本文关键词: 转写 汉字音 出处:《上海师范大学》2012年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:汉族的周边民族中,由于长期接受汉文化的影响,形成了自己的汉字书音系统,如日语中的汉音,,朝鲜汉字音,越南的汉越语。回鹘是维吾尔族的祖先,是突厥族在中国境内最重要的一支,他们很早就接受汉文化的影响,也形成了自己的汉字书音系统。这个书音系统最集中反映在回鹘文慈恩传中。所以回鹘文本慈恩传的研究,对于研究10世纪回鹘语与当时的汉语面貌,探讨维吾尔语史与突厥语史,都有重要意义。 回鹘文本慈恩传1930年前后出土于南疆,出土后被分裂出售,其中一大部分被撕裂成两半,使原书残碎不堪,致使日后研究非常困难。此回鹘文本现分藏于北京国家图书馆(旧称北京图书馆),法国巴黎基密博物馆(Musée Guimet),及俄国圣彼得堡东方学研究所.。原文用回鹘文书写,懂此文的人实属凤毛麟角,严重影响到学界对这个重要文献的利用。虽然有许多学者做了拉丁转写,但是见仁见智,转写各异,研究者难以择从。 作者收集分藏三地残本的内容,分卷整理文本,分析缀合,统一转写,整理出一个比较完整的回鹘文慈恩传的转写版本。这就是本文的第四章,也是本研究的最重要成果。又对照汉文原本,择出汉字对音,参考学者从藏文,于阗文,粟特文及婆罗迷文等研究成果,对回汉对音作出分析。 在此基础上,本文对这个重要文献作了初步的研究,分别是第一、二、三章 第一章:回鹘文《慈恩传》的收藏与研究,概述北京,巴黎及圣彼得堡收藏的内容,译者以及各卷的研究。 第二章:回鹘文汉字音研究,综述回鹘文音系结构,汉字音的基础方言,回鹘文汉字音及慈恩传汉字音的研究回顾。 第三章:回鹘文慈恩传汉字音研究,建立数据库,利用软件分析回鹘文慈恩传汉字音音系。 不过,这还只是很肤浅的研究,我们相信,将会有更多的学者根据本文提供的材料,作出重大的贡献。从这个意义上说,本研究只是一个铺垫工作。
[Abstract]:The Han nationality around the nation, due to the long-term influence of Han culture, forming a sound system of their own books Chinese characters, such as Japanese in Chinese, Korean Chinese characters sound, Vietnamese and Vietnamese. The Uighur ancestors, is the most important branch in China within the territory of a Turkic ethnic group, they accepted early effect Chinese culture, also formed a sound system of their own. Chinese characters book this book the most sound system is reflected in the Uighur Ci'en pass. So the study of Uighur text Ci'en, on tenth Century and at the time of the Uighur Chinese features, explore the Uighur history and Turkic history, have important significance.
The text before and after 1930 unearthed in southern Ci'en biography, unearthed after being split to sell, most of them were being split in two, so that the original book broken unbearable, resulting in the days after the study is very difficult. This text is divided into the hidden in the National Library of Beijing (formerly Beijing Library), Paris Museum (Mus e Guimet base Russia and St Petersburg), the Oriental Studies Institute. Text written in Uighur, understand this person is very rare, serious influence to the academic circles on this important literature. Although many scholars have done the Latin Transliteration, transliteration is different, but the researchers Different people, different views., it is difficult to choose from.
The author collected coffined three incomplete content, volume collation of text analysis, fitting, unified writing, sorting out a more complete version of the Uighur Ci'en pass. This is the transliteration of the fourth chapter of this paper, which is the most important achievement of this research. And the control of Chinese original, choose the Chinese characters of sound, reference to scholars from the Tibetan, khotanese, Sogdian and Borneo many research results, to make analysis of the sound back to the Han.
On this basis, this paper makes a preliminary study of this important document, which are the first, second and the three chapters.
The first chapter: the collection and study of Uighur, < > Ci'en from the overview of Beijing, Paris and St Petersburg of the content, and the study of the translator's volume.
The second chapter: Uighur Chinese characters sound research, review of Uighur phonological structure, basic dialect Chinese characters, Uighur Chinese characters sound and sound transmission Ci'en review Chinese characters.
The third chapter: Uighur Ci'en biography research, establish sound Chinese characters database, analysis of Uighur Ci'en transmission Chinese characters sound system by software.
However, this is only a superficial research. We believe that more scholars will make significant contributions to the materials provided in this paper. In this sense, this research is just a foreshadowing work.
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