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发布时间:2018-06-02 17:41

  本文选题:内蒙古丰镇市 + 月饼消费 ; 参考:《西南财经大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文是一篇关于内蒙古丰镇市居民月饼消费的调查研究报告。研究对象为丰镇市城镇月饼消费者。这种以月饼消费者为基本出发点的调查研究,有助于探究丰镇市居民月饼消费的行为和偏好等方面的特征,有利于月饼生产商在月饼开发中充分考虑月饼消费者的需求和偏好,开发出更容易被消费者喜欢的月饼品种和口味,避免盲目投资。并且通过与其他地方的月饼消费情况进行比较分析,可以得出丰镇月饼消费的优点和缺陷,有助于丰镇月饼在今后的发展中发扬其优点,弥补其不足,有助于丰镇月饼品牌的形成并推向全国市场。 研究方法主要采用了文献收集与问卷调查相结合的方式进行。在调查形式上,将丰镇市月饼消费者关心的问题设计成问卷,进行量化分析,以便于弄清楚月饼消费群体的特征、消费行为、消费偏好、消费评价等方面的内容。本研究主要通过两种途径收集调查数据:第一,文献法。广泛阅读和查阅相关文献,并对此进行重新梳理和分析,形成本文研究的思路和起点;第二,问卷调查法。笔者通过在丰镇市实地调查,获得宝贵的第一手调查数据,重点了解当前月饼消费者的消费行为、消费偏好、消费评价等的基本状况。此外,笔者还将丰镇市月饼消费状况与福州市月饼消费的问卷调查数据进行了比较分析,得出丰镇月饼消费存在的优缺点,以使丰镇月饼在以后的发展中扬长避短。 本文采用文献收集、问卷调查、数据处理和实证分析思路来考察丰镇市月饼消费者的群体构成、消费行为、消费偏好、消费评价等方面内容,探讨不同收入、不同文化程度、不同性别、不同年龄及不同家庭人口数的人群在丰镇月饼消费中表现出的差异性,并试图找到影响其月饼消费的原因。具体来说本文通过以下几个方面展开论述,也即本文的主要结构: 第一章为本文的导论部分。详细介绍了本文的研究背景、目的和意义;对相关研究文献进行了系统的回顾和梳理,主要是对国内月饼营销、月饼包装和月饼消费的文献进行了综述和归纳;在文献阅读和回顾的基础上,形成了本文的研究思路、研究方法和内容结构的初步研究框架。 第二章对内蒙古丰镇市月饼消费状况进行调研分析。首先对丰镇市月饼消费市场现状和月饼生产经营情况进行了简要介绍。其次,本文通过调查问卷的方式共收集了200份有效样本,从丰镇市居民月饼消费的群体特征、消费行为、消费偏好、消费评价等几个方面对问卷调查所得到的数据进行了频数分析、交叉分析。得到结论:(1)丰镇市居民的月饼消费行为方面,80%以上的人群具有消费意愿,消费比例最高在21—-30岁年龄段。相对而言,具有购买月饼行为的女性略多于男性。在消费方式上,丰镇消费者总体上大多是托厂家直接制作月饼,只从市场上购买的很少。其中,托厂家制作的消费人群比例以女性和40岁以上年龄段为最高,文化程度和收入水平较高的消费者会更倾向于从市场上直接购买月饼。总体来讲,丰镇市居民对丰镇月饼的消费量比其他周边地区的消费量都大。由于月饼这种食品的时令性,大部居民会在中秋节前一周购买,也有不少居民于中秋节前一个月就开始购买。同时,随着销售渠道的拓宽,消费者购买月饼的地点越来越呈现多元化的趋势。收入提高后,人们会选择更加卫生、食品质量更有保证的销售点去购买月饼。另外,消费者获取月饼消费信息的渠道主要还是靠亲友介绍。通过报刊、网络、电视获取信息的主要只是21—30岁的年轻人和大学组。出于中秋节这个节日特殊的象征意义,大部分消费者购买月饼的目的都是自家消费。与家人在中秋一起吃月饼、赏月,共享天伦之乐。只为自己买来吃的主要是21-30岁年龄段的消费群,以送礼为目的而购买月饼的多以处于事业上升期的35—40岁的男性居多。对于价格,绝大多数消费者认为,目前丰镇月饼的价格比较合适,和那些苏式、京式等月饼相比,丰镇月饼的确是货真价实,在价位上深得消费者的信赖。(2)在丰镇市居民的消费偏好方面,消费者因性别、年龄的不同,对月饼口味和馅料的偏好存在较大差异。对月饼的消费需求越来越呈现多元化的趋势。针对不同性别、不同年龄段的消费者,开发出多种适合他们各自需求偏好的月饼口味和馅料,即口味、馅料的多样化和差异化,是今后月饼生产企业应该大力拓展的方向。(3)丰镇市居民对月饼消费的评价方面,虽然丰镇月饼的总体质量和卫生条件方面在消费者的心目中形象较差,大部分消费者并不确定丰镇月饼的质量是否安全。但是消费者还是很亲睐丰镇月饼的,并且大多数人群对其未来持积极的态度,相信其将来能有更好的发展。 第三章在调研的基础上,把丰镇市月饼消费与福州市的月饼消费进行了比较,提出丰镇市月饼消费的优点:(1)价格便宜实惠:福州市月饼价格大约是丰镇市月饼价格的46倍;(2)重口味、轻形式:丰镇月饼味道香甜可口,形式上却通常是无馅、“裸装”或只有很简单的包装;(3)自己制作、消费量大:44%的丰镇消费者会自己托厂家制作月饼,并且其消费量至少是福州市的2倍;(4)贮存时间长:通常丰镇月饼能贮存半年之久,而福州市月饼只能贮存45-60天;(5)月饼消费较理性:丰镇市消费者购买月饼时重质量,轻包装,消费观念较为理性。同时也指出了丰镇月饼存在的缺陷:(1)缺乏品牌意识:75%的福州市民对月饼品牌很重视,而丰镇市只有49%的居民看重月饼品牌;(2)包装太简单:福州市月饼包装精致,外观小巧、表面花样各异,而丰镇月饼外观丑陋,始终“裸体”或只有合理的“衣着”;(3)消费品种单一:与福州市品种丰富、口味多样的月饼相比较,丰镇市月饼的品种显得较单一;(4)广告宣传不足:亲友介绍和商场还是丰镇消费者最主要的获取月饼消费信息的渠道,电视、报刊所占的百分比很小;(5)月饼质量不高:44.5%的被访者对丰镇月饼的质量安全问题表示不确定,而福州市64%的消费者对月饼的质量很放心。 第四章从消费者、生产者、社会其他方面三个角度,对影响内蒙古丰镇市月饼消费的几个主要因素进行分析:月饼需求方面剖析的影响因素包括收入水平和消费者偏好;月饼供给方面剖析的影响因素有月饼的价格、月饼的质量、技术因素、销售服务及购买的便利性;社会其他方面剖析的因素主要包括人口增长及其结构的变化、地域文化及传统习惯。 第五章针对丰镇市月饼消费的状况,从月饼需求、月饼供给、社会及其它三大方面提出了促进内蒙古丰镇市居民月饼消费的对策和建议。关于月饼需求的对策建议:第一,加快社会经济发展步伐,不断提高居民的收入水平;第二,对消费者进行消费引导工作,培养消费者的品牌意识;第三,挖掘农村消费市场潜力;第四,利用新闻媒体加强丰镇月饼的宣传。关于月饼供给的对策建议:第一,着眼大局,制定科学的月饼产业发展规划;第二,注重产品质量,关注月饼的质量和食品安全;第三,完善月饼的销售服务;第四,政府应加大对丰镇月饼扶持力度,引进技术人员和先进生产设备。关于社会其他方面的对策建议:第一,.加大对月饼新品种的研发力度;第二,适当包装,注重产品美观。 本研究可能的创新和不足简单归纳如下: 本研究可能的创新: 第一,作为传统节日食品的月饼,带有浓厚的地方特色,区域不同,其口味、品质、价格、以及所蕴涵的意义等也会有所不同,它具有很强的区域性。丰镇市月饼有其不同于我国其他地区的独特特征,丰镇月饼一直以素面示人,从不用繁多的华丽包装,它包装简单、甚至裸装,但却味道香甜,入口醇香浓厚,令人回味无穷。所以它值得去深入研究,也有利于把丰镇月饼推向全国市场。 第二,《福州市居民月饼消费行为研究》只是对福州当地的月饼消费进行的研究,而本研究对丰镇市月饼消费研究的基础上,把丰镇市与福州市的月饼消费情况进行了对比分析。这样有利于发挥丰镇月饼的优点,弥补其不足,可以促进丰镇月饼市场的健康发展。 从论文开题、问卷设计、问卷调查实施、数据录入整理到论文写作过程中尽管笔者做了很多努力和工作,但本文的研究还不是尽善尽美,还存在着一些不足之处: 第一,调查的范围较小、样本量有待扩大。由于笔者时间和精力有限,加之经费的限制,本文在数据采取过程中对样本采取范围和样本量都进行了相应缩减,如果能进行更大范围的调查和采取更多的数据样本,其研究结果将会更有说服力。 第二,调查数据的分析还有待深入。由于笔者才疏学浅、时间有限,在运用Excel统计软件分析的时候,只进行了初步的频数分析和简单的交叉分析。如果能够再进行深入的研究,进行必要的因子分析、回归分析等,相信会有更有价值的研究成果和发现。
[Abstract]:This paper is an investigation report on the consumption of moon cake in Fengzhen city of Inner Mongolia. The research object is the consumer of moon cake in Fengzhen city. The investigation and Research on the basic starting point of the moon cake consumers will help to explore the characteristics of the behavior and preference of the moon cake consumption in Fengzhen, which is beneficial to the moon cake manufacturer in the opening of the moon cake. It takes full consideration of the demand and preference of the moon cake consumers, develops the variety and taste of the moon cake which is easier to be liked by the consumers, and avoids blind investment. And through the comparison and analysis of the consumption situation of the moon cake in other places, we can get the advantages and defects of the Fengzhen moon cake consumption, which will help the Fengzhen moon cake to develop in the future development. Advantages and make up for its shortcomings will help to form the brand of moon cakes in Fengzhen and push them into the national market.
The research method is mainly used in the way of literature collection and questionnaire investigation. In the form of investigation, the problem of Fengzhen moon cake consumers' concern is designed as a questionnaire and quantitative analysis is carried out to make it easy to understand the characteristics of the consumer group, consumption behavior, consumption, consumption evaluation and so on. This research is mainly through the research. The two way collection of survey data: first, literature, extensive reading and consulting related literature, and re combing and analyzing this, to form the thinking and starting point of this study; second, questionnaire survey method. Through the field survey in Fengzhen, the author obtained valuable first hand survey data, focusing on the consumer consumption of the current moon cake. The basic situation of behavior, consumption preference, consumption evaluation and so on. In addition, the author also compares the consumption status of Fengzhen moon cake and the questionnaire survey data of Fuzhou moon cake consumption, and obtains the advantages and disadvantages of the existence of Fengzhen moon cakes in order to make the Fengzhen moon cakes develop in the future.
This article uses literature collection, questionnaire survey, data processing and empirical analysis to investigate the group composition, consumption behavior, consumption preference, consumption evaluation and other aspects of Fengzhen moon cake consumers, and discuss the different income, different cultural degree, different sex, different age and family population in Fengzhen moon cake consumption table. The differences between them are discussed and the reasons for affecting the consumption of moon cakes are discussed.
The first chapter is the introductory part of this article. It introduces the background, purpose and significance of the study in detail, and systematically reviews and combs the relevant research literature, mainly summarizing and summarizing the literature of domestic moon cake marketing, moon cake packaging and moon cake consumption; on the basis of literature reading and review, this paper has formed the study of this paper. A preliminary research framework for thinking, research methods and content structure.
The second chapter makes a survey and Analysis on the consumption status of moon cake in Fengzhen, Inner Mongolia. First, this paper briefly introduces the status of the moon cake consumption market and the production and operation of moon cake in Fengzhen. Secondly, this paper collects 200 valid samples through the questionnaire, from the group characteristics, consumption behavior and consumption bias of Fengzhen residents' moon cake consumption. Well, the consumption evaluation and other aspects of the data obtained by the questionnaire survey were analyzed and cross analyzed. The conclusions were as follows: (1) more than 80% of the population of Fengzhen residents have the willingness to consume, and the highest consumption ratio is from 21 to -30 years. In the way of consumption, most of the consumers in Fengzhen are making mooncakes directly from the manufacturers, only a few of them are purchased from the market. Among them, the proportion of the consumer groups made by the manufacturers is the highest in women and over the age of 40 years, and the higher level of cultural and income levels will be more inclined to buy the moon cakes directly from the market. In terms of the consumption of Fengzhen moon cakes in Fengzhen, the consumption of moon cakes is larger than that of other surrounding areas. Because of the seasonal nature of the moon cakes, the large residents will buy it a week before the Mid Autumn Festival, and many residents begin to buy a month before the Mid Autumn Festival. Meanwhile, with the widening of the sales channels, the place for consumers to buy moon cakes is growing. When income increases, people will choose to buy mooncakes which are more hygienic and more guaranteed by the quality of the food. In addition, the main channel for consumers to obtain the information of the moon cake consumption is mainly by the relatives and friends. The main source of information acquisition through newspapers, networks, and television is only 21 to 30 year old young people and university groups. The special symbolic meaning of the autumn festival is that most consumers buy moon cakes for their own consumption. They eat moon cakes, enjoy the moon and share the music with their family in the Mid Autumn Festival. They buy only for themselves, the 21-30 year old age group, and buy the moon cakes at 35 to 40 years old for the purpose of giving gifts for the purpose of giving gifts. The majority of men. For the price, the overwhelming majority of consumers believe that the price of Fengzhen moon cake is more suitable, compared with those of the Soviet style and Beijing style moon cakes, Fengzhen moon cakes are really real, and the consumers trust in the price. (2) the consumption of Fengzhen residents is good, the consumers are different to the moon cake because of their sex and age. The consumer demand for the moon cake is more and more diversified. For different sexes, consumers of different ages have developed a variety of taste and stuffing, which are suitable for their respective needs, that is, the variety and difference of the filling, which should be expanded in the future. (3) Fengzhen residents of the evaluation of the moon cake consumption, although the overall quality and health conditions of Fengzhen moon cakes in the consumer's image is poor, most consumers are not sure whether the quality of Fengzhen moon cake is safe. But consumers are still very popular with Fengzhen moon cakes, and most people are holding up their future. A great attitude, I believe that it will have a better development in the future.
On the basis of the investigation, the third chapter compares the consumption of Fengzhen moon cake with the consumption of moon cake in Fuzhou, and puts forward the advantages of the moon cake consumption in Fengzhen: (1) the price is cheap and real: the price of the moon cake in Fuzhou is about 46 times the price of the moon cake in Fengzhen; (2) heavy taste and light form: the taste of Fengzhen moon cake is sweet and delicious, but it is usually in the form. It is no stuffing, "naked" or only very simple packing; (3) make it, consumption is big: 44% of Fengzhen consumers will make moon cakes by their own manufacturers, and their consumption is at least 2 times that of Fuzhou; (4) long storage time: usually Fengzhen moon cakes can be stored for half a year, and Fuzhou moon cakes can only be stored for 45-60 days; (5) moon cake consumption More rational: Fengzhen consumers buy the moon cake heavy quality, light packaging, consumption concept more rational. At the same time, it also points out the defects of Fengzhen moon cake: (1) lack of brand awareness: 75% of Fuzhou citizens pay much attention to the moon cake brand, and only 49% of the residents in Fengzhen value the moon cake brand; (2) the packaging is too simple: Fuzhou moon cake packaging Exquisite, small appearance, different surface patterns, and Fengzhen moon cake appearance is ugly, always "naked" or only reasonable "clothes"; (3) a single consumer variety: compared with Fuzhou rich variety, variety of mooncakes, Fengzhen moon cakes are relatively single; (4) insufficient advertising: relatives and friends introduction and shopping mall or Fengzhen The main consumer access to the moon cake consumption information channels, the percentage of television, newspapers and periodicals is very small; (5) the quality of the moon cake is not high: 44.5% of the respondents to the quality and safety of Fengzhen moon cake is uncertain, and 64% of the consumers in Fuzhou are very assured of the quality of the moon cake.
The fourth chapter, from three aspects of consumers, producers and other social aspects, analyzes the main factors that affect the consumption of moon cakes in Fengzhen, Inner Mongolia. The factors affecting the demand of moon cake include income level and consumer preference; the factors affecting the supply of moon cakes include the price of moon cakes, the quality of moon cakes, and the technical reasons Factors such as population growth and structural changes, regional culture and traditional habits are the main factors of social analysis.
The fifth chapter, aiming at the situation of Fengzhen moon cake consumption, puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to promote the consumption of moon cake in Inner Mongolia Fengzhen city from the demand of moon cake, the supply of moon cake, and the other three other aspects. The countermeasures and suggestions on the demand of the moon cake are as follows: first, accelerate the pace of social and economic development, and constantly improve the income level of the residents; second, consumption. The person carries on the consumption guide work, trains the consumer's brand consciousness; third, excavates the rural consumer market potential; fourth, strengthens the Fengzhen moon cake propaganda with the news media. First, focus on the overall situation, formulate the scientific moon cake industry development plan; second, pay attention to the quality of the product and pay attention to the quality of the moon cake. And food safety; third, improve the sale of moon cake service; fourth, the government should increase support for Fengzhen moon cake, the introduction of technical personnel and advanced production equipment. On the other aspects of social countermeasures and suggestions: first, to increase the research and development of new varieties of moon cake; second, appropriate packaging, pay attention to beautiful product.
The possible innovations and shortcomings of this study are summarized as follows:
Possible innovations in this study:
First, the moon cake, as a traditional holiday food, has a strong local feature, different regions, its taste, quality, price, and its meaning are different. It has a strong regional character. The moon cake in Fengzhen has its unique features different from other parts of our country. The moon cake in Fengzhen has always been shown in plain, from a wide variety of China. It is simple and even unpacked, but it tastes sweet and has strong entrances. It is worth studying and pushing Fengzhen moon cakes to the national market.
Second, "study on the consumption behavior of Fuzhou residents' moon cake" is only a study of the local moon cake consumption in Fuzhou. On the basis of the study of Fengzhen moon cake consumption, this study compares the consumption of moon cake between Fengzhen and Fuzhou. It is beneficial to play the advantages of Fengzhen moon cake and make up for its shortcomings, which can promote Fengzhen. The healthy development of the moon cake market.
In this paper, the author has done a lot of efforts and work in the process of writing the paper, which is not perfect, but there are still some shortcomings.
First, the scope of the survey is small and the sample size needs to be expanded. Due to the limited time and energy, and the limitation of funds, this paper reduces the sample size and sample size in the process of data adoption, and the results will be more convincing if we can carry out a wider survey and take more data samples.
Second, the analysis of the survey data still needs to be analyzed. As the author is very shallow and has limited time, only a preliminary frequency analysis and a simple cross analysis are carried out in the use of Excel statistical software analysis. If further research is carried out, necessary factor analysis, regression analysis, etc., we believe there will be more valuable research. Fruit and discovery.


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