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发布时间:2018-05-30 00:04

  本文选题:期刊 + 新闻周刊 ; 参考:《四川大学》2007年博士论文

【摘要】: 上世纪90年代,新闻类周刊从众多类别的期刊中脱颖而出,经过十余年风风雨雨的磨砺,这个以深度报道、深入分析、深刻思考见长的期刊群,已经成长为一股有相当影响力的媒介力量,而头顶着“中国第一周刊”、“中国的《时代》”、“新经济中成功的新媒体”等诸多光环的《三联生活周刊》(以下简称《三联》)无疑是其中的佼佼者。无论发行量、广告收入及在主流人群中的影响力,《三联》都无愧于这些美誉。本论文选取《三联》为个案研究样本,采用定量与定性分析相结合,内容分析与文本阐释相结合等多种方法,综合运用传播学、新闻学、文艺学、社会学、符号学、美学、经济学等多学科理论,围绕期刊核心价值建设这一中心问题,对《三联》的文本构成、品牌建设、品牌经营等进行了深入的剖析,力图发现《三联》经过短短十余年发展,取得非凡成就的深层次原因,为中国期刊业在WTO的新形势下,打造强势品牌,参与国际竞争,提供有益的启示。 《三联》由著名的大众文化书店——三联书店主办,它的前身是邹韬奋创办的《生活》周刊。但显赫的出身,光荣的历史并没能让《三联》在市场化道路上一帆风顺。从1993年3月钱钢以执行主编进入周刊,到1995年8月朱伟接手周刊,短短两年时间,《三联》已“五易主编,四换投资方”。不仅如此,由于资金等原因,《三联》曾两度休刊,面临生死考验。在如此艰难的局势下,《三联》是靠什么走出困境,成为今天无可争议的“第一”的呢?这个问题一直困扰着笔者。在大量查阅了相关资料,阅读了《三联》400多期杂志,与《三联》有关人士交流之后,一个词语跳了出来——核心价值。《三联》的成功由此得释,笔者所有的疑团也得以解开。 基于这样的思考,笔者将核心价值作为本论文的基本立足点。所谓期刊的核心价值是指刊物独具的,长期积累形成的,已融入到期刊内质、支撑期刊品牌的竞争优势,是期刊在经营和发展中胜过竞争对手的核心资源和能力的总称。具体地说,它是期刊以其主体业务为核心形成的,能够赢得受众、占领市场、获得最佳社会效益和经济效益,并在众多期刊中保持独特竞争优势的资源和能力。①核心价值是与核心竞争力相挂钩的,核心竞争力来自于核心价值。对于一份刊物来说,核心价值是其本质和永恒的原则,它有助于期刊形成内容特色、经营特色,是刊物立足的根本和存在的原因,刊社据此获得超越其它竞争对手的独特能力,从而争取到最大的市场份额。这里“核心”一词所指的,不仅仅是重要的,而且必须是独特的,为别的竞争对手很难复制的。作为生产文化产品的期刊,刊物要靠内容的厚实与独特打天下,在差异化中,彰显刊物的独特魅力,提高受众对自己的认知度,并进一步扩大影响力。 核心价值往往具有深层次的文化内涵。在笔者看来,《三联》的核心价值首先体现为理想、信念、责任。三联人的工作、生活状态,以及《三联》文本都播散着一种积极向上的生活哲学——一群有理想的人一起创办一份有理想的杂志,团结一批有理想的读者。它支撑着《三联》走过成长过程中的一段段艰难的路程,激励着三联人以近乎无情的高标准要求自己:其次,它是一种对人类、对世界的深切的人文关怀,这是《三联》关注和报道任何一桩新闻事件时的精神内核;再次,《三联》的核心价值还体现在它独特的新闻主张上,《三联》的新闻理念是:以新闻作为由头,用文化批评的方式,对新闻进行文化讨论,或者文化评述,即新闻的文化解读,追求文化的当下性以及新闻的历史感;此外,独特的新闻视角,鲜明的叙述风格等也是《三联》核心价值体系的重要组成部分,它们成为《三联》区别于其他刊物的标志性特征。在十一年的发展中,它们伴随三联人从各种困境走出来,并保证了刊物鲜明的个性,使《三联》成为众多期刊中独特的“这一个”。 《三联》的核心价值并非它的名门出身而与生俱来的,也不会在短时间内形成。在笔者看来,《三联》的核心价值是在一个个痛苦的挫折,一次次的艰难的采访,一篇篇精彩的报道中,逐渐形成并明确的,因此,笔者将《三联》的发展历程看成是其核心价值的“显影”过程。在第一章中,笔者力图通过对《三联》十年历程的回顾,追溯并还原这一过程。本章的第一节重点介绍时政新闻类周刊在上世纪末爆发性复兴的社会政治背景,用媒介生态学观点观照《三联》成长的历史语境与媒介环境;第二节中,通过对《三联》“十年一刊”过程中一些关键细节与重大事件的梳理,于事件的感性呈现中,归纳出《三联》的核心价值。笔者细致地展现这个过程,,并突出其艰难与曲折,其意义在于,对于当下期刊市场内那些没有形成自己的核心价值,在迷茫中徘徊,在痛苦中挣扎的众多期刊来说,经历过希望、迷惘,最终成就卓著的《三联》,为它们提供了一个可以借鉴的范本。 第二章中,笔者从期刊核心价值与品牌关系的角度,对《三联》的核心价值与品牌优势做了描述。第一节以生态位理论对新闻类周刊这个刊群进行考察。笔者认为,之所以在当今中国的期刊市场中,新闻类周刊之间的竞争还没有达到白热化的地步,除了市场空间相对较为宽松外,更重要的是生态位造就的各刊物间的差异化生存,使这些看似内容定位、读者定位都很近似的期刊有各自的生存空间;第二节笔者从文本与历史的角度,重点揭示《三联》的核心价值是如何得到提炼、升华,并最终凝固于《三联》的品牌形象中的。说明《三联》的品牌形象通过核心价值得以确立,核心价值又通过品牌传播不断得到弘扬,在核心价值与品牌形象的相互成就中,《三联》的市场地位日趋稳固,品牌声望逐步提高。 第三章,笔者通过对《三联》的视觉传播元素的研究,探讨核心价值对期刊的视觉传播的深刻影响。第一节中,笔者重点放在探讨封面视觉符号的冲击力。封面视觉符号包括期刊的刊名、刊徽、封面图片、封面标题、标准色等封面诸元素,其功能主要是吸引书摊旁过往的潜在读者。对于读图时代的办刊人而言,封面的视觉冲击力是不能不追求的刊物外在形象。《三联》的封面设计不求炫目、刺激,但求有鲜明的个性。它讲求文化性与新闻性的结合,以个性化的视觉识别标识,让读者过目不忘。在第二节里,笔者对《三联》的内页视觉系统进行了研究,重点放在内页的目录、栏目构成、版式特征、内文照片与插图、内文标题等方面。它们要实现的功能与封面视觉元素有共同之处——吸引读者。只是途径有细微差别:封面视觉符号重在以视觉冲击力吸引读者眼球,而内页的视觉系统主要是通过对杂志内容的展示吸引读者。 第四章中,笔者以对《三联》内文的文本细读为基础,从新闻语言、新闻书写、细节追求以及特色栏目等几个方面研究《三联》独具特色的内容,展现《三联》的独特魅力。第一节重点研究《三联》的新闻语言特征。笔者认为,《三联》语言的生动、幽默、富于韵味。但是,这一语言特点不是靠用词花哨来实现的,而主要是用法的创新来完成的;第二节,笔者从新闻的两个维度和四个象限入手,考察《三联》的新闻选题、切入角度、以及《三联》增强新闻可读性的特别手法:第三节,笔者讨论了《三联》一贯强调的“细节”。这个从钱钢时代就被《三联》各级领导反复强调的新闻报道手法,虽然已经被很多同类刊物借鉴,但仍是《三联》不变的法宝,笔者归纳其意义有四:l、保证新闻深度的需要,2、确保新闻真实的需要,3、增强新闻形象的需要,4、规避新闻风险的需要:第四节主要是对《三联》历史最悠久的栏目之一——“读者来信”的研究。对于成功的期刊来说,读者的反馈,编读之间的感情交流是非常重要的。笔者以营销学上的250人定律,讨论读者来信栏目对培养读者对刊物的情感忠诚,心理依赖的作用;用议程设置理论,考察读者来信对《三联》议程的影响;同时,用涵化理论、两级流动传播(two-step flow of communication)来研究《三联》对它的读者、以及其读者之间相互的深刻影响。 第五章,笔者将阐述在核心价值语境下的《三联》广告。在本章中,笔者采用点面结合的手法,先在第一节中分析了期刊的广告经营优势,然后,在第二节里具体阐述《三联》特色的广告。需要说明的是,本章虽论及《三联》广告经营方面的一些特点,但《三联》的编辑工作与广告业务是分开的。1998年4月,他们就与北京天意华正式签约,将《三联》的广告经营交由后者独家代理,所以,笔者在对《三联》广告进行研究时,重点关注的不是广告的商业经营,而是作为刊物内容的一部分呈现于刊物中的广告形态。笔者试图通过这样的研究,揭示《三联》广告风格与刊物内容的关系,探讨刊物的广告定位问题。
[Abstract]:In the 90s of last century, news weekly came to the fore from many categories of periodicals, and after more than ten years of rain and rain, the periodical group, which was deeply reported, deeply analyzed and deeply thought, has grown into a powerful media force, and the "China first weekly", "China's < times >", "new", "new", "new", "new", "new", "new", "new", "new", "new", "new", "new", "new", "new", "new", "new", "new", "new", "new" No matter the quantity, the advertising revenue and the influence in the mainstream, it is worthy of the reputation. This paper selects the "triple" as a case study sample, combining quantitative and qualitative analysis. With the combination of volume analysis and text interpretation, the multi-disciplinary theories of communication, journalism, literature, literature, sociology, semiotics, aesthetics, economics and other disciplines are integrated, and the central issue of core value construction of periodicals is discussed, and the text composition, brand construction and brand management of the "three links >" are deeply analyzed in order to find the "three links >" After more than ten years of development and the profound reasons for the remarkable achievement, the Chinese periodical industry will create a strong brand and participate in international competition in the new situation of WTO, and provide useful inspiration.
It was sponsored by the famous mass culture bookstore, the three league bookstore, whose predecessor was life > weekly, which was founded by Zou Taofen. But the glorious history and glorious history did not make it smooth on the market road. From March 1993, Qian steel carried out the editor in the weekly magazine, and in August 1995, Zhu Wei took over the weekly magazine, just two years, < triple > has been "five easy to editor, four for investors". Not only that, because of funds and other reasons, the "three links >" has been suspended twice, facing the test of life and death. In such a difficult situation, what is the "three union >" to get out of the dilemma and become the undisputed "first"? This question has been plaguing the author. Read a lot of relevant information, read a lot. After reading the three >400 multi term magazine and communicating with the people concerned, a word jumped out - the core value. The success of the triple union was released, and all the doubts of the author were unraveled.
Based on such thinking, the core value of the author is the basic foothold of this paper. The core value of the periodical is that the periodical is unique and accumulates for a long time. It has been integrated into the Periodicals' quality and supports the competitive advantage of the periodical brand. It is the general name of the core resources and ability of the periodicals to be better than the competitors in the operation and development. It says that it is the core of a periodical with its main business as the core. It can win the audience, occupy the market, obtain the best social and economic benefits, and maintain the unique competitive advantages and resources in a number of periodicals. The core value is the essence and the perpetual principle. It helps the periodical to form the characteristics of the content, the management features, the fundamental and existence of the journal's foothold. According to this, the journal has the unique ability to surpass the other competitors and thus strives for the maximum market share. It must be unique and difficult to replicate for other competitors. As a periodical of production culture products, the publication depends on the content and the uniqueness of the world. In the difference, it highlights the unique charm of the publication, improves the recognition of the audience, and further expands its influence.
The core values of the core tend to have deep cultural connotations. In my view, the core values of the triple play are first embodied in ideals, beliefs, responsibilities. The work of the triad, the state of life, and the text of the triple play a positive philosophy of life - a group of ideal people set up an ideal magazine together. There is an ideal reader. It supports the triplet of a difficult journey in the course of its growth and encourages the triple people to ask themselves with the high standards of near merciless. Secondly, it is a deep humanistic concern for human beings and the world. This is the spiritual kernel of the "three links >" and the report of any news event; thirdly, the triple Union. The core value of it is also reflected in its unique news claims. The news concept of "three links" is a cultural discussion of news, or cultural commentary, cultural interpretation of news, the pursuit of cultural immediacy and the sense of history of the news, in addition, a distinctive news perspective, and a distinct narrative. Style, which is also an important part of the core value system of the "triple", has become a landmark characteristic of the triple play, which is distinguished from other publications. In the development of the eleven years, they come out of various plight and ensure the distinctive personality of the journal, making the trilogy a unique "this one" in many periodicals.
The core value of the "three ties" is not born with the birth of its name, nor is it formed in a short time. In my opinion, the core value of the "three ties" is a painful setback, a difficult interview, a wonderful story and a clear story. Therefore, I think of the course of the "three ties >" as its course. In the first chapter, the first section of this chapter focuses on the social and political background of the sudden revival of the current political news magazine in the end of the last century, and the view of the historical context and media of the "three links >" growth with the view of media ecology. In the second section, through the carding of some key details and major events in the course of the "ten year one issue", the core value of the "triple" is summed up in the perceptual presentation of the event. The author carefully displays the process and highlights its difficulties and twists and turns. The significance lies in the fact that those in the current periodical market have not been formed from themselves. The core values of their own, wandering in the confused and struggling in the pain of many periodicals, have experienced hope, lost, and the ultimate achievement of the "three links >", for them to provide a model for reference.
In the second chapter, the author makes a description of the core value and brand advantage of the "Sanlian" from the perspective of the core value and brand relationship of the journal. The first section is based on the ecological niche theory to investigate the news weekly group. The author thinks that the reason why the competition between the newspapers and periodicals has not been white hot in the current Chinese periodical market. In addition to the relatively loose market space, the more important is the differential existence between the various journals created by the niche, which makes the periodicals which seem to be located and the readers are all similar to the readers have their own living space; the second section, from the point of view of the text and history, reveals how the core value of the "three links >" is raised. It shows that the brand image of the triple play is established through the core value, and the core value is continuously promoted through the brand communication. In the mutual achievement of the core value and brand image, the market position of the triple play is increasingly stable and the reputation of the brand is gradually improved.
In the third chapter, through the study of the visual communication elements of the "three links", the author probes into the profound influence of the core value on the visual communication of the journal. In the first section, the author focuses on the impact of the cover visual symbols. The cover visual symbols include the journal titles, the emblem, the cover picture, the cover title, the standard color and other elements, and the merits of the cover. It is a potential reader to attract the bookstall. The visual impact of the cover is the external image of a publication that can't be pursued. The cover design of the "triple" is not dazzling, exciting but with a distinct personality. It is a combination of culture and news, personalized visual identification and reading. In the second section, the author studied the inner page visual system of the triple play, focusing on the contents of the internal page, the composition of the columns, the layout features, the pictures and illustrations of the inner text, the title of the inner text, and so on. The functions they have to be realized are in common with the visual elements of the cover. The visual symbol focuses on attracting readers' attention by visual impact, and the visual system of the inside page is mainly to attract readers through the display of magazine contents.
In the fourth chapter, on the basis of the detailed reading of the text of the "three links", the author studies the unique features of the three links from the news language, the news writing, the detail pursuit and the special columns. The first section focuses on the study of the features of the news language of the triple play. However, the language characteristics are not realized by words, but mainly by the use of innovation. The second section, from the two dimensions and the four quadrants of the news, examines the topic of the news, the angle of entry, and the special technique to enhance the readability of the new news: the third section, the author discussed < It has been repeatedly emphasized by the leaders of different levels from the times of money steel. Although it has been used by many similar publications, it is still the same magic weapon. The author concludes that the meaning is four: l, the need to ensure the depth of the news, 2, to ensure the real needs of the news, 3, enhance the news image. The need for, 4, to avoid the need for news risk: the fourth section is mainly a study of "reader letters", one of the most long history columns. For successful periodicals, readers' feedback and emotional communication between readers are very important. The author uses the 250 law of marketing to discuss the reading of readers' letter columns. The effect of the emotional loyalty and psychological dependence on the journal; using the agenda setting theory to examine the influence of the reader's letter on the agenda of the "triple"; at the same time, with the acculturation theory and the two-step flow of communication (of communication) to study the three links to its readers and the profound influence of their readers.
In the fifth chapter, the author will elaborate on the advertisement of "triple play" in the context of core value. In this chapter, the author uses a combination of points and faces to analyze the advertising advantages of the periodical in the first section, and then, in the second section, specifically expounds the advertisement of the "three links >". In April, the editing and advertising business of the "three league" was separated from the advertising business. They signed a formal contract with Beijing Tian Yi Hua in April. Therefore, when I studied the "triple" advertising, the author focused not on the commercial business of advertising but as a part of the content of the publication. In this paper, the author tries to reveal the relationship between the advertising style and the content of the magazine and explore the advertisement positioning of the journal.


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1 本报记者 黄继汇;新闻周刊 扭亏为盈不容易[N];中国证券报;2010年

2 本报记者 晋雅芬;《中国新闻周刊》:“金庸去世”事件让我们全面反省[N];中国新闻出版报;2011年

3 实习记者 王蕾;经济日报《安全生产新闻周刊》创刊[N];山西经济日报;2010年

4 ;杂志用微博的N种模式[N];中国图书商报;2010年

5 陈彬;警惕微博“为恶”[N];科技日报;2010年

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7 戴红兵;经济新闻周刊的平民化操作[N];中国新闻出版报;2010年

8 赵学勇;跨学科视域中的当代文学期刊研究[N];光明日报;2007年

9 康慨;越来越软的封面[N];中华读书报;2001年

10 本报记者 程朋;高端访谈数字出版的赢家和输家[N];电脑报;2011年

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3 吉崇敏;《文学季刊》与1930年代文学[D];吉林大学;2006年

4 张勇;前期创造社期刊研究[D];山东师范大学;2006年

5 刘晓丽;1939-1945年东北地区文学期刊研究[D];华东师范大学;2005年

6 李明德;当代中国文化语境中的文学期刊研究[D];兰州大学;2006年

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5 陈晓;从美国新闻周刊模式探析中国新闻周刊的发展之路[D];四川大学;2003年

6 张博;媒介分析:新闻第二落点研究[D];吉林大学;2011年

7 徐琳琳;分众传播时代《中国新闻周刊》的报道策划研究[D];山东师范大学;2012年

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9 许莹;中国新闻周刊议题构建现状分析[D];河南大学;2003年

10 闫洁;我国新闻周刊的市场定位分析[D];河南大学;2005年




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