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发布时间:2019-01-08 08:36
[Abstract]:The broadcast of "Business" in 1989 created the first commercial war TV series in China. Over the past 25 years, more and more attention has been paid to commercial war drama. However, the research on commercial war drama has lagged behind in academic circles. In view of this, the author takes the art of TV drama as the starting point, takes into account the artistic theory of drama and film, and takes the theory of film narratology as the theoretical support, and draws lessons from the theories of history, aesthetics, sociology and many other disciplines, such as history, aesthetics, sociology and so on. The commercial war drama has carried on the systematic research. The thesis is divided into four chapters: the first chapter discriminates and analyzes the concepts of commercial war drama and family drama from three aspects: the content of drama, the theme expression and the story background, and then defines the concept of commercial war drama in the interior. Then the development process of the commercial war drama in the mainland was sorted out in stages. The second chapter analyzes the conflict construction of commercial war drama from two aspects: the era of conflict and the construction of conflict focus, and then deeply explores and integrates the theme of commercial war drama; The third chapter mainly from the film and television ontology and the type theory angle, through the horizontal analogy inland commercial war drama character shaping method, then has carried on the classification to the inland commercial war drama character image, and has summarized the commercial war drama diversification. Compound character setting; The fourth chapter analyzes the negative influence of commercial war drama on social aesthetic value, cultural aesthetic value and artistic aesthetic value, and puts forward some suggestions to enhance the aesthetic value of commercial war drama.


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