本文选题:语用预设 + 英语汽车广告 ; 参考:《经济师》2013年04期
[Abstract]:As China joined the WTO in 2001, more and more foreign auto companies began to focus on the Chinese market. At the same time, China's own auto brand has also begun to grow rapidly. Thus, competition is inevitable. Advertising is increasingly becoming one of the necessary means to improve the competitiveness of enterprises. Advertising, as a special form of language communication, is often used by advertisers to persuade people to buy. Pragmatic presupposition is an important phenomenon in pragmatics and is often used in advertising to strengthen its persuasive purpose. Based on the classification of English auto advertising language, this paper explores the use of different pragmatic presuppositions in these advertisements. It also analyzes the functions of pragmatic presupposition from four aspects: pragmatic presupposition and English auto advertising language, pragmatic presupposition and English automobile advertising information, pragmatic presupposition and consumer psychology, pragmatic presupposition and auto advertising market strategy.
【作者单位】: 山西财经大学经贸外语学院;
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