[Abstract]:In the past decade, creative industries in some developed countries and regions have made tremendous development. In the United States, Britain, Singapore, Japan, South Korea and other places, creative industry has become an important part of the national economy, and has been identified by the government as the key industry of the 21st century. In recent years, creative industries in China, especially in developed coastal cities, have become more and more important to economic and social development. However, in contrast to the rapid development of creative industry, there is a serious lack of theoretical research on creative industry management. In particular, there is a lack of in-depth research on the process mechanism of creative knowledge. This is due to the fact that the creative industry is just rising, on the other hand, the research on the mechanism of "knowledge creation process" (especially the mechanism of "original knowledge" creation process) in the field of traditional innovation management is too weak. In order to deeply explore the process mechanism of knowledge creation in creative organizations, this paper firstly systematically reviews the existing theories of creative industry, creativeness (and creativity psychology) and the management of technological innovation. On this basis, using the method of standardized case analysis, the paper studies the process mechanism of creative organization knowledge creation, through music, advertising, architectural design, industrial design, Ten creative projects in different industries, such as planning and design, were followed up, and a "Taiji model" was put forward to describe the knowledge creation mechanism of creative organizations. Then, this paper does some empirical research on Taiji Model by means of mathematical statistics. Finally, the following important conclusions are drawn: 1. The process mechanism of knowledge creation in creative organizations can be described as "Taiji Model"-a two- way knowledge flow spiral consisting of six links. The efficiency of knowledge transfer in the two ways of Taiji spiral has a significant positive effect on the creative performance of the organization. 3. Whether creative organizations are focused on "science" or "art" has no significant impact on the two conclusions. Based on these research results, this paper further proposes a series of management strategies that can be used by creative organizations to improve their creative performance, and designs a dynamic team organization structure based on Taiji spiral, "billiards structure". The core idea of these strategies (including "billiard structure") is that six links constitute the "process mechanism chain" of creative generation, and only by combining the characteristics of organizational work, the "all" links in the whole chain can be optimized. To make the whole chain run smoothly. The inefficiency of any one link will affect the result of the creative generation of the whole organization. In this sense, creative management of creative organizations is to constantly optimize this "process mechanism chain", so that the creative work of the organization continues to expand according to the double spiral of Taiji model, so as to achieve higher creative performance. At the end of the study, the Taiji model and the SECI model proposed by Nonaka are compared and analyzed. On the one hand, this study deepens and expands the theory of innovation management, especially "knowledge creation management", on the other hand, it also provides guidance to creative organizations how to strengthen management to improve creative performance. It is of great practical significance to promote the development of creative industry by industrial policy and park construction. In addition, this study also has certain reference significance for the further study of "original innovation" in technological innovation management.
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