发布时间:2018-04-03 11:22
本文选题:《土风录》 切入点:顾张思 出处:《上海师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:《土风录》是清代太仓文人顾张思的一部俗语辞书著作,书中共收录一千多条俗语,通过作者探源溯流式的考据和引经据典的分析研究,为今天我们研究语言、清代经济文化等提供宝贵的第一手文献史料。本论文主要以《土风录》所收俗语词汇为研究对象,通过发掘其价值,既可以了解当时吴人的衣食住行、岁时节令、信仰游乐等生活状态,还能了解到这些民俗的起源及发展,以更好地作用于今天民俗学的研究。同时,该书在辞书体例上也有其独特之处,,能为后世辞书的编纂提供重要的参考价值。 本论文对作者顾张思及其《土风录》进行全面的梳理和研究,全文主要分为六部分: 第一部分——绪论。对古代,尤其明清的俗语辞书做简要综述,从宏观上把握明清时代俗语辞书的特点。 第二部分——作者家世及生平研究。主要从地方志和与作者有交游关系的人物著述中挖掘直接、间接史料,梳理作者的社会关系网。 第三部分——版本、体例研究。宏观介绍《土风录》一书,爬梳该书的成书背景、版本源流和编纂体例,并明确该书确有显著的辞书特点。 第四部分——辞书编纂价值研究。先对《土风录》的词汇进行分类,并试图归纳出该书在选词上遵循的标准;尔后在解读的基础上,对书中涉及词义产生演变发展的词进行研究,并对后世辞书如《汉语大词典》、《中文大辞典》中的失收词语、释义缺失、书证晚出等疏漏进行修订补正。 第五部分——文化价值研究。主要从民俗文化和语言学两方面揭示该书的价值,还原顾张思所反映的清代吴地社会的风俗面貌。 第六部分——分析不足。《土风录》中还存在些许不足,如立目设计、词目编排、词目释义、词目书证等方面,分析不足,才便于世人日后更好地使用该书。
[Abstract]:Tufeng Lu is a colloquial dictionary written by Gu Zhangsi, a scholar in Taicang in the Qing Dynasty. The book contains more than 1,000 colloquial sayings. Through the author's textual research and analysis and study of the source and backflow of the classics, we study the language for us today.The economy and culture of Qing Dynasty provided valuable first-hand documents and historical data.This paper mainly takes the colloquial words collected in the Book of Earth style as the research object. By exploring its value, we can not only understand the living conditions of the Wu people at that time, such as clothing, food, shelter, seasonal festival at the age of age, belief and amusement, but also understand the origin and development of these folklore.To better serve the study of folklore today.At the same time, the book has its own unique style of dictionaries, which can provide important reference value for the compilation of later generations of dictionaries.In this paper, the author of Gu Zhangsi and his "Land Wind Records" are comprehensively combed and studied, the full text is divided into six parts:The first part-introduction.The dictionaries of ancient times, especially Ming and Qing dynasties, are briefly summarized, and the characteristics of dictionaries in Ming and Qing dynasties are grasped macroscopically.The second part-the author's family and life history.The direct and indirect historical data are excavated from the local chronicles and the characters who have the relationship with the author, and the social network of the author is combed.The third part-version, style study.This paper introduces the book, the background, the source of the edition and the style of compilation, and makes it clear that the book has obvious characteristics of dictionaries.The fourth part-the study of the value of the compilation of dictionaries.This paper first classifies the vocabulary of Tufeng Records, and tries to sum up the criteria followed in the selection of words in the book. Then, on the basis of interpretation, the author studies the words involved in the evolution and development of the meaning of words in the book.The missing words, the lack of interpretation and the late issuance of the book are revised and corrected in later generations of dictionaries such as the Chinese Dictionary and the Chinese Dictionary.The fifth part-the study of cultural value.It mainly reveals the value of the book from two aspects of folklore culture and linguistics, and restores the customs and features of Wu area society in Qing Dynasty as reflected by Gu Zhangsi.The sixth part is insufficient analysis. There are still some deficiencies in the book, such as the design of the title, the arrangement of the word, the interpretation of the word, the proof of the book, and so on, so that the world can make better use of the book in the future.
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