[Abstract]:Web2.0 is developing from a wave sweeping the Internet into a profound influence of social life. Commercial value and human life are closely combined to a degree never seen before. While web2.0 is developing rapidly, It is also facing the dilemma of business model, which aims to probe into the profound influence brought by web2.0 and put forward strategic countermeasures to the dilemma of business model. First of all, starting with the concept of web2.0, we trace the origin and background of web2.0. Web2.0 is an open concept, which is free and open. Sharing these Internet and even human information has been pursued by the web2.0 has been largely achieved here, this progress and upgrading can be said to be revolutionary. At the same time, web2.0 and new media are closely related, web2.0 itself is a part of new media, at the same time, its appearance has a huge impact on the traditional media, and spawned the rapid development of new media. It also summarizes the theory of strategy and business model, probes into the relationship between strategy and business model under web2.0, and analyzes the characteristics of web2.0 in strategy and business model. Enterprise media, new and old media integration, venture capital highly participate in the new characteristics, but also analyzes the development of Web2.0 business model dilemma. The second is the analysis of the commercial value of web2.0. After the emergence of web2.0, it has a series of effects on the commercial value. This is one of the viewpoints that this paper wants to express: what this paper wants to express is the technology influence behavior, the behavior produces the commercial value. Business value takes strategy and business model as the means to realize such a logical relationship. Technology, user behavior characteristics, business value, strategy and business model are closely related, can be said to be a strategic value chain, in terms of user stickiness, content, participation architecture and so on has completely exceeded the web1.0, Promoted the extension of new media value chain, from online value to offline value, from the indirect value of massive content to the direct value of high-quality content, from extensive advertising to accurate delivery, And make the core competence of the company to the direction of more lightweight and people-oriented development. The third part puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to the new media strategy and business model under Web2.0, puts forward the high-quality content strategy, the market segmentation strategy, the service integration strategy, and separately in the marketing, the enterprise, the attraction venture capital, which is coordinated with the business model. Visual design and other aspects of the proposed SWOT analysis of the domestic Web2.0 development environment. The fourth part is the forecast of web2.0 development trend. Based on the current situation analysis, this paper looks forward to the application of technology, commercial level and industry competition, and then summarizes the analysis and discussion of the full text, in order to help the domestic Web2.0 and new media industry enterprises.
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