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发布时间:2018-04-24 23:14

  本文选题:承诺类言语行为 + 直接型承诺 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:语用学是一门研究语言使用的独立学科,于20世纪70、80年代建立并发展起来。在对语用学的研究过程中,需要借助其他学科的理论知识,比如心理学、社会学等,所以语用学其实也是一个跨学科的研究领域。言语行为理论是语用学的核心理论,,美国语言学家塞尔将其发展成为解释人类语言交际的理论。本文根据塞尔的言语行为理论,将其与汉语实际紧密结合,以承诺为研究对象,以接近现实的报刊、文学作品、生活话语为语料进行研究。 首先,本文简单概述奥斯汀和塞尔的言语行为理论,接着考察了国内言语行为的研究,我们发现,针对汉语本身的承诺类言语行为的研究很少,从而确定了本文的研究方案。 其次,本文详细解释了汉语承诺类言语行为的四条构成性规则:承诺的命题内容条件所规定的两个标准,一是说话人所作的承诺必须与一个将来的行为有关联,二是所承诺的将来行为的实施者只能是说话人;承诺的准备条件所规定的两个标准,一是听话人愿意说话人实施他承诺将要做的事情,二是说话人相信听话人愿意他去实施其承诺;承诺的诚意条件指的是说话人真诚地遵守其所立的承诺,意欲实施他所言及的行为;承诺的根本条件指向了言语行为的结果,即说话人会承担起做某事的义务。并通过汉语句例分别对四套标准进行了辨析。 然后,本文根据塞尔的理论,将承诺类言语行为划分为直接型承诺和间接型承诺。直接型承诺指的是带有核心承诺语的承诺,往往和辅助说明语配合应用。本文着重分析了直接型承诺的话语模式、辅助说明语的构成和作用。间接型承诺中,特定格式,可以通过字面意义能够较为容易地推断出承诺语意的称为规约性间接承诺;而无法单纯由句子的字面意义来推导话语意图,需要参照相关原则,依靠交际双方想通的语境知识方能理解承诺,称为非规约性间接承诺。本文结合大量语料对两种间接型承诺进行了分类和说明。 最后,本文提出了符合汉语承诺类言语行为特点的调节性规则。详细分析了影响语用意图的四种要素,包括说话人的身份地位、承诺场合及目的、所承诺事件的难易程度、担保物、见证物。并讨论了帮助承诺言语行为实现的三种调控变量,包括回报、奖励式策略;补偿式和自罚、自贬式策略;夸张式策略。这些语用策略能够有效地帮助说话人更大限度地实现承诺的话语意图。
[Abstract]:Pragmatics is an independent discipline for the study of language use, which was established and developed in the 1970s and 1980s. In the process of studying pragmatics, we need the theoretical knowledge of other disciplines, such as psychology, sociology and so on, so pragmatics is also an interdisciplinary research field. Speech act theory is the core theory of pragmatics. According to Searle's theory of speech act, this paper closely combines it with Chinese practice, taking commitment as the object of study, and taking newspapers and periodicals, literary works and discourse of life as the language materials which are close to reality. First of all, this paper briefly summarizes Austin and Searle's speech act theory, and then studies the speech act in China. We find that there are few researches on the commitment type speech act of Chinese itself, so the research scheme of this paper is determined. Secondly, this paper explains in detail the four constitutive rules of Chinese speech acts of commitment: the two criteria stipulated by the propositional content of a commitment, one is that the commitment made by the speaker must be related to a future act. The other is that the perpetrator of the promised future behavior can only be the speaker; the two criteria stipulated in the preparation conditions of the promise are that the hearer is willing to do what the speaker has promised to do. The other is that the speaker believes that the hearer is willing to carry out his promise; the sincere condition of the promise means that the speaker sincerely obeys the promise he has made and intends to carry out the act he says; the fundamental condition of the promise points to the result of the speech act. That is, the speaker will take on the obligation to do something. And through the Chinese sentence examples, respectively, the four sets of standards are analyzed. Then, according to Searle's theory, the speech act of commitment is divided into direct commitment and indirect commitment. Direct commitment refers to a commitment with a core commitment, which is often used in conjunction with an auxiliary specification. This paper focuses on the discourse model of direct commitment and the composition and function of auxiliary declarative language. In indirect commitment, it is easy to infer the meaning of commitment by literal meaning, which can be called "statutory indirect commitment", but can not be derived from the literal meaning of sentence, but need to refer to relevant principles. The understanding of commitment depends on the contextual knowledge reached by both communicators, which is called non-prescriptive indirect commitment. This paper classifies and explains two indirect types of commitment with a large number of data. Finally, this paper puts forward the regulative rules which accord with the characteristics of Chinese speech acts of commitment. This paper analyzes in detail the four factors affecting pragmatic intention, including the identity of the speaker, the context and purpose of the promise, the degree of difficulty of the committed event, the collateral, and the evidence. It also discusses three kinds of control variables to help the realization of speech act of commitment, including reward, reward, compensation and self-punishment, self-demotion and exaggeration. These pragmatic strategies can effectively help the speaker to realize the utterance intention of promise to a greater extent.


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