[Abstract]:In June this year, the Guangdong Provincial Library Society held a 10-day training course on "Library propaganda and Art Engineering" in Guangzhou, and is organizing the "Guangdong Provincial Public Library calligraphy and painting Exhibition," the first of its kind in more than 40 years since the founding of the people's Republic of China. It shows that the importance of art workers in the library work is beginning to be recognized, and the library art workers will restore its due status in the library. (1) Library art work, that is, library art work, is widely used in various business departments of the library. Mainly include: the writing of the book mark when the book is processed; the class number above the two ends of the open shelf bookshelf, the making of the class name indexing board; the writing of the magazine rack number and the title of the magazine rack in the open shelf reading room; the rules of reading and borrowing, Matters needing attention and the making of the book board; the brief introduction of the library, the drawing of the schematic; the making of the doorplate of the offices and venues; the publication of the book publicity, the comment column; the bibliography, the index of the library, Abstract and other book cover design and book exhibition layout and advertising design and so on. All these work can not be separated from the art characters and the expression of painting art in order to beautify the reading environment of the library attract more readers to the library and improve the utilization rate of the books in the library.
【作者单位】: 梅县图书馆
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