[Abstract]:With the rapid development of global information technology, the world has entered the era of network economy, and e-commerce emerged as the times require. With the emergence of electronic commerce, the competition between enterprises is becoming more and more fierce. The traditional marketing method has been unable to meet the needs of the rapid development of enterprises. Network marketing has gradually become the most important marketing mode of enterprises. Like traditional marketing, the development of network marketing also consumes a lot of manpower and material resources of the company. How to integrate various marketing activities to reduce costs and improve efficiency has become the focus of the company to consider. On the basis of studying the marketing strategies of various e-commerce companies and combining the actual purpose demand of their marketing activities, this paper first designs a business model that can satisfy most of the marketing activities, and according to the business model, This paper studies and designs an electronic commerce marketing platform which needs only a few people to intervene and can establish a complete marketing activity and a weakly coupled electronic commerce marketing platform which can be targeted at a specific population only through the allocation of non-technical personnel. The main design idea of the marketing platform is to separate all the flow of marketing activities into one main engine and function module, and control the sequence of marketing activities by the main engine, and each function module provides specific functional support. Each functional module can be independently developed and upgraded without affecting the marketing platform. In addition to the overall system architecture, this paper also studies how to use data mining technology to build the appropriate prediction classification model in data warehouse. It also describes how to use the model in the data warehouse of the marketing platform to screen the marketing crowd according to various marketing needs. Finally, this paper describes the advertising system for the marketing platform. Specific analysis of various advertising strategies and release process.
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