[Abstract]:The computer can draw a more realistic 3D scene on the basis of the improvement of the ability of computer processing and display, and at the same time ensuring the running efficiency of the program. However, the traditional game screen still stays at the level of graphics hardware display in the past. The game scene is relatively rough and can no longer meet the new requirements of the current game products. If a large 3D game is released with poor display, it is likely to be eliminated in the first place, and other aspects of innovation and transformation of the game itself will lose its meaning. In view of this situation, the current game products need to add more scene elements using real-time rendering to enhance the realistic experience of the scene. The object of this thesis is the real-time rendering of water surface and shadow in the game. The purpose of this paper is to apply these two effects to the game scene in a more aesthetic way. In the part of water surface rendering, the mathematical model of water surface effect is studied, including the simulation of wave fluctuation and the calculation of surface optical effect, which is transformed into mathematical equation formula. The whole process of surface rendering can be divided into several relatively independent rendering units and computing units from the point of view of graphic rendering. At the same time, water surface rendering involves a number of water surface information adjustment parameters. Adding these parameters to the scene editor for editing, will render a variety of different effects of the water surface. Shadow rendering adopts two different realization techniques: template shadow body and shadow map. This paper deeply studies the realization principle of these two kinds of shadow effects and their respective characteristics, and analyzes and designs the realization flow of these two kinds of shadows. Finally, the key steps of the two kinds of shadows in the implementation process, as well as the methods and techniques in the project application are described in detail. The application of the above two aspects to the game will play a great role in the reality of the game scene, so that the player has a stronger sense of placement, especially for the realistic style of the game. At the same time, the research scheme can be applied to many fields, such as virtual reality display, film special effects simulation, advertising production and so on.
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