[Abstract]:This research is one of the teaching and research projects of the college. I dig and understand the advertising design from the angle of expression, and summarize some principles, techniques and methods of modern advertising expression. Today's era can be said to be the age of advertising, advertising information every day full of people's lives and rapid development in various forms. Advertising is a bridge between commodity producers and consumers. With the expansion of the market, the development of science and technology, people's aesthetic level. Advertising planning, creativity and the form of expression are constantly changing. This thesis focuses on the theory of expression in advertising. The thesis starts from four aspects: 1, the introduction part. Generalize the category, essential characteristic, principle law, content trend of advertisement expression in general. This part adds new research content to the current advertising theory, and avoids the simple inclusion of advertising expression into the scope of advertising production: 2.Advertising visual expression part. This paper discusses the principles and techniques of graphic, color, chart, symbol, entity, texture, configuration and arrangement in advertising expression. Research on this aspect can better express the creativity of advertising, guide the production of advertisements in order to achieve the purpose of conveying information and infecting consumers; 3, the digitization and multidimensional expression part of advertisement. This paper mainly discusses the principles and techniques of advertising expression from two-dimensional, three-dimensional, four-dimensional, multi-dimensional and digital expression. This paper discusses the new medium, new form, new technology, new material, new method and new technique of advertising expression from different angles. Advertising expression and the plane, broadcast, outdoor, network and some emerging media choice. The key to advertising is to select the right media to achieve good results. Information and technology are now being updated at an unprecedented rate, and the design media has shifted from print and electronic media to multidimensional media. The concept of communication design has become all the technology that can be used to produce visual image to transmit information, and the expression of advertisement is becoming a kind of comprehensive application of multi-disciplinary technology. The expression of advertisement tends to a freer space in space, which is expressed from many angles. At the same time, advertising expression tends to be a multi-sensory (visual, auditory, touch, smell, taste) comprehensive information communication design. This requires that the expression of advertising should be standardized and combined with novelty; nationality and the world; art and materials.
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