden age for training film directors. It was the time when China's "third generation" film directors, the "fourth generation" film directors and the "fifth generation" film directors concentrated on their creations. It was also a time for Chinese films to go abroad and to the world. Finally proved his glorious era. After the depression and gloom of the "Cultural Revolution" period, Chinese film criticism and film creation rekindled the light of hope, and the movie criticism in the 1980s pointed out the development direction and opportunity of the Chinese film after the rebirth. Before entering the market, the practice of Chinese film creation has gone through many changes and gone through a period, and what is the relationship between film criticism and film creation in the eighties? How did the Chinese film come back from the traditional realism to the "exploring film"? in the controversy and criticism, what kind of film criticism affected the film creation? And what kind of film practice activities lead to the new direction of Chinese film criticism, so that the Chinese film will eventually go to the world, to today's diversified way of development?


相关期刊论文 前2条

1 崔君衍;现代电影理论信息(第一部分)[J];世界电影;1985年02期

2 崔君衍;现代电影理论信息(第三部分)[J];世界电影;1985年04期




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