[Abstract]:Mankind is the spirit of all things, we create brilliant civilization and create brilliant art. Painting is the common language of mankind. It has no nationality or region. Contemporary Chinese painting should have strong inclusiveness, only in this way, can get great development. Traditional with national characteristics, although good, but this does not mean that the creation of Chinese painting on the same, stick to the rules. I think only in the extensive absorption and communication, we create works are vitality. Chinese painting can keep the national tradition, actively and reasonably use the graphic design concept factors to create, this will make the work more visual impact and appeal. Graphic design is mainly by the combination of graphics and text to transfer information, through the transmission of cultural information through works to better arrange graphics, colors, words and other visual elements, improve the visual impact of these elements on the audience, Make the work more infectious, in order to achieve the role of dissemination of information. Graphic design includes many categories, such as illustration design, advertising poster, book binding design, packaging design, etc. The three basic elements of plane composition are point, line and surface. I think we can add graphic design concept and illustration design idea to the creation of Chinese painting, which can make our works show endless visual art tension. There is no contradiction between inheriting tradition and innovation. We must find what we need in tradition. Tradition is like nutrition. We need to absorb and create our own painting language. The most important thing in art is its originality. Then I will discuss the application and exploration of graphic design idea in Chinese painting.
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