[Abstract]:In China, advertising research is still in its infancy, as an advertisement.
There are still many blanks in the branch of research and the field of financial advertising.
This article tries to use Marx's cultural view, artistic view and other related theories to refer to the following aspects.
The research results in advertising field at home and abroad are based on theoretical discussions and case studies.
Methods, from the aspects of culture, art, spiritual concept, etc., the style of financial advertisement in China.
We made a deep study and put forward some valuable viewpoints.
This thesis is divided into three parts.
The first part is the cultural style of financial advertisement. We have lived in culture and
In the era of economic integration, culture is infiltrating into the economic life in all directions.
Financial advertising culture is the combination of financial activities and culture.
Culture is characterized by competitiveness, nationalism and integration.
In culture, we should follow the psychology of financial services, such as safety, value added, value preservation, convenience, curiosity, etc.
Characteristics, followed by their own national mentality, outstanding performance in 1, the strong human touch.2, chase
Seeking positive.3, strong policy, educational significance,.4 and honesty.
China's financial advertising culture is becoming more and more important to people's real life.
Specific impact.
The second part is the artistic style of financial advertisement. Advertising is a comprehensive art.
From the perspective of modern advertising techniques and methods, it absorbs music, dance and painting.
The essence of painting, sculpture, sulphur, literature, film and so on is integrated into a new art.
Form. The publicity and display of financial image of financial advertising, comparison of financial services.
Elephants also need to use artistic means and image thinking to capture advertising images and let people.
To understand, to accept. Articles from literature, color, composition, language and other artistic perspectives.
After reviewing the characteristics of financial advertisements, H sums up one aspect of financial advertisements in artistic creation.
Some unique laws.
The third part is the spiritual concept and style of financial advertisement.
Especially since 90s, with the establishment of the socialist market economic system,
With the rapid development of the financial industry, people's demand for corporate image is getting higher and higher.
The more concrete it is, the more important it is to establish a spiritual concept.
This paper analyzes the types and characteristics of enterprise concept recognition, and considers that the financial industry is one.
A special industry based on social credit is not a target for financial enterprises.
It is an ordinary commodity, but mainly based on monetary commodities and relies on liabilities to increase its capital.
Therefore, financial enterprises should establish social, security, integrity and other business principles.
Besides, because the financial industry is a service industry, we should establish a service concept.
Pioneering concept.
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