本文选题:回鹘文 切入点:《金光明经》 出处:《新疆大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:回鹘文《金光明经》(Altun nglüg yaruq yaltr ql k trülm nom iligi alt nombitig)是古代维吾尔族著名学者,翻译家别失八里人僧古萨从汉语翻译成回鹘语(古代维吾尔文)的佛教经典。它是目前保存下来的最完整,最重要的回鹘义经典文献,共十卷三十一品构成。该文献最完整的抄本为俄国的C.E.马洛夫于1910年在我国甘肃附近的文殊沟所得,共397页,现存俄国科学院东方研究所圣彼得堡分所。另有两叶为瑞典考古学家F.贝格曼于1927~1935年参加西北科学考察团是在甘肃所得,现存斯德哥尔摩民族博物馆。此外,德国考古队在新疆也发现有此经的残卷。它与其他回鹘文献相比涉及的内容丰富多彩,即全面地反应了维吾尔族古老的宗教信仰,社会文化状况,文学,语言文字,风俗习惯等。回鹘文《金光明经》中出现大量的突厥语固有词汇和外来词汇,对这些词汇进行词汇研究为突厥语言学研究提供珍贵的资料。 本论文共分四部分。第一部分是引言,主要阐述了回鹘文《金光明经》之词汇研究的价值,意义,国内外回鹘文《金光明经》研究的历史与现状,并提出了本论题的研究方法和内容,创新之处,提供了符号,略语,转写字母对照表,以及本论文中所使用的字母和数目对照表。第二部分是回鹘文《金光明经》中源于突厥语的固有词汇,这一部分对回鹘文《金光明经》中出现的“有关动植物名称的词汇”,“有关人体的词汇”,“有关自然界事物的词汇”,“有关法律,公正,罪行的词汇”,“有关地名民族和国家的词汇”,“有关亲属关系和家庭的词汇”,“有关社群,村社和社会阶层的词汇”,“有关王室,贵族,君主的词汇”,“有关饮食,服饰的词汇”等属于九类的225个词汇进行了分析,在不同的古代维吾尔语文献中找出这些词汇的记载,举了在不同文献中出现的这词词汇的例子,对比和分析了这些词汇在不同古代维吾尔语文献中的表示之义和拼写。该论文的第三部分对回鹘文《金光明经》中出现的448个阿拉伯语,汉语,希腊语,粟特语,梵语,藏语,波斯语,吐火罗语和来源不明的外来词做了以来源为依据的分类,并论述了这些外来词汇的借用方式。同时,,在不同的古代维吾尔语文献中找出这些外来词汇的文字记载,举了,在那些不同文献中出现的例子,详细地阐明了这些外来词汇在不同的古代维吾尔语文献中之义和拼写。第四部分是结论,总结了该论文的创新之处和不足。
[Abstract]:Altun ngl 眉 g yaruq yaltr QL k tr 眉 lm nom iligi alt nombitig is a famous ancient Uygur scholar. The translator should not lose the Buddhist scripture translated from Chinese to Uyghur (ancient Uygur) by the Buddhist monk of Pali. It is the most complete and important Uighur classic document preserved at present. The most complete copy of this document was obtained by C. E. Malov of Russia on 1910 in the Manjusri Valley, near Gansu Province, China, with a total of 31 pages. The existing St. Petersburg branch of the Oriental Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The other two leaves are Swedish archaeologist F.Bergman, who took part in a northwest scientific expedition from 1927 to 1935 in Gansu Province, and the existing Stockholm Museum of nationalities. The German archaeological team also found the remains of the Sutra in Xinjiang. Compared with other Uighur documents, it involves rich and colorful contents, that is, it comprehensively reflects the ancient religious beliefs, social and cultural conditions, literature, language and characters of the Uyghur people. Customs and habits. A large number of native Turkic words and foreign words appear in the Uyghur Sutra of Jin Guangming. The study of these words provides valuable information for the study of Turkic linguistics. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part is the introduction, which mainly expounds the value, significance, history and present situation of the study of the Uyghur, "the Classic of Jin Guangming", both at home and abroad. At the same time, the research method and content of this thesis, the innovation, the symbol, the abbreviation, the transliteration letter comparison table are put forward. The second part is the inherent vocabulary derived from Turkic language in the Uyghur Sutra. This part of the Uyghur text "Jin Guangming" appears in the "names of animals and plants", "words about the human body", "words about natural things", "relevant laws, justice," Words for crimes "," words for place names, peoples and countries "," terms for kinship and family "," terms for communities, villages and social classes "," words for royalty, nobility, monarch "," about diet, " The vocabulary of dress "and other 225 words belonging to nine categories were analyzed, and records of these words were found in different ancient Uygur language documents. Examples of this word appeared in different documents were given." This paper compares and analyzes the meanings and spelling of these words in different ancient Uygur literature. The third part of this paper deals with 448 Arabic, Chinese, Greek, millet, Sanskrit, Tibetan, etc. Farsi, Huo Luo and foreign words of unknown origin are classified on the basis of source, and the ways of borrowing these foreign words are discussed. At the same time, the textual records of these foreign words are found in different ancient Uygur literature. For example, the examples in the different literature illustrate in detail the meaning and spelling of these foreign words in different ancient Uygur literature. Part 4th is the conclusion and summarizes the innovations and shortcomings of this paper.
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