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  本文关键词: 尉氏方言 语音 描写 比较 研究 出处:《山东大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:尉氏位于河南省中东部地区的豫东平原,方言属于中原官话的郑曹片。河南方言在民族共同语基础方言的形成过程中起过重大作用,其语音也被称为中原音、汴洛音,在汉语史上有着重要地位。但在北方官话方言研究中,河南方言的研究一直比较薄弱,与周边山东、山西、江苏等省的方言研究相比,研究者寥寥无几,有影响的学术成果也屈指可数。这极大影响了河南方言研究的发展,对整个汉语方言的全面、深入研究也极为不利。 本文以河南尉氏方言语音为研究对象,对尉氏方言语音进行了全面、系统的调查、描写,通过纵横两方面的比较,对尉氏方言的语音系统及其特点做了深入分析,并结合相关实验语音学的方法对声调调类、调型、调值以及连读变调等问题作了科学阐述。同时,进一步与中古音系和普通话音系比较,总结了尉氏方言语音的古今演变规律以及与普通话语音的异同。全文共分为七个部分: 第一章“绪论”。简要介绍了尉氏县的地理、人口、历史沿革、研究现状和方言概况以及音标符号说明等内容。 第二章“尉氏方言单字音系”。详细描写了尉氏方言的声、韵、调系统和音节结构,运用语音实验的方法对声调作了全面分析,并讨论了文白、新老等异读现象。 第三章“尉氏方言语流音变”。描写了尉氏方言的变调、轻声、儿化、合音和子变韵现象,并运用语音实验的方法对连读变调作了科学阐述。 第四章“尉氏方言语音和普通话语音的比较”。从声、韵、调三方面分析了尉氏方音与普通话语音的异同。 第五章“尉氏方言语音和中古音的比较”。从声、韵、调三方面入手,将尉氏方言语音系统与中古音系进行了比较,总结了古今演变的规律。 第六章“地域差异”。分析了尉氏县境内方言的地域差异以及与境外周边地区方言的关系,并对尉氏方言的内部差异及特点的产生做出了初步解释。 第七章“同音字表” 最后“结语”。全面总结了尉氏方言的语音特点。
[Abstract]:Wei is located in the eastern plain of central and eastern Henan Province. The dialect belongs to Zheng Cao Pian of the Central Plains Mandarin. Henan dialect played an important role in the formation of the basic dialect of the national common language, and its pronunciation is also called the Central Plains. Bianluo dialect plays an important role in the history of Chinese, but in the study of northern Mandarin dialect, the study of Henan dialect has been relatively weak, compared with the surrounding Shandong, Shanxi, Jiangsu and other provinces of dialect research. There are few researchers and only a few influential academic achievements, which greatly affect the development of Henan dialect research, and it is also disadvantageous to the comprehensive and in-depth study of the whole Chinese dialect. This article takes the Henan Wei dialect pronunciation as the research object, has carried on the comprehensive, systematic investigation, the description, through the vertical and horizontal two aspects comparison to the Wei dialect pronunciation. The phonetic system and its characteristics of Wei's dialect are analyzed in depth, and some problems such as tone classification, tone type, tone value and tone modification are described scientifically in combination with the relevant experimental phonetics methods. Compared with the middle ancient phonological system and the Putonghua phonological system, this paper summarizes the evolution law of Wei dialect pronunciation and its similarities and differences with Putonghua phonetic system. The full text is divided into seven parts: The first chapter "introduction" briefly introduces the geography, population, historical evolution, research status and dialects of Weishi County, as well as the description of phonetic symbols. The second chapter, "the phonetic system of Wei's dialect", describes in detail the sound, rhyme, tone system and syllable structure of Wei's dialect, and makes a comprehensive analysis of the tone by using the method of phonetic experiment, and discusses the text and white. New and old reading phenomenon. The third chapter, "the phonetic change of Wei's dialect", describes the change of tone, soft voice, renaturation, consonance and subrhyme of Wei dialect, and uses the method of phonetic experiment to explain the tone change of continuous reading scientifically. Chapter 4th, "the comparison of the pronunciation of Wei's dialect and Putonghua", analyzes the similarities and differences between Wei's dialect and Putonghua from the aspects of sound, rhyme and tone. In Chapter 5th, "comparison between the pronunciation of Wei's dialect and the ancient sound", the phonetic system of Wei's dialect is compared with that of the middle ancient phonetic system from the aspects of sound, rhyme and tone, and the law of the evolution of ancient and modern times is summarized. Chapter 6th, "Regional differences", analyzes the regional differences in the dialects in Wushi County and their relationship with the dialects in the surrounding areas outside the country, and makes a preliminary explanation of the internal differences and characteristics of the dialects. Chapter 7th "homonym Table" Finally, the conclusion summarizes the phonetic characteristics of Wei dialect.


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