[Abstract]:A Web browser is a common client application. It is one of the most important platforms for customer and network interaction. The appearance of browser provides people with a convenient and fast tool for browsing and querying information on the Internet, which greatly improves the means for users to obtain information on Internet. With the improvement of user's requirement, the development of computer hardware, the man-machine interface and its function of browser are paid more and more attention by users. The idea of "people first" in user interface is paid more and more attention. But the request to the function also increases gradually, among them blog, news and so on subscription function already essential. In this paper, according to the theory of modern software engineering and modern software interface design, a web browser based on IE kernel is designed. This paper discusses the design and development of IE kernel browser based on Windows platform, and gives the design and implementation of the system. Firstly, the development of web browser is introduced, the significance and necessity of developing web browser, the method of object oriented software development and its application in the process of software development are studied. Secondly, it introduces the architecture of IE browser, the download control of IE, the realization of browser control customization and how to add buttons to the browser toolbar. Then this paper introduces the development and implementation of browser system, including: requirement analysis, system design should achieve the goal, the overall design, the difficulties and solutions to the implementation, detailed design. The implementation of HMI, the reading and display of RSS source and advertisement filtering are introduced in detail. Finally, how to carry on the high-efficient regression test is studied.
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