[Abstract]:From the point of view of aesthetics, combining the theory of advertising, communication and culturology, this paper probes into the advertising form of the film and television as the carrier, and combines the corresponding advertising cases to discuss the presentation of the embedded advertising in the film and television. The aesthetic characteristics and aesthetic conception are analyzed, and then the aesthetic acceptance psychology of the audience is analyzed. This paper examines the reason and background of the emergence of implantable advertising and its advantages compared with traditional advertising. By searching and combing the literature at home and abroad, this paper analyzes and compares the basic elements of the film and television placement advertisement, such as its exact meaning, its own characteristics, its development course and so on. Film and TV placement advertising mainly includes props implantation, white implant, character implantation and plot implantation, which has its unique aesthetic characteristics. Film and television placement advertisement has the utility of practical advertisement, at the same time, its artistic creation, art appreciation is full of emotion, can make the consumer know the product information at the same time, obtain spiritual pleasure. The artistic conception of film and television placement advertising mainly through creating an artistic atmosphere, so that the audience in a strong emotional experience to produce a product or brand affinity, receptive to the product information. The communication carrier of film and television implantable advertisement, the program content and the product orientation, the brand image have the high correlation degree, not only can achieve the anticipated communication effect, but also have the artistic conception beauty, and give the audience the enjoyment of the beauty. In the film and television placement advertising communication, the audience is not passively accepted, but actively influences the creative mode of the implantable advertisement creators with their own aesthetics. This paper analyzes the aesthetic psychology of the audience of the film and television implantable advertisement in order to excavate the deep reason why the audience in the consumer age has favorable impression on the film and television implantable advertisement, which proves that the spread of the film and television implantable advertisement is in line with the aesthetic taste of the public. The key to study the audience acceptance of film and television placement advertisement is to unify utilitarianism and aesthetics, respect the audience and put people first. The theoretical value of this study lies in the systematic analysis of film and television placement advertising from the perspective of aesthetics, and makes a meaningful exploration on the current situation of the domestic implantation advertising research level. This paper expounds the methodological significance of film and television placement advertising. On the basis of this, this paper discusses how to make the film and television implantable advertisement obtain the aesthetic sense, how to spread the brand effectively from the height of the aesthetic innovation methodology. To provide innovative advice and useful reference for advertisers in the rational application of film and television placement advertising.
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