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发布时间:2018-04-17 04:03

  本文选题:混合方言 + 深度接触 ; 参考:《复旦大学》2012年博士论文

【摘要】:在最近二三十年中,由于接触语言学理论在汉语方言研究中的引进和应用,越来越多的学者尝试用“混合方言(或混合型方言、混合性方言等)”这个概念来解决在方言分区、方言系属等研究中遇到的问题。然而,对于混合方言的定义、分类和特点等问题一直鲜有人探讨。本文从“深度接触”这一概念出发,探讨与所谓“混合方言”相关的一系列理论和具体问题。 全文共分六章。 第一章为绪论,首先介绍了本文写作的缘由,然后回顾了国内外相关研究的概况。混合方言研究属于接触语言学的一部分。语言接触的研究虽然历史悠久,但接触语言学的历史才不过五六十年,而对方言接触的研究可以说方兴未艾。国外在混合方言研究方面最主要的成果是关于柯因内语的理论。国内对混合方言的研究有两个主要特点。第一,从属于方言分区研究;第二,重应用而轻理论。最后介绍了本文的研究思路、章节安排和语料来源等。 第二章讨论深度接触的定义、判定和分类。首先,我们讨论了方言的定义、演变模式和分化等问题,指出在实际研究中,方言接触是方言演变不可忽视的因素。然后,我们进行了混合方言理论和应用的检讨,发现国外对混合方言尚无明确的定义,而国内往往错误地视为方言层次的克里奥耳语,而且把混合方言和方言系属的判断混淆起来。前者是讨论方言的接触关系,后者是讨论方言的发生学关系,可以对立统一起来。经过讨论,我们认为,混合方言这一概念缺乏明确的判定标准,不能进行定量分析,容易引起争议,因此提出采用“深度接触”这一术语来指代这种兼有多种方言特征的现象。 我们认为应该用语音标准来判定深度接触现象。如果至少发生包含一个音类的音值转移或音类调整现象,我们就称之为深度接触,发生深度接触现象的方言则称为深度接触方言。接触的两种基本方式是修补式接触和重建式接触,基础方言、接触方言、底层方言和目的方言则是与之相对应的术语。最后讨论深度接触的分类,指出要按参与方言是否能通话以及接触方式的不同进行分类。 第三章讨论了深度借用型方言。首先从语音要素和借用方式等角度对深度借用现象进行了分类说明,然后通过两个个案分析说明深度借用型方言的特点。一个是广西博白县旺茂镇和三滩镇地佬话,属于粤语和客家话的深度借用型方言。另一个是广西玉林市茂林闽南话,属于闽语和粤语的深度借用型方言。 第四章讨论了深度干扰型方言。首先讨论了深度干扰和深度借用的区别,指出应根据第二方言的性质来界定深度干扰。然后讨论了干扰方式的分类。最后通过两个个案分析来说明深度干扰型方言的特点。一个是广西钦州正话,属于粤语干扰官话的深度干扰型方言。另一个是浙江开化县华埠官话,是讲吴语的人转用官话并发生深度干扰形成的深度干扰型方言。 第五章讨论了柯因内化和中心城镇趋同。首先介绍了柯因内化的特点,指出柯因内化和普通深度接触的区别在于前者发生在可通话的方言之间,并且是通过一个较快速的接触过程形成的。然后通过对江苏句容磨盘话和福建厦门话的个案分析来说明柯因内化的特点。接下来讨论中心城镇趋同,所谓中心城镇方言趋同,是指在同一个行政区内,可通话的中心城镇方言和各地方言相比,中心城镇方言语言特征最少或者兼有各地方言的特征。这是地区方言趋同的一种典型现象。最后通过广西北流方言和江苏苏州话的个案分析来说明中心城镇方言趋同的特点。 第六章讨论了基于各大方言的深度接触方言。所谓“基于”是指以某方言为基础方言发生修补式接触形成的深度借用型方言或以某方言为底层方言发生重建式接触形成的深度干扰型方言。各大方言是指官话方言、吴语、湘语、赣语、客家话、粤语和闽语七大方言。主要是实践深度接触方言的判定工作,一共讨论了59种方言。 最后进行总结。本文的创新之处在于,对混合方言的现有理论和应用进行了总结和批判,并提出深度接触这一术语,用以指代混合方言现象,对深度接触方言的定义、分类、判定和特点等问题提出了自己的看法。
[Abstract]:In the last two or thirty years , because of the introduction and application of the theory of contact linguistics in the research of the Chinese dialect , more and more scholars have tried to solve the problems encountered in the study of dialect partitions and dialect systems by using the concept of " mixed dialect ( or mixed dialect , mixed dialect , etc . ) . However , the definition , classification and characteristics of the mixed dialect have been discussed . However , the paper discusses a series of theories and specific problems related to the so - called " mixed dialect " from the concept of " deep contact " .

The full text is divided into six chapters .

The first chapter is the introduction , first introduces the reasons for the writing of this paper , then reviews the general situation of the relevant research at home and abroad . The study of the mixed dialect belongs to the part of the contact linguistics . The research on the contact of the language is only fifty - six decades , but the research on the contact of the dialect can be said to be the most important .
Second , the light theory of heavy application is introduced . Finally , the paper introduces the research thinking , chapter arrangement and the source of corpus .

In the second chapter , we discuss the definition , judgment and classification of the depth contact . First , we discuss the definition , evolution pattern and differentiation of dialect .

We think we should use the speech standard to determine the depth contact phenomenon . If there is at least one sound value transfer or sound class adjustment phenomenon involving one sound class , we call it the depth contact , and the dialect of the depth contact phenomenon is called the depth contact dialect . The two basic ways of contact are the patch type contact and the reconstruction type contact , the basic dialect , the contact dialect , the bottom dialect and the destination dialect are the corresponding terminologies . In the end , the classification of the depth contact is discussed , and it is pointed out that it is necessary to classify according to whether the participating dialect can call and the contact mode .

The third chapter discusses the deep borrowing dialect . Firstly , the author classifies the deep borrowing phenomenon from the angle of phonetic elements and borrowing ways , and then analyses the characteristics of the deep borrowing dialect through two case studies . One is the dialect of deep borrowing of Cantonese and Hakka .

The fourth chapter discusses the deep - interference dialect . Firstly , the differences between depth - interference and depth borrowing are discussed . It is pointed out that the depth - interference should be defined according to the nature of the second dialect .

In the fifth chapter , we discuss the characteristics of Coininternalization and the convergence of the central town . Firstly , we introduce the characteristics of the internal factors of the internal and central towns . Then , we discuss the characteristics of the internal dialect of the central town by analyzing the case analysis of Jiangsu period and Fujian Xiamen dialect . Then , the characteristics of the convergence of the central town dialect are illustrated through the case analysis of the dialect of Jiangsu and the dialect of Jiangsu Suzhou .

In the sixth chapter , the deep - contact dialect based on the dialect is discussed . The so - called " base - based " means the deep - borrowed dialect formed by the repair - type contact in the dialect of a dialect or the deep - interference - type dialect formed by the reconstruction of the underlying dialect in a dialect . The major dialect refers to the dialect of Mandarin , Wu , Xiang , Gan , Hakka , Cantonese and Min .

Finally , the author summarizes the existing theories and applications of the mixed dialect , and puts forward the term of depth contact , which is used to refer to the phenomenon of mixed dialect , and puts forward his own views on the definition , classification , judgment and characteristics of the deep - contact dialect .



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