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发布时间:2018-02-04 13:21

  本文关键词: 教师话语 话语难度 新熟手教师 话语策略 出处:《北京外国语大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:教师话语作为组织、管理、指导语言课堂活动的一种教学手段,对于学生语言学习起着至关重要的作用。教师话语的难易度将直接决定学生的理解程度,进而影响课堂教学效果。一般而言,教师话语的难度合适,学生更易听懂并吸收,再经过内化成为自身的语言知识,提高语言水平;相反,教师话语过难,学生会感到理解困难,可能产生焦虑感,降低学习积极性。因此,教师话语难度研究将帮助和指导教师选择适合学生水平的话语难度,最大限度地为学生提供“i+1”的可理解性输入,进而促进学生的语言习得。 但目前来看,教师话语难度研究尚处于起步阶段,相关文章不多。我们知道,在对外汉语课堂中,由于教学经验等因素的限制,新熟手教师的授课方式等存在很多差异。那么,新熟手教师的话语难度是否存在差异?教师的话语难度是否合适?教师通过哪些策略调整话语难度?这些问题值得探讨。因此,本文将通过实证研究比较初级综合课上新手熟手教师的话语难度,讨论差异产生的原因,并进一步分析教师采用的话语难度调整策略。 本文采用定量和定性结合的研究方法。定量研究方面,本文选取新熟手教师各2名,分别对他们进行各6个课时的课堂录像和录音,总时长1200分钟,得到转写文本17万余字。然后我们从语音、词汇、句子层面入手,将影响教师话语难度的因素分为七种:语速、停顿、词汇难易度、平均句长、语法难易度、话语重复量、外语使用量。通过对转写文本进行数据统计,分别比较新熟手教师话语在各影响因素上的异同,并结合访谈分析差异产生的原因。定性研究方面,我们对4位教师各进行了1小时左右的半结构化访谈,得到访谈录音转写文本4万余字。我们总结出5项教师话语难度调整策略:语速策略、重复策略、换述策略、语码策略和体态语策略。根据课堂实录及访谈,我们对每种策略进行了举例分析。 研究发现,由于教学经验缺乏、课前准备不足、对学生了解不够等原因,新手教师的话语难度不太符合学生的语言水平,存在话语偏易或者偏难的情况。而熟手教师则能针对学生水平选择难度比较合适的话语,他们对自身话语的难度有比较清晰的认识。另外,在话语偏难时,教师使用的调整策略因人而异,但都存在几种策略并用的情况。调整的目的都是为了降低话语难度,帮助学生理解。 本研究将帮助教师从不同角度认识话语难度对学生语言学习的影响,指导教师根据学生的课堂反应和理解程度不断地调整自身话语难度,以适应学生的汉语水平,增强可理解输入。此外,熟手教师在话语难度选择和调整方面的经验对于新手教师的培训及专业化成长也有一定的借鉴作用。
[Abstract]:As a teaching means of organizing, managing and guiding language classroom activities, teacher talk plays an important role in students' language learning. The difficulty of teacher talk will directly determine the students' understanding. Generally speaking, the difficulty of teacher talk is suitable, students can understand and absorb it more easily, and then internalize it into their own language knowledge to improve their language level. On the contrary, teachers' discourse is too difficult for students to understand, which may lead to anxiety and reduce learning enthusiasm. Therefore, the study of teacher discourse difficulty will help and guide teachers to choose the appropriate language difficulty. To maximize the comprehensible input of I 1 to promote language acquisition. However, at present, the study of the difficulty of teacher discourse is still in its infancy, and there are few related articles. We know that in the TCFL classroom, due to the limitations of teaching experience and other factors. There are many differences in the teaching methods of the new proficient teachers. Then, are there any differences in the difficulty of the new proficient teachers' utterances? Is the difficulty of the teacher's words appropriate? What strategies do teachers adopt to adjust the difficulty of discourse? Therefore, this paper will make an empirical study to compare the speech difficulty of the novice proficient teachers in the primary comprehensive class and discuss the causes of the differences. And further analyze the strategy of adjustment of discourse difficulty adopted by teachers. This paper uses quantitative and qualitative research methods. Quantitative research, this paper selects two new proficient teachers, each of them 6 class hours of classroom video and audio recording, the total duration of 1200 minutes. Then we divide the factors that affect the difficulty of teacher's discourse into seven categories: speech speed, pause, vocabulary difficulty, average sentence length and grammar difficulty. Through the data statistics of the transposed text, the author compares the differences and similarities of the new proficient teacher's discourse in the influencing factors, and analyzes the causes of the difference with the interview. We conducted a 1 hour semi-structured interview with each of the four teachers and obtained more than 40,000 words from the interview recording. We summed up five strategies for adjusting the difficulty of teacher discourse: the speaking rate strategy and the repetition strategy. According to the classroom record and interview, we analyze each strategy with examples. The study found that due to the lack of teaching experience, lack of preparation before class, lack of understanding of students, the difficulty of novice teachers' discourse is not in line with the students' language level. There is a situation where the utterance is easier or more difficult, and the familiar teacher can choose the more suitable utterance according to the students' level, and they have a clearer understanding of the difficulty of their own utterance. In addition, when the utterance is too difficult. The adjustment strategies used by teachers vary from person to person, but there are several kinds of strategies used. The purpose of adjustment is to reduce the difficulty of utterance and to help students understand. This study will help teachers to understand the influence of language difficulty on students' language learning from different angles, and guide teachers to adjust their language difficulty according to the students' classroom reaction and understanding. In order to adapt to the students' Chinese level and enhance the comprehensible input, the experience of the proficient teachers in the choice and adjustment of the difficulty of utterance can also be used for reference for the training and professional growth of novice teachers.


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