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  本文关键词: 记者招待会 口译 能力负荷模式 培训策略 出处:《长江大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:口译作为信息传递的桥梁和消除语言、文化障碍的工具,在国际交流中起了重要的作用。经济全球化和中国的崛起,记者招待会口译成为国际交流不可分割的一部分。过去的二十几年来,许多的中国学者开始研究记者招待会口译。越来越多的国际会议和活动都在中国举行。中国每年“两会”成为中外关注的焦点。由于其官方权威性,对译员的要求很高。译员除了具备语言功底、口头表达能力、逻辑思维能力、知识面等方面的基本素质外,还必须掌握一些口译策略。因此本文选择“两会”上汉译英口译作为研究内容。 本文试从记者招待会口译的特点与要求及精力分配不均的原因方面着手,以能力负荷模式为理论基础研究并分析其对记者招待会口译策略的指导,并提出口译培训的方法及具体策略。通过分析最新语料,强调文章中吉尔的能力分配理论在记者招待会口译中不仅有理论意义,并且有实际的指导意义。证明译员只有在合理安排口译过程中的不同精力的前提下才能顺利完成口译任务。 除去绪论和结论部分,本文正文分为四个部分。 第一部分即第二章节,本节介绍了研究的背景及国内外尤其是国内对吉尔的能力负荷模式的研究现状以及对记者招待会口译策略研究现状。 第二部分即第三章节,介绍了吉尔能力负荷模式的理论并分析了记者招待会在其内容,语域和功能上的特点。 第三部分即第四章节,这部分为文章的核心内容,提出了能力负荷模式下交传中的策略。并指出交传中合理的精力分配促进译员的表现,反之则会成为阻力。为第四部分的策略提供了一定的理论基础。 第四部分即第五章节,从交传初学者和专业议员的差异角度,作者提出了记者招待会口译过程中译员训练指导理念,如“视译”、“关注意义”等有利于培养初学者能力的理念。 文章的最后指出研究发现,存在的一些不足以及为以后的研究提出的一些建议,并希望将文中策略运用于实际的口译培训和实践中,为越来越大的口译市场提供更多高水平的口译人才。
[Abstract]:As a bridge of information transmission and a tool to remove language and cultural barriers, interpretation plays an important role in international communication. Economic globalization and the rise of China. Press conference interpretation has become an integral part of international communication. Over the past 20 years or so. Many Chinese scholars begin to study the interpretation of press conferences. More and more international conferences and activities are held in China. In addition to the language skills, oral expression, logical thinking, knowledge and other aspects of the basic qualities of the interpreter. Therefore, this thesis chooses C-E translation from the "two sessions" as the research content. This paper attempts to analyze the characteristics and requirements of press conference interpretation and the reasons for the uneven distribution of energy, and to study and analyze its guidance to the interpretation strategy of press conference on the theoretical basis of capacity load model. By analyzing the latest data, the author emphasizes that Gill's theory of competence allocation is not only of theoretical significance in the interpretation of press conferences. It is also of practical significance to prove that interpreters can successfully complete their interpreting tasks only when different energies in the process of interpretation are reasonably arranged. Apart from the introduction and conclusion, the text is divided into four parts. The first part is the second chapter. This section introduces the background of the research, especially the domestic and foreign research on Gill's ability load model and the present situation of the press conference interpreting strategy. The second part, the third chapter, introduces the theory of Gill's capacity load model and analyzes the characteristics of the press conference in its content, register and function. The third part is 4th chapter, which is the core content of the article, and puts forward the strategy of cross communication under the ability load mode, and points out that the reasonable distribution of energy in the communication promotes the performance of the interpreter. Otherwise, it will become resistance, which provides a theoretical basis for the strategy of part 4th. From the point of view of the differences between beginners and professional councillors, the author puts forward the guiding concept of interpreter training in the interpretation process of press conferences, such as "visual translation". The idea of "paying attention to meaning" is beneficial to the cultivation of beginner's ability. At the end of the paper, the author points out that there are some shortcomings and some suggestions for future research, and hopes to apply the strategy to practical interpreting training and practice. To provide more and more high level interpreters for the larger and larger interpreting market.


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