[Abstract]:Phoenix is a collection of beautiful, virtuous and graceful symbols of the Chinese nation. Although Phoenix bird worship is not originated from Chu, but throughout ancient and modern, Chu people worship Phoenix is a well-known history. As one of the traditional Chinese cultural symbols, it is a new way of life to apply totem symbol elements to the advertising creativity of life products, and to provide new products to meet the increasing needs of people. Advertising design puts the market and consumers' interests in the first place. From the consumer's point of view, combining the products of China's beautiful auspicious symbolic symbols in advertising communication is a cultural heritage and an extension of history. The study of the cultural symbol elements in Chinese advertisements is conducive to better meeting the needs of consumers, bringing more satisfied products to users, and promoting the added value of the products themselves. Good advertising will bring new experiences and surprises to people's lives. The core of advertising is consumers, all advertising design, advertising forms are actually around the needs of consumers and carry the burden of consumer spirit and soul comfort. Let the public understand this beautiful totem, beauty and happiness through the dissemination of advertising; through history, combining archaeology, aesthetics, totem science, psychology and other cultures to serve advertising as a modern form of communication. Help people create a better and more harmonious life. The power of advertising is a subtle psychological hint, repeated to deepen the subconscious understanding and remember of things, although some products will be replaced by new products after many years, but its advertising dissemination power still exists. After thousands of years of cultural accumulation and the evolution of regional customs and habits, the once brilliant Chu culture was once again upturned by the trend of the times, its plural and rich traditional elements, unique regional cultural advantages, Become the bright spot that can attract consumer. So, when we apply the most attractive totem symbol element in Chu culture to the advertisement, the product can be attractive enough to impress the consumer's heart. If we can cultivate the Chu totem symbol element into a brand of national culture, The nation world will become a best-selling brand by advertising, a way of spreading all over the world. And China's cultural position in the world will be added to the cake.
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