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发布时间:2019-01-08 08:04
【摘要】:美国和日本是当今世界上的两个动画超级大国,两国优秀的作品和丰富的经验是动画爱好者和研究者观摩的对象和学习的榜样。在美国和日本的动画影片中,对于配角的设计是非常重要的环节,反观中国动画中配角的创作就没有这两个国家的系统和深入。本文旨在探究美、日两国动画配角创作模式的差异,从中得到优秀的创作思路,并且指出中国的动画配角设计的不足,最后针对我国的动画配角提出指导性的创作思路。 本文首先从艺术和技术的角度介绍了动画的发展,界定了动画配角的概念,并且叙述了动画配角对于主角的塑造作用和对动画故事的影响。其次,,从动画配角的性格设计、外形结构设计、色彩设计、动作设计和配音设计这五个层面分别分析了美国和日本两国动画配角的创作模式的差异。第三,从两国的动画发展方式、两国动画的商业模式和两国的民族性格三个方面分析了造成两国动画配角创作模式不同的深层次原因。最后,分析了中国动画中配角设计的不足之处,即配角的性格刻画比较单一,缺乏复杂的心理变化;配角的外形设计缺乏象征性、时代性和民族性,细节刻画不丰富;配角的色彩缺乏民族化特色,并且较少运用色彩的表意功能;配角的动作设计简单,模式化动作较多,缺少性格化动作和动作细节;配音演员在为配角配音的过程中缺少表演成分,没有很好地运用情感来塑造角色,声音与口型对位不够细致,配角缺乏对话的真实感。最后结合美、日两国优秀的经验提出对于动画配角设计的一些思路,即根据不同年龄层受众的需求相应调整配角的性格设计、更加考究的外形设计、民族化的色彩设计、细节丰富的动作设计和富有感情的配音表演。
[Abstract]:The United States and Japan are the two superpowers of animation in the world today. The excellent works and rich experience of the two countries are the objects and models for animation lovers and researchers to observe and learn. In American and Japanese animation films, the design of supporting actors is very important. In contrast, the creation of supporting actors in Chinese animation does not have the system and depth of these two countries. The purpose of this paper is to explore the differences between the American and Japanese animation supporting actors, to obtain excellent creative ideas, and to point out the deficiencies of the Chinese supporting animation design. Finally, the author puts forward the guiding creative ideas for the supporting animation actors in China. This paper first introduces the development of animation from the point of view of art and technology, defines the concept of supporting role of animation, and narrates the role of supporting actor in shaping the protagonist and the influence on the story of animation. Secondly, this paper analyzes the differences between American and Japanese animation supporting actors from five aspects: character design, shape structure design, color design, action design and dubbing design. Thirdly, this paper analyzes the deep reasons for the difference of animation supporting characters between the two countries from three aspects: the development mode of animation between the two countries, the commercial mode of animation between the two countries and the national character of the two countries. At last, the author analyzes the deficiency of supporting character design in Chinese animation, that is, the character of supporting actor is relatively simple and lacks complex psychological changes, the shape design of supporting actor lacks symbolism, time and nationality, and details are not rich. The supporting role is lack of national characteristics, and less use of color ideographic function, supporting action design is simple, model action is more, lack of personality action and action details; Dubbing actors in the process of supporting the lack of acting elements, not a good use of emotion to shape the role, voice and oral pattern is not detailed enough, supporting the lack of dialogue sense of reality. Finally, combining the outstanding experiences of the United States and Japan, we put forward some ideas for animation supporting actor design, that is, according to the needs of the audience of different age groups, we should adjust the supporting character design accordingly, more sophisticated shape design, nationalized color design. Detailed action design and emotional dubbing performance.


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