[Abstract]:A blog is a website that is usually managed by individuals and posts new articles on a regular basis. With the rapid development of blog, the value of blog as an important information source is also increasing. There is a lot of research on blog in natural language processing and other aspects. Many businesses use information from blogs to provide value-added services, such as blog search, blog theme tracking, and emotional analysis of people's opinions on products and services. The gender classification of bloggers is a research area that has many commercial applications. For example, it can help users find out which themes and products are talked about most by men and women, and what products and services are liked or disliked by men and women. The use of this information can be used to produce targeted advertising and development of targeted products. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the gender classification of bloggers. This paper mainly realizes the gender classification of bloggers, and focuses on how to improve the accuracy of the gender classification of bloggers. For a given blog post, the feature classes used for the gender classification of bloggers are extracted. By using the naive Bayes classifier with candidate feature sets with the feature of merging high classification ability, we can classify the authors of blog posts. And the accuracy of classification can reach 74.49 in the experiment, the specific implementation mainly includes four parts: the first step is to extract the feature classes used for the gender classification of bloggers, the feature classes used in the subject are the basic feature class and the feature class of part of speech sequence; The second step is to implement the feature selection method for the gender classification of bloggers, and use the feature selection method to select candidate feature sets. The feature selection method is based on a single feature selection criterion and the ensemble feature selection method. The third step is to combine naive Bayes classifier with candidate feature set and ten fold cross validation method. The best feature set is selected from multiple candidate feature sets. The fourth step is to improve the gender classification readiness of bloggers and to design and implement candidate feature sets with the ability of merging high classification. This paper uses naive Bayesian classifier with candidate feature set and ten fold cross validation method to classify the gender of the blogger and verify the classification results. The experimental results are as follows: the feature set with part of speech sequence feature is used. Compared with the feature set without the feature of part of speech sequence, the classification accuracy is higher (62.99`. 59), and the classification accuracy is improved by 2.4.The candidate feature set extracted by the integrated feature selection method, Compared with candidate feature sets extracted by single feature selection criteria, the classification accuracy is 72.89 g. 57, 72.89 p. 49, 72.89 g. 26% and 72.89 f. 97%, respectively. In addition, the integrated feature selection method is used to classify sex directly, compared with no feature selection method. The classification accuracy is high, 72.89'. 59, the classification accuracy is improved by 12.30.The candidate feature set with improved merging ability is higher than the candidate feature set, which is 74.49r.89g, and the classification accuracy is improved 1.6%. Therefore, the candidate feature set with merging high classification ability features has the highest classification accuracy (74.49).
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