[Abstract]:In the research of B2C website, the current research is mainly concerned with the business and profit model of its website, the operation strategy, the behavior of online shopping and so on. As far as the design angle is concerned, most of the focus is on the construction of B2C website and the related research of web design. In addition, the visual design of the traditional research website is mostly based on the aesthetic principles and aesthetics. From the perspective of real user experience, there is little research on B2C website.
User centered ideas have widely influenced various design fields in recent years, including interactive design, interface design, interactive advertising design, website design, industrial design and so on. This article is based on this idea to consider and study the visual design of the soft interface interaction mechanism in the B2C web site. The design process also integrates the interactive theory of interactive advertising and the related theories in the field of cognitive psychology. Based on the user experience as the center, it pays attention to effective interaction communication and the design transfer of usability. The users can fully feel the happy and happy interaction and make the website develop healthier.
In this paper, the visual design of the interaction mechanism of the soft interface is strictly in the category of interface design. In this paper, the search mechanism, the control mechanism, the user registration mechanism, the commodity browsing mechanism and the visual design of the B2C website are analyzed and summarized. The key of the interaction mechanism is whether the visual design is delivered in place, Only excellent visual design can make the interactive mechanism better. The visual design of the search mechanism focuses on the study of navigation design and search design. The visual design of the control mechanism focuses on the dynamic Banner design and page turning design. The user registration mechanism focuses on the user registration page design and the user. In the visual design of the commodity browsing mechanism, the visual design of the commodity browsing mechanism focuses on the design of the list of goods and the design of the shopping cart page. In the analysis of each important design of each mechanism, it pays attention to whether the design of the visual design conforms to the user experience, whether it meets the principle of usability, whether it meets the requirements of the United States and whether it meets the effectiveness of each other. Based on these standards to test the effectiveness of visual design, and to further interpret and analyze the practical front-line cases, and to analyze the shortcomings of the web site, and to improve the user experience by using the main points of the design to be modified and optimized.
In this paper, the iPhone App Store is redesigned by the analysis and summary of the design points, and the correctness and validity of the main points of the design are further explained and proved.
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