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发布时间:2018-04-21 08:10

  本文选题:《史记》 + 连词系统 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2012年博士论文

【摘要】:连词是连接两个或两个以上词、词组、分句、句子、句群的虚词。连词只有连接作用,表示特定的句法关系和逻辑关系,不能成为句子成分或句子成分中实质性结构部分。西汉是上古汉语向中古汉语过渡的一个时期,也是语言演变比较显着的一个时期。《史记》作为成熟的书面语著作,在一定程度上能够反映西汉时期的语言特色,其中使用了大量连词,这些连词,有些是对先秦连词的继承,有些是《史记》中新产生的,如复音递进连词“且又”、“况乃”、“而况乎”,复音假设连词“诚使”、“诚令”等,对研究西汉以及先秦的语言具有较大的价值。研究《史记》中的连词不仅对上古汉语断代研究有重要的意义,对汉语史研究也在一定程度上起着积极的作用。 本文以《史记》为研究对象,作为主要的语料来源,并加以少量的先秦汉语、中古汉语等文献资料。以并列、顺承、选择、递进、假设、让步、转折、原因、结果、目的、修饰、提起12类连词为具体切入点,在定量考察、定性分析的基础上,对连词的语法特点进行总体概述和描写,对《史记》中的全部连词作穷尽性的研究。并且以此为基础,对连词进行历时考察,将共时描写与历时分析相结合,总结相关连词的语法化过程,并对连词演变的机制和规律进行初步的归纳。 本文首次比较全面地对《史记》中的连词进行归纳总结,探讨连词语法化过程和动因。经过考察发现,虚化是连词的主要来源,如“与”、“及”、“而”等,除此之外,同义连用、同音假借也是连词的重要来源。 本文共分为14个部分: 第1章,绪论,归纳前辈时贤对连词定义的侧重点和分类的标准,确定在本文中连词的定义及分类。讨论连词与介词、副词的界定标准。归纳《史记》的语料价值及相关研究成果。确定本文的研究目的、范围、理论依据和研究方法。对《史记》中出现的连词进行分类列表。 第2章,并列连词,总结并列连词研究的基本情况,描写《史记》并列连词的基本面貌,“与”、“及”、“而”、“以”、“且”、“有”、“若”是主要的几个并列连词,出现频率较高,“惟”并列连词用法1例,“暨”并列连词用法1例,“侇”并列连词用法1例,“则”并列连词用法2例,“如”并列连词用法2例。“又”作为并列连词,与“既“配合,组成”既……又……“的格式,“维”用作并列连词,由“非”、“既”组成的“非……维……”、“既……维……”格式,“亦”组成“亦……亦……”格式表示并列。分析了主要的几个并列连词的语法化过程。 第3章,顺承连词,总结顺承连词研究的基本情况。《史记》中出现的顺承连词有29个,主要的有“而”、“以”、“若”、“如”、“则”、“而后”、“于是”、“遂”、“乃”、“乃遂”、“故”、“因”、“因而”、“然后”、“以至”、“以至于”、“已而”、“即”、“然则”,总结“于是”的语法化过程。 第4章,选择连词,《史记》中出现的选择连词主要有“或”、“若”、“如”,“意者”用作选择连词出现1例、“且”作为选择连词出现1例、“将”作为选择连词出现1例、“与”用作选择连词出现2例。“或”组成“或……或……”的格式表示选择,“宁”组成“宁……不……”、“宁……无……”、“与……宁……”、“宁……安……”等格式表示选择关系,此外还有“与……宁……”、“与其……宁……”、“与其……不如……”、“与其……岂若……”等形式。总结了“与其”作为选择连词产生的原因。“X与不X”格式,通过“与”前后项相反互补关系表示选择其一;“则”用作选择连词,组成“非(不)……则……”格式,表示“不是……就是……”的意义。 第5章,递进连词,总结递进连词研究的基本情况。《史记》中的递进连词,比较常见的有“而”、“况”、“且”等,“而”、“况”、“且”又与其它成分凝固成为双音或三音递进连词,形成“而”类递进连词、“况”类递进连词、“且”类递进连词。 第6章,假设连词,,归纳研究假设连词的相关论文。《史记》中主要的假设连词有“若”、“若……则……”、“如”、“有如”、“如有”、“如其”、“苟”、“即”、“诚”、“诚使”、“诚令”、“使”、“借(藉)使”、“向(乡)使”、“假使”、“设”、“假令”、“果”、“向令”、“弟令”、“如令”、“厥”、“若使”、“尚”、“忽然”。对比《史记》中的复音假设连词与中古时期出现的假设连词的数量情况。 第7章,让步连词,归纳让步连词研究的相关论文。《史记》中使用的让步连词主要有“纵”、“即”、“虽”、“犹”、“尚犹”等。总体看来,《史记》中的让步连词使用量不大。 第8章,转折连词,回顾转折连词研究的相关论文。《史记》中的转折连词有“而”、“乃”、“然”、“然而”、“则”、“即”、“顾弟”。分析复音转折连词“然而”的演变过程。 第9章,原因连词,总结原因连词研究的基本成果。《史记》中原因连词有“以”、“为”、“则”、“由”。将《史记》原因连词与西汉其它文献作对比,得出“以”是此期最主要的原因连词的结论。 第10章,结果连词,总结结果连词研究的基本情况。《史记》中主要的结果连词有“而”、“则”、“以”、“是以”、“以故”、“以此”、“所以”、“故”、“是故”、“乃”、“用”、“用是”、“因”、“因而”、“由是”、“由此”、“是以”、“然则”等。可以归为“以”类、“故”类、“用”类、“因”类、“由”类结果连词。 第11章,目的连词,《史记》中的目的连词有“以”、“而”、“用”。目的连词“以”的使用量占有绝对优势。 第12章,修饰连词,提出修饰连词的判定标准。修饰连词可以分为两类:一类连接两个动词性词语;一类连接状语和中心语。主要的修饰连词是“而”和“以”。 第13章,提起连词,《史记》中主要的提起连词有“若”、“且”、“至”,“若”可以构成“若夫”、“至若”、“若至”、“若乃”、“及若”等“若”类复音提起连词,“且”、“至”联合其它成分形成“且”类、“至”类复音提起连词。 第14章,结论,对《史记》连词系统进行分类总结。 考察《史记》连词系统,可以得出以下结论: 1.汉语的连词系统在西汉时期已经基本形成。从先秦到两汉,并列、顺承、选择、递进、假设、让步、转折、原因、结果、目的、修饰、提起共12类连词都已产生,这种使用情况一直延续到现代汉语。 2.《史记》连词系统以单音连词、复音连词共同构成。单音连词凝固为双音连词,并由双音连词加词缀构成三音连词。《史记》复音连词占有一定比例,与单音连词数量相当。 3.存在连词兼类现象,有些连词兼有六七种连接功能。如:“而”可以用作并列、顺承、递进、转折、结果、目的、修饰等类连词;“以”可以用作并列、顺承、原因、结果、目的、修饰连词等类连词;“若”可以用作并列、顺承、选择、假设、让步、提起等类连词;“则”可以用作顺承、转折、原因、结果等类连词。兼类情况过多,导致理解连词功能时必须依靠上下文语境。兼类连词大多是单音连词,解决连词兼类问题的办法,是兼类连词由单音向双音或三音扩展,通过增加音节,来区别功能。 4.有两例连词通假现象。受先秦通假现象影响,复音假设连词“乡使”、“向使”中的“乡”和“向”、“藉使”“借使”中的“藉”和“借”通假。 5.大多数连词类型中都有比较稳定的连词。如并列连词“与”、“及”、“而”,顺承连词“乃”,选择连词“或……或……”,递进连词“况”,假设连词“若”、“即”,让步连词“虽”,转折连词“而”、“然”,结果连词“则”,目的连词“以”等。
[Abstract]:Conjunctions are the function words that connect two or more words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and sentence groups. Conjunctions only connect, express specific syntactic and logical relations, and can not become the substantive structural parts of sentence components or sentence components. The Western Han Dynasty is a period of transition from ancient Chinese to Middle Chinese and Chinese, and it is also a more obvious language evolution. In a period of time, historical records, as a mature written work, can reflect the language characteristics of the Western Han Dynasty to a certain extent, which used a large number of conjunctions, these conjunctions, some of the succession to the pre Qin conjunctions, some of which were newly produced in the historical records, such as "and again" in the conjunctions of the polysyllabic progressive conjunctions, and the conjunctive hypothesis connected with the complex. The word "sincerity" and "sincere order" are of great value to the study of the language of the Western Han Dynasty and the pre Qin period. The study of the conjunctions in the history of history is not only important for the study of the ancient Chinese dynasty, but also plays a positive role in the study of the history of Chinese.
This article, taking "Shi Ji" as the research object, as the main source of language material, and a small number of Pre-Qin Chinese, Chinese ancient Chinese and other documents. It is based on 12 types of conjunctions on the basis of quantitative investigation and qualitative analysis, on the basis of quantitative inspection and qualitative analysis. On the basis of the exhaustive study of all the conjunctions in the "historical records", the point is based on the exhaustive study. The synchronic description and diachronic analysis are combined to summarize the grammaticalization process of the related conjunctions, and the mechanism and rules of the conjunctions evolution are preliminarily summarized.
This paper makes a comprehensive summary of the conjunctions in the historical records for the first time, and discusses the process and motivation of the legalization of even words and phrases. After investigation, it is found that deficiency is the main source of conjunctions, such as "and", "and", "and", in addition to this, synonymy is also an important source of conjunction.
This article is divided into 14 parts:
The first chapter, introduction, summarizes the emphasis on the definition of conjunctions by the predecessors and the standard of classification, defines the definition and classification of conjunctions in this article, discusses the criteria for the definition of conjunctions and prepositions, adverbs, sums up the value of the language and related research results of the historical records, and determines the purpose, scope, theoretical basis and research methods of this article. The present conjunctions are classified.
The second chapter, conjunctive conjunctions, summarizes the basic situation of the study of conjunctive conjunctions, describes the basic features of "Historical Records >" conjunctions, "and", "and", "and", "and", "if", "if" is the main parallel conjunction, the frequency is high, the "only" conjunctions are used in 1 cases, and "cum" conjunctions are used 1 cases, " The conjunctions are used in 1 cases, and "rules" conjunctions are used in 2 cases, "like" conjunctions used in 2 cases. "Again" as a parallel conjunction, and "both" and "both." form, "dimension" is used as conjunctions, "non", "both", "Wei." format, "also" form "." The grammaticalization process of the main conjunctive conjunctions is analyzed.
The third chapter, along with the conjunctions, summarizes the basic situation of the study of the CIS conjunctions. There are 29 following conjunctions in the historical records, mainly "and", "to", "if", "then", "then", "then", "then", "is", "is", "cause", "cause", "then", "then", "even", ",", The grammaticalization process of "so" is summed up by "past", "yes", and "then".
In the fourth chapter, the choice conjunctions are selected as "or", "if", "if", "like", "Yi" is used as the choice conjunction to appear in 1 cases, "and" as the choice conjunctions to appear in 1 cases, "will" as the choice of conjunction 1 cases, "and" used as the choice of conjunction out of the 2 cases. "Or" form "or." format expression selection, "Ning" consists of "Ning.", "Ning.", "Ning Ning", "Ning Anne" and other formats to express the choice relationship, in addition to "and Ning.", "rather than", "rather than it", "and it." and so on. Summed up the "and" as the choice of conjunctions to produce. "X and not X" format, through the "and" front and back term. On the contrary, complementary relationship indicates one choice; "then" is used as a conjunction of choice to form "non (non)".
The fifth chapter, progressive conjunctions, summarizes the basic situation of the study of progressive conjunctions. The progressive conjunctions in the historical records are more common, such as "and", "state", and "and", "and", "and", "and" and other components solidified into two or three progressive conjunctions, forming the "and" progressive conjunctions, "state" class progressive conjunctions, "and" class delivery Conjunctions.
The sixth chapter, hypothetical conjunctions, induction and study of related theses of conjunctions. The main hypothesis conjunctions in the history are "if", "if", "if", "as", "as", "as", "that", "sincerity", "sincerity", "sincerity", "make", "make", "make", "hypothetical", "set up", " The number of the hypothetical conjunctions in the middle ancient times and the hypothetical conjunctions in the historical records and the medieval times are compared.
The seventh chapter, concession conjunctions, summed up the related papers of concession conjunctions. The concession conjunctions used in "historical records" are mainly "longitudinal", "that is", "although", "Judah", "still still".
The eighth chapter, turning conjunctions, reviewing the related papers of the study of the conjunctions. The turning conjunctions in the historical records are "but", "Nai", "however", "however", "that", "Gu Di".
The ninth chapter, the cause conjunction, summarizes the basic results of the study of the causal conjunction. In the historical records, the reasons for the conjunctions are "to", "for", "rules" and "by".
The tenth chapter, the result conjunctions, summarizes the basic situation of the study of conjunctions. The main result conjunctions in the historical records include "and", "to", "to", "to", "so", "so", "so", "is", "is", "use", "use", "cause", "so", "it", "yes", "yes", "Yes" and so on. It can be classified as "Yi", "de", "use", "cause" and "result".
The eleventh chapter is the conjunction of purpose, and the purpose conjunction in Shi Ji has "Yi", "and" and "use".
The twelfth chapter, modifying conjunctions, puts forward the criteria for judging the conjunctions. The modified conjunctions can be divided into two categories: one is connected to two verb words, a class of connective adverbials and central words. The main modifier conjunctions are "and" and "to".
In the thirteenth chapter, the conjunctions are brought up. The main reference conjunctions in the historical records are "if", "and", "to", "if" can form "if", "if", "if", "if", "if" and "if" type compound to bring the conjunctions, "and", "to" joint other components to form "and" class, "to" type compound to bring conjunctions.
The fourteenth chapter, conclusion, classifies and summarizes the system of conjunction.
By examining the system of conjunction in historical records, we can draw the following conclusions:
1. Chinese Conjunctions have been basically formed in the Western Han Dynasty. From the pre-Qin to the Han Dynasty, from the pre-Qin to the Han Dynasty, the combination, the succession, the choice, the progressive, the hypothesis, the concession, the turning, the cause, the result, the purpose, the modification, and the 12 types of conjunctions have all come into being, and this use has been extended to the modern Chinese language.
The 2.< history notes system is composed of single conjunctions and polysyllabic conjunctions. The single conjunctions solidify into double conjunctions and are composed of three conjunctions by double conjunctions and affixes.
3. there are conjunctions and conjunctions, and some conjunctions have six or seven kinds of connection functions. For example, "and" can be used as parallel, progressive, progressive, turning, result, purpose, modification and other conjunctions; "to" can be used as parallel, cause, result, purpose, modifier and other conjunctions; "if" can be used as parallel, choice, hypothesis, concession, It can be used as the conjunctions of class, turning, cause, result and other conjunctions. There are too many kinds of conjunctions, which cause the function of understanding conjunction to rely on context context. Conjunctions are mostly monosyllabic conjunctions, and the solution to conjunctions and conjunctions is the extension of conjunctions from monosyllabic to double or three sounds, and by increasing syllables. Do not function.
4. there are two cases of conjunctions. Influenced by the phenomenon of the pre Qin period, the conjunctive conjunctions "township", "Xiang" and "Xiang" in the "Xiang", "by" "by" "by" "by" "by" and "borrow" in general.
There are more stable conjunctions in most of the types of conjunctions. For example, the conjunctions "and", "and", "and", and the conjunctions "are", choose the conjunctions "or.", the conjunction "state", the conjunctions "if", "that", "although" concession conjunctions "although", "yes", "yes", the result of the conjunction "is", the purpose of the conjunction "to". Wait.



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