本文选题:《不会发生在这里》 切入点:翻译补偿 出处:《河南大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:本研究内容是辛克莱·刘易斯的小说《不会发生在这里》(21—24章)的汉译,这是河南大学和外语教学与研究出版社翻译项目的一部分。 《不会发生在这里》发表于二战前夕,文中温德里普总统统治下的社团国其实意在影射阿道夫·希特勒实施的法西斯统治。该小说展现了一个平民政治运动家温德里普的发迹历程,其创立了类似希特勒党卫队的团伙军民兵组织,报社工作者多里默斯·杰瑟普迟来的意识觉醒以及反抗。 该小说是辛克莱·刘易斯创作生涯后期一部涉及时事的作品,于2007年荣获普利策文学奖。研究所选译部分是小说情节的转折点,展现了主人公从一位资产阶级知识分子转向为保卫自由、尊严、生命而抗争的过程。 鉴于翻译中,可译性程度是有限的,就造成不可避免的翻译损失。而翻译损失可能体现在词汇、句子、文化或审美方面。因此可以尝试使用翻译补偿来解决。目前学术界对翻译补偿尚没有统一的界定,对其研究也存在一定的滞后。在翻译过程中,尝试用翻译补偿的策略对汉译过程中产生的翻译损失在意义或形式上进行补偿。通过此次实践,可以得出一个结论:翻译补偿是可行的,,也是值得实行的一种翻译策略。 翻译报告共包括了五部分的内容。笔者首先介绍了辛克莱·刘易斯、《不会发生在这里》的相关内容以及出版社的要求与标准。随后对翻译补偿的相关研究与内容进行了简介。第三部分为翻译过程,包括译前、译中以及译后,译前包括准备工作,译中从语言学层面、文化层面以及审美层面,借助翻译补偿对翻译过程中遇到的重难点问题进行分析,详细阐述了如何进行翻译补偿。第四部分总结了译者应具备的素质。最后对整个论文进行了总结。
[Abstract]:This study is about the translation of Sinclair Lewis's novel No happening here, Chapter 21-24, as part of the translation project of Henan University and Foreign language Teaching and Research Press. "it won't happen here" was published on the eve of World War II. In the text, the mass state under President Windrip is actually intended to insinuate the fascist rule of Adolf Hitler. It created a gang like Hitler's SS militia, a newspaper worker, Doris Jessup, a late awakening of consciousness and resistance. The novel, a work on current affairs in the late years of Sinclair Lewis's career, won the Pulitzer Prize for Literature in 2007. The selected translation section of the study was a turning point in the plot of the novel. The protagonist changes from a bourgeois intellectual to a struggle for freedom, dignity and life. In view of the limited degree of translatability in translation, the loss of translation is unavoidable, and the loss of translation may be reflected in words and sentences. Therefore, we can try to use translation compensation to solve the problem. At present, there is no uniform definition of translation compensation in academic circles, and there is also a lag in the study of translation compensation. This paper attempts to compensate the translation losses in the process of Chinese translation with the strategy of translation compensation in terms of meaning or form. Through this practice, we can draw a conclusion that translation compensation is feasible, and it is also a translation strategy worthy of implementation. The translation report consists of five parts. The author first introduces Sinclair Lewis, "it won't happen here," and the requirements and standards of the publisher. The third part is the translation process. Including pre-translation, mid-translation and post-translation, pre-translation includes preparatory work, translation from the linguistic level, cultural level and aesthetic level, with the help of translation compensation to analyze the important and difficult problems encountered in the process of translation. Part 4th summarizes the qualities the translator should possess. Finally, it summarizes the whole thesis.
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