本文选题:居住区规划设计 + 宜居规划设计 ; 参考:《广州大学》2012年硕士论文
[Abstract]:As an ancient ideal of human being, living environment is an important part of human settlement science, and livable residential environment has been pursued by people all the time. In the process of pursuing livable residential environment, the level of people's demand for livable environment is raised gradually, and the connotation of livable residence is more and more extensive. Accordingly, the planning and design of livable residential area is studied extensively and deeply. However, the planning and design of residential areas that meet the needs of people has not yet been formed, the relationship between the two has not been established, there are misuse, tagging, advertising livable phenomenon. At the same time, in the past, the planning and design of residential areas emphasized the equal treatment of people's multi-level demand with "population scale" and "thousands of people's index", and did not discriminate against the hierarchical needs of livable residential areas, which had some drawbacks. Based on the review and analysis of the theory and practice of residential area planning and design at home and abroad, this paper uses the theories of sustainable development, scientific development view, Maslow humanism demand and Dosardyes' theory of human settlement, and so on, to draw lessons from the four charters. Based on the theoretical basis of human settlement science and livable city research, combined with the reflection and evaluation of GB50180-93 (2002 edition), this paper analyzes the connotation of liveable residence, and expounds the concept and characteristics of livable residential planning and design. The guiding system of planning and design of livable residential area is formed, and the corresponding relationship between residential planning and design is finally constructed, and the exploration of residential district planning and design from the perspective of livable residence is completed. It is pointed out that there are four characteristics of residential livable planning and design: connotation and level, conditionality, diversity and dynamics, and it is pointed out that residential livable planning and design should take livability as the goal, systematically and truly explain and respond to the human needs of different levels. It emphasizes the level of planning and design corresponding to the suitable medium, and advocates that the livable planning and design should be systematically divided into five levels of livable objectives according to the needs of people, and reflected in the guiding system of residential livable planning and design.
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