[Abstract]:In the view of art system, this paper makes a comprehensive study on the creative beauty of modern excellent advertisement, and analyzes its various factors and characteristics, aiming at opening up a new theoretical train of thought for the study of creative beauty of advertisement from the perspective of art. For our country's advertising creative work to provide some advice or suggestions. First of all, this paper introduces the background, ideas and methods of the research, introduces what is the creative beauty of advertising, and on the basis of previous studies, puts the modern creative beauty of advertising in the field of view of the whole art system. Secondly, this article takes the artistic creation, the art work, the art appreciation three links in the art system as the standard, separately studies the advertisement creativity cent into three corresponding parts, and has obtained the analysis and the comparison respectively in the artistic creation process. Finally, this article takes the art in the advertisement-public service advertisement as an example, puts it under the artistic system visual field research, more clearly sees its artistic beauty attribute, has taken a step further, more representative on the basis of the previous research.
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