[Abstract]:With the wide application of Internet, email has become an important way for people to communicate with each other in daily life. However, spam, as a carrier of commercial advertisements, virus programs or sensitive content, has posed a threat to the security of the system and brought inconvenience to people's lives. Anti-spam problem has become a global issue of great practical significance. In this paper, the technology of spam content filtering is deeply studied, and a Chinese anti-spam filtering engine based on automatic classification technology is designed and implemented according to the characteristics of Chinese spam. The engine is divided into four parts: preprocessing, training, classification and feedback. In the aspect of preprocessing, this paper studies the sub-modules of mail decoding, Chinese word segmentation, feature extraction and vector representation of mail. For Chinese word segmentation, the engine adopts ICTCLAS-based Chinese lexical analysis system of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and uses mutual information value method for feature extraction. Training and classification are the focus of this paper. Firstly, the exponential form and the factor form of the basic winnow algorithm are unified, and the exponential form of the balanced winnow algorithm is deduced. Secondly, in view of the jitter of the basic winnow algorithm, This paper presents an improved winnow anti-spam filtering algorithm, Review Winnow. this algorithm not only effectively reduces the jitter phenomenon, but also the loss function selected can describe the inner loss of classification error mail more truthfully. By removing the outliers in the mail sample set and using the improved boosting algorithm, the performance of winnow classifier is improved, and the ADOR-winnow mail classifier is constructed. Finally, experiments show that the balanced R-Winnow algorithm can effectively reduce the jitter phenomenon and greatly improve the performance of ADOR-Winnow mail classifier. In terms of feedback, a grid-based feedback learning model is proposed. Through user classification, the feedback level is extended from general two levels to system level, domain level and user level. This improvement is not only conducive to cooperative filtering among groups and centralized feedback learning, but also helps to improve the filtering performance of mail classifiers.
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