发布时间:2018-04-10 19:05
本文选题:九寨沟 + 景区 ; 参考:《西南财经大学》2009年硕士论文
【摘要】: 九寨沟国家级风景名胜区地处川西北,景区拥有独特的自然资源,以高山湖泊群、瀑布群及钙化滩流为主体,同时拥有丰富的生物资源和藏羌文化,极具科学研究和旅游价值。景区自1984年对外开放以来,先后被列入了《世界自然遗产名录》、《世界生物圈保护区》、“绿色环球21”,游客人数从1984年的2.7万人次增至2006年的231万人次,增加约85倍,旅游收入达创记录的4.5亿元人民币。与此相对比的是,在这200多万人次的游客中,外国游客数为101,130人次,入境游客比例只占到旅游者总数大约4.38%,游客结构失衡。 澳大利亚经济发达,居民可自由支配收入和时间多,是一个高质量的市场,也是中国一个重要的国际客源国,拓展澳大利亚国际市场具有积极意义。但九寨沟管理局统计数据显示,近几年来澳洲游客人数始终无明显增长,游客总数仅占九寨沟境外游客的1%左右。九寨沟管理局每年在澳洲市场投入的人力、物力、财力和其门票收入相比收不抵支。 开展卓有成效的国际市场营销,是全球化条件下我国建设国际性旅游目的地的必由之路,因此需要我们对客源市场有更为精准的认识和把握,形成正确的战略和行动。本文以九寨沟景区为例,对目标对象澳大利亚进行市场细分,设定更加符合市场预期的九寨沟目的地形象定位与宣传理念,制定具备可操作性的促销方案,以期对旅游景区开拓国际市场提供可借鉴的思路。 本着发现问题-分析问题-解决问题的基本思路,文章分为五个部分。第一部分为绪论部分,第二部分至第五部分为正文部分。第二部分是对景区作为旅游目的地类型之一,其营销理论框架的综述,第三部分是九寨沟开拓澳大利亚市场的必要性和可行性分析。第四部分是九寨沟的澳大利亚客源市场现状和问题分析。第五部分,针对现有状况和问题,结合澳洲市场特点和九寨沟形象定位,笔者提出了营销对策方案。本文注重可操作性,力求将理论研究与实际操作融为一体,为九寨沟景区开拓澳大利亚市场提供切实可行、有特色的营销对策。 第一章为包括研究的背景和选题的意义,文献综述,以及研究思路和方法,为正文的具体论述做好了铺垫。文献综述主要分为国外和国内两个部分。国外近10年对旅游目的地营销的研究也尚未形成系统的框架,主要涉及3大方面,由最初的旅游目的地形象研究向其他视角扩展,开始关注政府营销组织和信息技术在旅游目的地营销中的应用。国内目前关于旅游目的地开拓国际市场的研究多集中于三个方面:其一,有关某一旅游目的地客源市场的特征分析及开发对策研究。其二,有关某一旅游目的地在目标客源市场的定位分析,该领域的研究比较成熟。其三,有关某一旅游目的地在特定客源市场的促销策略研究。在此类研究中,市场营销和企业管理的有关理论得到了充分的运用,根据各个不同客源市场的特点和各利益方的目标来制定适当的促销策略。 第二章对旅游目的地的概念和类型进行了认定和划分,对旅游目的地营销的各个阶段和发展趋势进行了阐述,最后对旅游目的地营销的理论基础进行了罗列和归纳,以此作为依据,展开对九寨沟风景区针对澳大利亚市场营销对策的层层剖析和研究。 第三章对九寨沟开拓澳大利亚市场的必要性和可行性进行了分析。首先是对必要性的分析,认为开拓澳洲国际市场,发展入境旅游能增加外汇收入,是构建具有国际知名度的精品旅游区的需要,同时为了规避国内市场饱和游客数下滑风险,利用南北半球季节差异,通过澳洲反季节客源刺激九寨冬季旅游。其次是对可行性的分析,认为澳大利亚经济发达,居民可自由支配收入和时间多,政治稳定,同中国邦交良好,且人口集中在东南部沿海城市,便于营销宣传活动的开展。最重要的是澳大利亚气候温热,缺乏冰雪景致,九寨沟的冬天景色对其有较强的吸引力。 第四章是九寨沟的澳大利亚客源市场现状和问题分析。首先通过一系列数据和事例说明九寨沟景区在澳洲市场营销收不抵支,澳洲游客数徘徊不前,营销手段和渠道单一且花费较高。其次对问题从三个层面进行了分析,一是产品层面,以观光产品为主,忽视藏羌文化和生态、探险游的发展推广,而澳大利亚人热爱自然和运动,澳洲游客越来越倾向于生态旅游、文化体验、探索式旅游。九寨沟景区的产品形象定位和设计不能由单纯的欣赏自然风光构成,需进一步寻求突破;二是渠道层面,现有渠道相对单一且花费高,效果不理想,信息不能直接传递给澳洲旅游者;三是促销层面,澳洲是九寨沟最近几年才开拓的新兴国际市场,经验不足,缺乏有针对性的促销组合,尚未与阿坝州或四川各景点形成联盟优势,九寨沟在澳洲的知名度还有待进一步拓展,导致在国际市场上陷入“好酒也怕巷子深”的尴尬境地。 第五章是在前面提出问题,分析问题产生原因基础之上,提出九寨沟开拓澳大利亚国际市场的对策,综合运用了市场营销学、管理学、区域经济学和心理学的知识,是文章的核心部分。包括: 1.澳洲市场细分和确定目标市场。首先对澳洲市场的人口特征进行了分析,认为澳洲具有多民族融合而成的多元文化,澳大利亚人追求平等自由,爱好休闲运动,澳大利亚来华旅游者对中国古老的东方文化有着浓厚的兴趣,对民族风情情有独钟,人员构成专业技术人员和商贸人员为主,目的以观光游览、商务和休闲度假为主,其中市场呈现出地域和年龄的相对集中性,华侨华人占有一定比例以散客自助游为主平均停留时间较长,结束中国游程后前往香港的游客占一定比重。在了解了澳大利亚人口特征和旅游行为特征以后,按照年龄要素对市场进行了细分,最后在当前阶段把澳大利亚的主要目标市场锁定为:25-55岁,有一定经济收入,受过良好教育,喜欢观光休闲和文化体验的中青年自助游者。 2.九寨沟景区旅游形象USP定位及产品策划。利用USP (Unique Selling Proposition)即独特的销售主张这一理论框架,通过对九寨沟景区地脉、文脉、核心资源、竞争者澳大利亚国家公园乌卢鲁-卡塔曲塔国家公园、澳洲客源市场受众的分析,最终把九寨沟景区旅游形象USP定位确定为:在突显自然水景特色的同时,进行富有藏羌民俗特色的体验旅游和生态旅游。这就要求继续完善成熟的Y字形观光线路,加快开发以体验休闲为主题的扎如沟,抓紧对中查沟的调研论证工作,整合大九寨产品组合,形成旅游精品集群。 3.打通九寨沟开拓澳洲市场的营销渠道。澳大利亚距离中国遥远,经济发达,目标人群具有受教育程度高,友善爱交朋友,喜欢自助游休闲游等特点,而让澳大利亚人接受九寨沟的前提是让他们有恰当的途径接收到关于九寨沟的信息,因此打通九寨沟营销渠道是进行促销活动的关键,具体包括合理发挥政府和官方组织的权威推介作用,充分利用互联网提高信息传达的数量和质量,通过遍布澳洲和中国的国际青年旅舍铺开宣传网络等。 4.九寨沟开拓澳大利亚市场促销对策的制定。本节在前面的分析基础上,依据九寨沟迥异的四季确定四套促销主题,再根据主题选择不同的促销工具有计划的提前开展工作,强化各个季节的旅游产品特色,强调民俗风情与自然美景的结合。四主题分别为:静谧冬韵,绎动春色,轻松一夏,缤纷秋景。其中由于九寨沟冬季产品是对澳大利亚热带、亚热带景致的良好补充,又由于南北半球季节差异,九寨的冬天是澳洲的夏天,适逢圣诞等长假,重点放在宣传到九寨沟过一个真正的白色圣诞节。故将九寨沟冬季旅游作为对澳洲市场促销的主打产品,需要提前多管齐下,进行密集宣传。具体到不同的促销工具,本文大致分为四类,一为广告促销——找准澳大利亚传统强势媒体,二为公共关系促销——利用九寨沟节事活动(冬季为主),三为利用人员推销——通过中国在澳大利亚的留学生和在华澳大利亚人口碑效应宣传九寨沟,四为营业推广——与航空公司等利益相关者开展紧密合作。 本文的选题具有一定的创新性,因为历年来对九寨沟国家级风景名胜区的研究多集中在国内市场的开发,环境保护,可持续发展和藏羌文化的传承和开发上,针对国际市场的营销对策尚没有比较成型的成果。九寨沟景区作为我国著名的5A级景区,应该在国际市场开拓方面走在其他景区前面,起到示范带头作用,本文在一定程度上弥补了这方面的不足。 研究澳大利亚国际市场的开拓,一方面是因为澳大利亚特殊的地理位置和气候环境,九寨沟现有冬季产品是对其良好的补充,对于平衡九寨沟客流量季节的悬殊差异,稳定景区收入,有着积极的意义。更为重要的是,研究澳大利亚市场的特点对于进一步研究南半球其他客源市场和有类似心理行为特征的发达国家有借鉴意义。 在具体研究方法上,设计了英文问卷对来九寨沟旅游的澳大利亚人进行随机调查和深度访谈,虽然因为样本量过小无法进行实证研究,但也对之后提出的对策产生了正面的引导作用。提出根据九寨沟四季风景的迥异,推出针对澳洲市场的四个促销主题,一定程度上丰富了旅游景区营销操作理论和方法。
[Abstract]:The scenic spot is located in the northwest of Sichuan with unique natural resources . It has abundant biological resources and Tibetan and Qiang culture . It has abundant biological resources and Tibetan and Qiang culture , and has scientific research and tourism value .
Australia ' s economy is developed , the residents can freely dispose of income and time , is a high - quality market , is also an important international guest country of China , expands the Australian international market has positive significance . But the statistics show that the number of tourists in Australia has not increased obviously in recent years .
The successful international marketing is the only way to build an international tourism destination under the conditions of globalization . Therefore , we need to know and grasp the market of the tourist market more accurately and form the correct strategy and action . In this paper , taking Jiuzhaizou scenic spot as an example , the target object Australia is divided into market segments , which is more consistent with the market expectation of Jiuzhaogou Destination Image Orientation and Publicity , and develops a feasible promotion scheme with a view to providing a reference for the development of international markets in tourist attractions .
The article is divided into five parts . The first part is the introduction part , the second part to the fifth part is the body part . The second part is the overview of the tourism destination type of the scenic spot , its marketing theory frame , the third part is Jiuzhaogou to open the Australian market . The fourth part is Jiuzhaogou ' s Australian tourist market present situation and the feasibility analysis . The fourth part is to combine the characteristic of Australia market and the Jiuzhaogou image localization , the author put forward the marketing countermeasure scheme . This article lays stress on the maneuverability , tries to integrate the theory research and the practical operation into a whole , provides the practical and characteristic marketing countermeasure for the Jiuzhaogou scenic spot to open up the Australian market .
The first chapter is about the background of the research and the significance of choosing the topic , the literature review , and the research thoughts and methods , which are mainly divided into two parts : foreign and domestic . The research on the tourism destination marketing in the past 10 years has not yet formed the framework of the system .
In the second chapter , the concept and type of tourism destination are identified and divided , the stages and development trend of tourism destination marketing are described , and the theoretical basis of tourism destination marketing is analyzed and summarized .
The third chapter analyzes the necessity and feasibility of exploiting the Australian market in Jiuzhai Valley . First of all , it is necessary to analyze the necessity . It is believed that the development of the international market of Australia can increase the foreign exchange income . In order to avoid the risk of the decline of the number of saturated tourists in the domestic market , and to avoid the risk of declining the number of saturated tourists in the domestic market , this paper points out that the Australian economy is developed , the residents can freely dispose of the income and time , political stability , and the development of marketing propaganda activities . The most important is that the Australian climate is warm , lack of ice and snow scenery , and the winter scenery of Jiuzhaogou is attractive to it .
The fourth chapter is the analysis of the present situation and problems of the tourist market in Australia . First of all , through a series of data and examples , the author points out that the Jiuzhagou scenic spot is not supported in the Australian marketing collection , the number of tourists in Australia wanders , the marketing means and channels are single , and the cost is high . Secondly , the product image localization and design cannot be directly transmitted to tourists in Australia .
The fifth chapter is to put forward the countermeasure of exploiting the international market in Australia based on the problems and the causes of the problem , and put forward the knowledge of marketing , management , regional economics and psychology , which is the core part of the article .
The Australian market is divided and the target market is determined . First , the population characteristics of Australia market are analyzed , the Australian people pursue equal freedom , love and leisure sport , the tourists from Australia to China have strong interest in the ancient Chinese oriental culture , the aim is to take sightseeing tour , business and leisure vacation , the aim is to take sightseeing tour , business and leisure vacation , the aim is to take sightseeing tour , business and leisure vacation , the aim is to take sightseeing tour , business and leisure vacation , in the current stage , the main target market of Australia is locked into : 25 - 55 years old , has certain economic income , has good education , likes the leisure and cultural experience of middle - youth self - service .
2 . According to USP positioning and product plan of tourism image of Jiuzhaizou scenic spot , the author makes use of USP ( Unique Selling Guide ) , which is the unique selling proposition , to determine the tourist image USP of Jiuzhaogou scenic spot by analyzing the geographical vein , venae , core resources , competitor ' s national park , Uluu - Kartaqu national park and the audience of tourist market in Australia .
3 . The marketing channel to open up the Australian market through Jiuzhaogou . Australia is far away from China , the economy is developed , the target group has the characteristics of high degree of education , friendly love and friends , and enjoys self - service and leisure travel . Therefore , it is the key to make the sales channel of Jiuzhaogou be the key to carry out promotional activities . Therefore , it is necessary to make full use of Internet to improve the quantity and quality of information transmission , and make full use of the Internet to improve the quantity and quality of information transmission , and spread the publicity network through international youth hostel in Australia and China .
This section is based on the analysis above , based on the analysis of the previous analysis , four sets of promotion themes are determined on the basis of the four seasons in different seasons , and the combination of folk customs and natural beauty is emphasized .
In the past few years , the research on the national scenic spot has not been compared with the development of domestic market , environmental protection , sustainable development and the inheritance and development of Tibetan and Qiang culture .
The study of Australia ' s international market is due to the special geographical location and climatic environment of Australia , and the existing winter products in Jiuzhai Valley are good supplement . It is of great significance to balance the difference of the season of the passenger flow of Jiuzhai Valley and stabilize the income of the scenic spot . More importantly , the study of the characteristics of the Australian market is of great significance to further study the other tourist market in the southern hemisphere and the developed countries with similar psychological behavior characteristics .
On the basis of the detailed research method , the author designed the English questionnaire to conduct random investigation and deep interview to the Australians who come to Jiuzhaizou tourism . Although the sample size is too small to carry out the empirical research , it also has a positive guidance effect on the countermeasures . The four promotion themes for the Australian market are put forward according to the different scenery in the four seasons of Jiuzhaogou , which has enriched the theory and method of marketing operation in the tourism scenic spot .
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1 席宇斌;李悦铮;冷慧;;澳大利亚旅华客源市场特征与拓展分析[J];世界地理研究;2011年04期