本文选题:玛雅文音符 切入点:甲骨文音符 出处:《中国海洋大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:本文运用比较的方法,对玛雅文和甲骨文音符从静态和动态两个方面,对音符及其参与构词的方式进行了分析,探讨了两种文字音符的特点。本文以“同”为基本出发点,从同的比较中探索出“异”来,并对造成这种相异的原因进行了探讨。 本文共分四章: 第一章主要是对玛雅文的描述,文章从玛雅文明、玛雅的语言、玛雅文字、玛雅文字的国内研究状况和国外研究状况这几个方面对玛雅文字进行了概括性的介绍和认识。 第二章主要是对玛雅文音符和甲骨文音符静态层面进行的比较,其中玛雅文字的研究以John Montgomery的《Dictionary of Maya Hieroglphs》(玛雅文字典)中出现的所有音符及由音符构成的字符作为研究对象,从音符的静态分析入手,发现玛雅文单音符具有形体具象性,变体众多,且各变体有共同的意项,音符有的本身表意,但半数音符仅仅表音的特点。甲骨文的音符则是从近年来对甲骨文形声字、假借字等的研究材料入手,从形体上看,具有写意性强,变体较少,相互之间不能取代且都围绕着意义而生的特点,从表音上看,所表音节众多,且呈离散性,对意义有较强的依赖性,具有示源功能。音符表音与表意功能同时存在,,同等重要但身份不同,音符本身具有层次性。 第三章主要是对玛雅文音符和甲骨文音符参与构词的动态层面进行的探讨。从音符的来源看,组合中的音符主要源自同音替换和从意符派生出音符这两方面,并且发现在组合中,音符具有提示音音准确,音符+意符结构能产性低,具有音符+音符的线性组合方式,音符从玛雅文意符中独立出来以后,表现出由最初的离散性逐渐向依附性过度,对于结构和组合的依赖性变强。通过对玛雅文音符静态动态的分析发现,玛雅文音符具有依赖性强的特点,音符的表音和表意功能已经分离并且分工明确。而相比玛雅文的音符具有依赖性的特点,甲骨文的音符更具有自足性的特点。在音符参与的表词方式之中,甲骨文音符在参与构词的时候是整体性借代,音符数量众多,但形声字组合中音符的运用量仅为一。音符的表音准确度不高,构词当中音符同时具有提示音音和提示意义的双重作用。无论哪一种造词方式,音符参与构词的目的都是区别自我。 第四章是根据前两章对两种文字音符的对比之后得出差异并探讨这种差异的成因,发现他们在形体的具象与抽象、音符本身的自源性和层级性以及记音原则和谐音原则三个方面表现出差异,并且分析了导致这种差异的原因,主要是三个方面,外部原因是文化记忆的不同导致文字发展道路的差异,文字载体的不同影响文字的发展。而内部原因主要是文字在发展的过程中所形成的二元互补结构和多元组合结构的不同造成的。 最后一部分是结语,通过以上对甲骨文和玛雅文音符的分析和比较我们发现,音符和意符功能的分离与否是导致整个文字以何种方式运用表音来完善自我系统的关键。
[Abstract]:In this paper, using the method of comparison, the Mayan and Oracle notes from the two aspects of static and dynamic, and the notes in word formation are analyzed, discussed the characteristics of two kinds of text notes. The same "as the basic starting point, from the same comparison of" differences ", and the causes of the differences are discussed.
This article is divided into four chapters.
The first chapter is mainly about the description of Maya. This article gives a general introduction and understanding of Mayan script from Maya civilization, Maya language, Maya script, the research situation of Maya characters and the research status abroad.
The second chapter is the comparison of the Maya writing notes and notes of Oracle static level, the Maya text research to John Montgomery
The third chapter mainly carries on the discussion to the dynamic level Maya writing notes and Oracle notes in word formation. From the notes of the source, combined the note from the homonym replacement and mainly derived from the signifying notes of these two aspects, and found that the combination of notes, with the prompt sound accurate, note + signifier structure production of low linear combination with notes + notes, notes from Ma Yawen signifying independence, demonstrated by the discrete initial gradually to the dependence of excessive dependence on the structure and the combination of the strong. Through the analysis of the Mayan note is dynamic, Mayan note has dependent characteristics strong, notes and phonetic andideographic function has been separated and the clear division of labor. Compared with Mayan notes is dependent, Oracle notes is more self-contained features. In the notes in the word The way, Oracle notes is integrity when metonymy in word formation, a large number of notes, but the amount of notes of pictophonetic characters in combination is only a note. The phonetic accuracy is not high, which also has the dual role of word formation notes tone tone and suggestive. No matter what kind of way of word building, notes in word formation are different self.
The fourth chapter is based on the comparative text of two notes of the first two chapters that differences and explore the cause of the difference, found them in the form of concrete and abstract, three aspects of their notes themselves and level of phonetic principles and principles and homophonic exhibit differences and analyze the reasons for this difference mainly. In three aspects, the external reasons are different because of different cultural memory of the text of the path of development. The different effects of text vector text. The internal reason is mainly formed by the text in the process of development of two complementary anddiversified portfolio caused.
The last part is the conclusion, through the above analysis and comparison of Oracle and Maya writing notes we found the note and the signifier function separation or not is causing the use of language to improve the phonetic system of self critical in what way.
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