本文选题:涡旋造形 + 象征意义 ; 参考:《山西师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:涡旋造形是大自然界中充满神秘性的造形,本研究认为“涡”主要表现于外在形态,诸如:螺旋、涡纹、螺纹、辐射对称等形态。“旋”则是在传达内在动力,也就是动势(Movement)成因,诸如运行轨迹、旋转力量、回转动力等。所以涡旋必须借由“外在形式”与“内在动力”两者相互构成。就视觉心理而言,由于涡旋形态符合人类深层潜意识内的美感图腾,同时在象征意义上又具有生生不息、绵延不绝的生命力特质,因此不分古今中外男女老少对此图案都有特别偏好,最后本研究共归纳出以下三项结论: 首先,在涡旋造形的原始艺术的象征意义上,本研究共归纳成“天涡、地涡、人涡”三个范畴,其中“天涡”属于自然天象的范畴,是世界各民族最早想要表现涡旋形态的代表性图腾,其象征意义包括:自然力量、借助神力、延续生命、神话传说、循环再生、宗教信仰等。“地涡”属于动物与植物纹的双重组合,其象征意义包括:身分地位、生殖繁衍、辟邪除煞、阴阳调和、民族文化、警戒注意等。“人涡”属于人类思维意识的空间,其象征意义包括:意识形态、生命原型、演化繁衍、身体结构、新陈代谢、均衡比例、潜意识等。 其次,分析涡旋造型的形态构成与审美价值。由于该图像从古至今皆被人类广泛使用,探讨涡旋造形的形态构成与审美价值就显得尤为重要。基于本研究的建构与需求,本研究以个案分析法对其在设计中的运用进行考证、剖析、研究,试图把握涡旋造型的形态构成规律是如何与审美价值相融合的。 最后,在设计的应用上,本研究认为涡旋造形如果要发挥到极致,就必须要同时考虑“外在的图像表现”与“内在的象征意义”两项要素。经由分析可了解涡旋造形所能表现的视觉张力与幻想空间其实是非常强的,如果善加运用涡旋符号于海报设计、广告设计、展示设计等设计上,或许可以造成更强的视觉注目性与记忆性。总而言之,涡旋的视觉语言其实是充满许多的想象空间。
[Abstract]:Vortex is a mysterious form in nature. In this study, the "vortex" is mainly manifested in external forms, such as spiral, vortex, thread, radiation symmetry and so on. "spin" is to convey the internal motive force, that is, the motive force, such as the track of movement, the force of rotation, the motive force of rotation and so on. Therefore, vortex must be composed of external form and internal force. As far as visual psychology is concerned, because the vortex form accords with the aesthetic totem in the deep subconscious mind of human beings, at the same time, it has the characteristics of endless and endless vitality in the symbolic sense. Therefore, men, women and children of all ages have a special preference for this pattern. In the end, this study concludes the following three conclusions: First of all, in the symbolic sense of the primitive art of vortex formation, this study is divided into three categories: "celestial vortex", "earth vortex" and "human vortex", among which "celestial vortex" belongs to the category of natural celestial phenomena. It is the representative totem that every nation in the world wants to express vortex form, its symbolic meaning includes: natural force, with the help of divine power, continuing life, myth and legend, recycling, religious belief and so on. The "earth vortex" belongs to the combination of animal and plant stripes. Its symbolic significance includes: status, reproduction and reproduction, dispelling evil spirits and eliminating evil spirits, harmony of yin and yang, national culture, warning and attention. The "human vortex" belongs to the space of human thought consciousness. Its symbolic meaning includes ideology, life archetype, evolution and reproduction, body structure, metabolism, balanced proportion, subconscious and so on. Secondly, the form composition and aesthetic value of vortex modeling are analyzed. Since the image has been widely used from ancient to present, it is very important to discuss the form and aesthetic value of vortex. Based on the construction and demand of this study, this study uses the case analysis method to verify, analyze and study the application of the vortex modeling in the design, trying to grasp how the form of the vortex modeling is integrated with the aesthetic value. Finally, in the application of the design, this study holds that if the vortex shape is to reach the maximum, it must consider both "external image representation" and "intrinsic symbolism". Through analysis, we can understand that the visual tension and fantasy space that the vortex shape can represent is very strong. If the vortex symbols are used in poster design, advertising design, display design and so on, Perhaps it can lead to more visual attention and memory. In a word, the visual language of vortex is filled with a lot of imagination space.
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