发布时间:2018-01-23 03:25
本文关键词: 《规范汉字表》 汉字简化 《简化字总表》(1986) 继承与创新 出处:《山东大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:《规范汉字表》是一个整合、完善《第一批异体字整理表》(1955)、《印刷通用汉字字形表》(1965)、《简化字总表》(1986)、《现代汉语常用字表》(1988)、《现代汉语通用字表》(1988)等相关汉字规范内容的综合性汉字规范标准。自2001年4月启动研制《规范汉字表》至2009年8月《通用规范汉字表》(征求意见稿)公开征求意见,关于此字表的研究成果已有不少,但系统地将其与之前的各规范字表进行对比研究的成果尚未见到。本文试从汉字简化方面对比分析《规范汉字表》与其前之《汉字简化方案》、《简化字总表》(1964)、《简化字总表》(1986)等相关字表的具体内容,进而研究、总结《规范汉字表》对其前相关工作的继承和创新之处。 《简化字总表》(1986)是现今简化字使用的规范标准,此表吸取了其前汉字简化工作的经验教训,较为系统和科学。自其重新发表以来,大大方便了群众的学习和使用,对于消除社会用字的混乱现象发挥了重大作用,得到了社会各界的广泛肯定。本论文研究工作基于对《简化字总表》(1986)的全面分析之上。文章从“繁简对应关系”、“简化字来源”和“简化方法”三个方面对《简化字总表》(1986)中的简化字进行分类测查和定量定性分析,总结此表相关工作的经验和教训,在此基础上对《规范汉字表》调整的相关内容进行测查分析,总结《规范汉字表》的继承和创新点。 本论文主体内容包括五部分: 第一部分:引言。简要介绍论文写作的缘由及思路。 第二部分:汉字简化概说。在对简化字作出界定后,通过梳理汉字简化运动的历史进程,了解每个阶段汉字简化工作的情况及其时代背景,然后对建国以来汉字简化问题研究情况进行综述。 第三部分:《简化字总表》(1986)的汉字简化工作。从“繁简对应关系”、“简化字来源”和“简化方法”三个方面测查《简化字总表》(1986)所收的2235个简化字,在此基础上分析《简化字总表》(1986)在汉字简化方面的经验教训。 第四部分:《规范汉字表》的汉字简化工作。分析《规范汉字表》对《简化字总表》(1986)的调整,试总结其继承和创新之处。 第五部分:结语。陈述本课题研究的意义以及因个人能力不足而在研究过程和结论上的诸多缺陷。
[Abstract]:"Standard Chinese character form" is an integration, perfect "the first batch of heterotypic collation table", "print universal Chinese character glyph table", "simplified Chinese character summary table" / 1986). A list of frequently used words in Modern Chinese. "A list of Common words in Modern Chinese" (1988). From April 2001 to August 2009, the General standardized Chinese character form (draft of soliciting opinions) has been open to the public to solicit opinions from the beginning of the development of the "standardized Chinese character Table" on April 2001 to the August 2009 "General standardized Chinese character Table" (draft of solicitation of opinions). There has been a lot of research on this list. However, it is not yet seen that the results of the comparative study between this system and the previous standard word tables. This paper tries to compare and analyze the Chinese character list from the aspect of the simplification of Chinese characters and its former "Chinese character simplification scheme". The concrete contents of the related word tables such as "simplified Chinese characters Summary Table" (1964N) and "simplified Chinese characters Summary Table" (1986) were studied, and the inheritance and innovation of the former related work were summarized. "Summary of simplified characters" (1986) is a standard standard for the use of simplified characters today. This table draws lessons from the previous work of simplification of Chinese characters and is more systematic and scientific. It greatly facilitates the study and use of the masses and plays an important role in eliminating the confusion in the use of words in the society. The research work of this thesis is based on the comprehensive analysis of simplified word list (1986). In the three aspects of "simplified word source" and "simplified method", the simplified characters in the "simplified word Summary Table" (1986) were classified and analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively, and the experiences and lessons of the relevant work in this table were summarized. On this basis, the related contents of the adjustment of the standardized Chinese character Table are investigated and analyzed, and the inheritance and innovation of the standardized Chinese character Table are summarized. The main content of this thesis includes five parts: The first part: introduction. Briefly introduces the reasons and ideas of the thesis writing. The second part: the outline of simplified Chinese characters. After defining the simplified characters, through combing the historical process of the simplified movement of Chinese characters, we can understand the situation and background of the simplification of Chinese characters in each stage. Then it summarizes the research on the simplification of Chinese characters since the founding of the people's Republic of China. The third part: simplified Chinese characters in 1986. "simplified word source" and "simplified method" three aspects of the survey of the simplified word summary table / 1986) received 2235 simplified words. On this basis, the experience and lessons of simplified Chinese characters are analyzed. Part 4th: simplification of Chinese characters in the standardized Chinese character Table. The adjustment of the standardized Chinese character Table to the simplified Chinese character list / 1986) is analyzed, and its inheritance and innovation are summarized. Part 5th: conclusion. State the significance of this research and the defects in the research process and conclusions due to lack of personal abilities.
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1 李妍;《新华字典》第11版新增字研究[D];河北大学;2013年