本文选题:秦皇岛 + 户外广告 ; 参考:《河北大学》2011年硕士论文
[Abstract]:After a systematic investigation and shooting of outdoor advertising in Qinhuangdao, this paper will make a large number of data and analysis, and then have a comprehensive understanding of the actual distribution and development of outdoor advertising in Qinhuangdao. In the main part of the thesis, the first chapter is mainly from the development of outdoor advertising. From the angle of function and so on, it will sort out the outdoor advertisement in the theoretical level, and lay a good theoretical foundation for the study of the design module of the outdoor advertisement in Qinhuangdao. The second part of the article analyzes the environmental characteristics of the outdoor advertising in Qinhuangdao, from the geographical environment, the humanities environment, the economic environment and the sustainable development of four. In the third chapter, the third chapter, starting from the actual geographical environment and economic development level of Qinhuangdao, divided the Qinhuangdao area into the main commercial area of the seaport area, the seaport District sub commercial area and the economic and Technological Development in the third chapter. District, University Park, Beidaihe District, Shanhai District, the specific distribution of outdoor advertising in each area is analyzed one by one. The number of outdoor advertisements in each area, as well as the main composition of outdoor advertising content, are analyzed. Through the analysis, the specific distribution of outdoor advertising design form in this area is obtained. The analysis of the regional characteristics of outdoor advertising reflects the differences in the economic composition of different regions. In the fourth part of the article, from part to the whole, the specific manifestations of all kinds of outdoor advertisements are studied on the level of the whole city in Qinhuangdao, and the specific analysis is carried out through specific cases, and the analysis reflects the Qin Dynasty. The overall composition of all kinds of outdoor advertisements in Huangdao island. In Qinhuangdao, outdoor advertising has always been in the state of the development of the advertising industry. It has not been scientifically guided in the academic field. This large-scale outdoor advertising survey involving the four districts of Qinhuangdao is the first time. Through the investigation, it reflects the Qinhuangdao land. The problems of outdoor advertising in the district reflect the problems of Qinhuangdao's economic development.
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