发布时间:2018-06-27 01:46
本文选题:网络零售商 + 定价能力 ; 参考:《浙江大学》2006年博士论文
【摘要】: 网络营销的发展对传统的商业形态带来了巨大的冲击,在日益改变人类生活习惯的同时也开启了无限商机。一个成功的市场营销策略必须包含产品、促销、渠道和定价四个营销的重要元素。价格除了是市场竞争主要的工具之一,也是企业收入和利润的重要来源。当前,对于大多数在互联网从事网络零售的企业而言,如何提高自身的定价能力创造公司最大绩效应该是众所一致努力的目标。在营销学上,营销渠道也是成功执行营销组合策略的要件。互联网的兴起使得电子商店成为企业新兴的营销渠道,网络零售市场开放的成败,往往取决于渠道能否有效的使用而定。网络零售商想在渠道占有一席之地,则必须考虑网络消费者的渠道使用特征,才能够保证营销渠道适时地发挥作用,从而建立友善的网络购物环境。因此,对于网络零售商来说,如何有效地提升自身的定价能力,更好地进行在线、离线渠道的使用,对大量涌现的网络零售商来说具有重要的理论意义和现实意义,本研究正是围绕网络营销当中定价和渠道这两个极其重要而有密切联系的核心问题展开的。 有关网络零售商定价和渠道方面的管理研究仍以美国等电子商务发达的国家为主,其概念和理论是否适应我国的国情还待验证。国内关于定价能力方面的研究多局限于传统的经济领域,对网络环境下的定价能力的科学实证研究还不多见。因此,借鉴国外已有的研究成果,在中国背景下进行网络零售企业的定价能力和渠道使用影响因素的实证研究,对网络零售商制定正确的营销策略并保持竞争优势有重要意义。 本研究在借鉴国内外网络零售商定价能力和渠道使用研究已有成果的基础上,对网络零售商定价能力和渠道使用的潜在影响因素做了全面的理论假设,分别提出了网络零售商定价能力影响因素的模型及网络消费者渠道属性与使用模型。通过随机抽样与选择抽样方法对网络零售企业和消费者分别进行问卷调查,利用SPSS统计软件和结构方程模型对调查取得的样本特征进行分析,检验了度量模型的信度和效度;并通过相关分析、方差分析、回归分析方法对研究模型的假设进行检验。通过实证分析,本研究的主要贡献或创新在于: 1.对于网络零售商定价能力的影响因素,本研究分成四个大类,分别是“网络零售商特性(E-tailers' Characteristics)”因素、“市场特性(MarketCharacteristics)”因素、“网络消费者特性(E-Consumers' Characteristics)”因素和“环境特性(EnvironmentCharacteristics)”因素。 在“网络零售商特性(E-tailers' Characteristics)”因素中,本研究结果表明,参考团体、信誉与履约的可靠性、物流服务、交易成本对网络零售商的定价能力有着显著的正向影响。但与多数前人研究和直观判断不一致的是,购物的便利性、网络零售商的定价策略对网络零售商的定价能力的影响并不显著,这表明单纯地强调购物的方便和速度并不能增强网络零售商的定价能力,同时,网络零售企业的定价策略对网络零售商定价能力的作用也不明显。因此,对于网络零售商来讲,必须注重参考团体(比如建立网上虚拟社区,网上消费者俱乐部等)的影响,通过增强信誉和履约的可靠性,加大物流交付能力并不断降低交易成本提高自身的定价能力。 “市场特性(Market Characteristics)”因素中,消费者参与对网络零售商的定价能力有着显著的正向影响,而市场的竞争性对网络零售商的定价能力的影响不显著。这说明,在网络零售商定价能力影响因素中,市场竞争程度并不是充分条件,更重要的是吸引更多的消费者参与并不断提高零售网站的浏览频率和产品的普及率。 “网络消费者特性(E-Consumers' Characteristics)”因素中,隐私、安全和时尚对网络零售商的定价能力有较强的解释能力,并有着显著的正向影响。此结果表明,中国的网络消费者非常重视数字环境中的隐私和支付的安全性,网络零售商们可以通过增强在线的隐私和安全保护等方式来吸引网络消费者。在设计在线购物环境时,隐私与安全应当成为网络零售商的首要考虑的问题之一,必须让用户感受到他们的隐私是被保护的,在该网站交易是安全的。另外,由于网络消费者普遍具有年轻、追求时尚等特点,因此,对于这些时尚的在线消费者来说更容易形成较高的品牌忠诚度。在提高自身定价能力的过程中,网络零售商们应该致力于目录、杂志以及互联网广告来吸引这一部分群体。一旦他们承认并且接受了某一网络零售商,就会比其他的消费者有更高的价格容忍能力,而对于网络零售商家而言,则可以针对这些时尚的在线消费者制定出相应的高品质、高价格策略。 “环境特征(Environment Characteristics)”因素中,包括外部环境影响因素和内部环境影响因素。本研究分析结果显示,外部环境影响因素对网络零售商的定价能力没有解释能力,而内部环境因素对网络零售商的定价能力有着显著的正向影响。这一结果说明,网络零售商对企业内部建立有利于开展网络营销的企业文化重视程度越高,企业员工的信息技术能力提高的越快,内部资金状况及网络营销基础设施建设的越好,则网络零售商的定价能力就会越强。 2.构建了消费者在线/离线渠道属性感知的模型。本研究将消费者购买决策行为理论应用到研究消费者在线/离线渠道使用当中,调查了消费者对在线/离线渠道属性的感知是如何影响渠道使用的。在线/离线属性包括了购物的便利性、信息、服务、交付、价格感知、安全和支付七个因素。与过去的研究相比,对于服务、安全和支付,本研究增加了几个纬度来进行测量。实证结果显示,信息、服务、价格感知和支付灵活性对消费者从离线购买转移到在线购买具有显著的正向影响。这四个因子中,包含了网站产品信息的丰富程度、产品及相关信息的搜寻难易、产品推荐、产品出现问题后的善后服务、沟通难易、投诉处理、价格高低与合理性、价格促销、网上价格折扣和积分奖励、支付的安全性、灵活性和手续的方便性等能够吸引并且促使消费者从离线购买转移到在线购买的变量。进一步分析发现,消费者普遍认为在线渠道在便利性、货物交付、网络购物安全方面没有优势,并对这三个因子所包含的变量,即签订订单的便利性、定购方便性、交易速度、获取和执行订单的信心、产品误送的频率、收货时间的长短、交易过程的安全、个人资料的保护、产品及相关信息的出错率等信心不足,说明这些因素不足以吸引消费者从离线购买转移到在线购买。 3.对消费者在线消费状况进行了分群研究,本研究把调查对象按照对在线/离线购买渠道使用比例的不同,分成了四个分割,分别是:(1)购物时主要使用离线渠道,而在线渠道使用很少的消费者;(2)购物时使用离线渠道较多,而在线渠道使用占较少比例的消费者;(3)购物时主要使用在线渠道多,而离线渠道较少的消费者;(4)主要使用在线渠道购物,离线渠道使用很少的消费者。本研究对处于这四个分割的消费者对渠道属性的便利性、信息、服务、交付、价格感知、安全和支付的感知进行了比较,发现在分割4中,信息、服务、价格感知、安全和支付灵活性比割2、分割3和分割1中的都要高。分割4中的信息、服务、价格感知的均值比分割1中的更高,其显著性为0.05。另外,分割4中价格感知的均值比分割3中更高,其显著性为0.05。而且分割4中安全性的均值比分割3中的更高,其显著性为0.05。因此得出以下结论:(1)对于把使用在线渠道作为主要购买媒介的消费者而言,其主要动因之一就是在线价格感知。(2)此外,把在线作为主要购买媒介的消费者在信息、服务、安全性和支付灵活性方面比主要采用离线购买的消费者有更正面的感知。与其它六个属性相比,分割4中的交付的均值比分割2和分割1中的低。分割3中的运送均值比分割2和分割1中的低。说明交付和货物运送是在线渠道的弱项,为了使更多的消费者使用在线渠道,经理人们必须帮助他们克服运送方面的负面感知。(3)最有趣的现象是价格感知,在分割1中均值较低,而在其它3个分割中都较高。也就是说,偏好于离线渠道的消费者无法感知网络购物促销和价格折扣为其带来的在线利益。 这对于网络零售商来说有着非常重要的意义,为了吸引更多的消费者进行网络购物,网络零售商应该加大自己在信息、服务、支付方面的优势,不断增强消费者的价格感知,同时要克服在交付、安全方面的劣势。 4.本研究测量了每个分割内消费者目前的实际网络消费在总消费中所占的比例,按照这个比例把消费者的网络购物分成了四个时期,分别是网络消费初始期、网络消费的成长期、网络购物扩张期和网络购物成熟期。同时对处于四个不同时期的消费者的未来的网络消费趋势进行了测量,本研究发现,处于网络消费初始期的消费者在最近的将来提高他们网络渠道购物使用的比例的程度很小;而处在网络消费成长期的消费者在最近的将来会大大提高他们的在线使用的份额;处在网络消费扩张期的消费者网络购物的比例在总的消费支出中所占的比率很大;当消费者发展到网络消费的成熟期,消费者将主要通过网络零售渠道购物。因此,网络零售商的策略应该是通过信息和交互尽量吸引处于网络消费初始期的消费者,对处于网络消费成长期的消费者加大投资,提高服务的质量,加快交付并加强交易安全,对处于网络消费扩张期的消费者提高他们的安全和价格方面的感知,同时提高处于网络扩张期和成熟期的顾客的忠诚度,不断提高网络零售市场份额的质量和数量。
[Abstract]:The development of network marketing has brought great impact on the traditional business form. It also opens unlimited business opportunities while changing human living habits. A successful marketing strategy must include four important elements of marketing, product, promotion, channel and pricing. Price is one of the main tools of market competition, and also an enterprise. An important source of income and profit. At present, for most enterprises engaged in Internet retailing, how to improve their own pricing ability and create the maximum performance of the company should be the goal of unanimous efforts. In marketing, marketing channels are the important elements of successful marketing combination strategy. The rise of the Internet makes electricity. The sub store has become a new marketing channel for enterprises. The success or failure of the open network retail market depends on the effective use of the channel. The network retailer wants to occupy a place in the channel and must consider the characteristics of the channel use of the network consumers so that the marketing channel can play its role in a timely manner and establish a friendly network. Therefore, for network retailers, how to effectively improve their pricing ability, better online and offline channels, is of great theoretical and practical significance for a large number of emerging network retailers. This study is the two most important issue around the pricing and channel of network marketing. A core issue with close ties.
The research on the pricing and channel management of network retailers is still dominated by the developed countries such as the United States and other countries. Whether the concept and theory is adapted to the national conditions of our country remains to be verified. The domestic research on pricing ability is limited to the traditional economic field, and the scientific empirical Study on the pricing ability under the network environment is not yet yet studied. Therefore, it is of great significance for network retailers to formulate correct marketing strategies and maintain competitive advantages by using the research results of foreign countries for reference.
On the basis of the existing research results of pricing ability and channel use of network retailers both at home and abroad, this paper makes a comprehensive theoretical hypothesis on the pricing ability of network retailers and the potential influencing factors of channel use, and puts forward the model of the influencing factors of the pricing ability of the network retailers and the attributes and use models of the network consumers. Based on the random sampling and selection sampling method, the network retail enterprises and consumers were investigated by questionnaire, and the sample characteristics were analyzed by SPSS statistical software and structural equation model. The reliability and validity of the measurement model were tested, and the research model was analyzed by correlation analysis, variance analysis and regression analysis method. Based on the empirical analysis, the main contributions or innovations of this study lie in:
1. the factors affecting the pricing ability of network retailers are divided into four major categories: "E-tailers'Characteristics" factor, "MarketCharacteristics" factor, "E-Consumers' Characteristics" factor and "EnvironmentCharacte". Ristics "" "factor.
In the "E-tailers'Characteristics" factor, the results of this study show that the reliability of the reference group, the reliability of reputation and performance, the logistics service and the transaction cost have a significant positive effect on the pricing ability of the network retailer. But the convenience of the shopping, the network is not consistent with the most previous research and the visual judgment. The retailer's pricing strategy has no significant influence on the pricing ability of the network retailer, which indicates that the simple emphasis on the convenience and speed of shopping does not enhance the pricing ability of the network retailer. At the same time, the pricing strategy of the network retailer is not obvious to the pricing ability of the network retailer. We must pay more attention to the impact of reference groups (such as establishing online virtual communities, online consumer clubs, etc.), by increasing the reliability of credibility and performance, increasing logistics delivery capacity and reducing transaction costs to improve their own pricing capabilities.
In the "Market Characteristics" factor, consumer participation has a significant positive impact on the pricing ability of the network retailer, while the market competitiveness has no significant influence on the pricing ability of the network retailer. More important is to attract more consumers to participate and continuously improve the browsing frequency of retail websites and the popularity of products.
In the "E-Consumers'Characteristics" factor, privacy, security and fashion have a strong explanatory power to the pricing ability of the network retailer and have a significant positive impact. The results show that Chinese Internet consumers pay much attention to privacy and security in the digital environment, and online retailers can In order to attract Internet consumers by enhancing online privacy and security protection, privacy and security should be one of the most important considerations for online retailers in designing online shopping environments. It is necessary to make users feel that their privacy is protected and that it is safe to deal with the network. As a result of the characteristics of young, fashionable, and so on, it is easier for these fashionable online consumers to form a higher brand loyalty. In the process of improving their own pricing ability, online retailers should devote themselves to directories, magazines and Internet ads to attract this group. Once they admit and accept it A network retailer will have a higher price tolerance than other consumers, and for online retailers, they can formulate corresponding high quality, high price strategies for these fashionable online consumers.
"Environmental characteristics (Environment Characteristics)" factors include external environmental impact factors and internal environmental impact factors. The results of this study show that the external environmental impact factors have no explanatory power on the pricing ability of network retailers, and the internal environmental factors have a significant positive effect on the pricing ability of network retailers. The results show that the higher the value of the network retailer has on the enterprise culture in the enterprise, the faster the information technology ability of the employees, the better the internal capital and the construction of the network marketing infrastructure, the stronger the pricing ability of the network retailer.
2. the model of consumer online / offline channel attributes perception is constructed. This study applies the theory of consumer purchase decision behavior to the study of consumer online / offline channels, and investigates how consumers' perception of online / offline channel attributes affect the use of channels. The line / offline attributes include the convenience of shopping, Interest, service, delivery, price perception, security and payment are seven factors. Compared with previous studies, this study increases several latitudes for service, safety and payment. The empirical results show that information, service, price perception and payment flexibility have significant positive effects on consumers' transfer from off-line purchase to online purchase. Among the four factors, it includes the richness of the website product information, the search for products and related information, product recommendation, post service, communication difficulty, complaint handling, price and rationality, price promotion, price discount and bonus, security of payment, flexibility and convenience of formalities. Further analysis finds that online channels have no advantages in convenience, delivery of goods, and online shopping safety, and that the variables included in the three factors, namely, the convenience of ordering orders, the convenience of order, the speed of trading, and the speed of transaction. Confidence in taking and executing the order, the frequency of the delivery of the product, the length of the delivery time, the safety of the transaction process, the protection of personal data, the error rate of the product and related information, etc., indicate that these factors are not enough to attract consumers to transfer from off-line purchase to online purchase.
3. research on consumer online consumption is divided into four segments according to the proportion of online / offline purchase channels, which are: (1) offline channels are mainly used when shopping, while online channels use few consumers; (2) there are more offline channels in shopping and online channels. Use less proportion of consumers; (3) the main use of online channels in shopping, and less offline consumers; (4) the main use of online channels shopping, offline channels for the use of very few consumers. This study of the four divided consumers on the convenience of channel attributes, information, service, delivery, price perception, security and payment In the comparison, it is found that in the segmentation 4, information, service, price perception, security and payment flexibility are higher than that in Cut 2, segmentation 3 and division 1. The mean value of information, service, price perception in split 4 is higher than that in Division 1, and its significance is 0.05., and the value of price perception is higher than that in split 3, and its significance is more significant. For 0.05. and the value of security in the division 4 is higher than that in the segmentation 3, its significance is 0.05. so the following conclusions are drawn: (1) one of the main drivers for using online channels as the main purchasing medium is the online price perception. (2) in addition, the online consumers as the main purchasing medium are in the information, Service, security and payment flexibility have more positive perception than those who mainly use off-line purchase. Compared with the other six attributes, the mean of delivery in the split 4 is lower than that in the Division 2 and the segmentation 1. The mean of delivery in the split 3 is lower than that in the segmentation 2 and the partition 1. For more consumers to use online channels, managers must help them overcome the negative perception of transport. (3) the most interesting phenomenon is the price perception, the lower average in the Division 1 and the higher in the other 3 segments. That is to say, the consumers who prefer the off-line channels can not perceive online shopping promotion and price discounts. The online benefits.
This has a very important significance for Internet retailers. In order to attract more consumers to do online shopping, the Internet retailers should increase their advantages in information, service and payment, constantly enhance the consumer price perception, and at the same time overcome the disadvantages of delivery and security.
4. this study measured the proportion of consumers' actual network consumption in the total consumption in each division. According to this proportion, the consumer online shopping was divided into four periods, namely, the initial period of network consumption, the growth period of network consumption, the expansion period of the network shopping and the maturity of the network shopping. At the same time, it was in four different types. This study shows that consumers in the initial period of network consumption increase the proportion of their online shopping use in the recent future, while consumers in the growth period of Internet consumption will greatly improve their online use in the near future. Share; the proportion of consumer online shopping in the network consumption expansion period is very large in the total consumption expenditure; when consumers develop to the mature period of network consumption, consumers will purchase mainly through the network retail channels. Therefore, the strategy of the network retailer should be to attract the Internet consumption through information and interaction as far as possible. In the initial period, consumers will invest more in the growth period of Internet consumption, improve the quality of service, speed up delivery and strengthen the safety of the transaction.
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