发布时间:2018-04-26 23:06
本文选题:湖北翻译产业 + 市场调查 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着经济全球化的迅速推进以及我国对外开放的深入开展,我国综合国力不断提升,国内外市场交流和融合的步伐加快,翻译服务的作用和地位日益凸显,翻译产业也正在以前所未有的速度快速发展,已成为目前最热门的行业之一。据中国翻译协会统计,全国现有15000多家注册的翻译服务机构。据了解,目前中国在岗聘任的翻译专业人士约6万人,翻译从业人士保守估计达50万人,这一数字今后可能增加到100万人。据中国翻译协会统计,仅在2010年,中国多语信息市场规模已达到500亿元,并以每年30-40%的速度增长。该协会预计,随着全球化进程的加快,到2015年,中国的翻译市场规模将超过千亿元。多语信息处理是现代经济的放大器,在拉动产业发展方面,多语翻译产业是总关联产出比最高的行业之一。根据国际机构分析,每1元的翻译产值,能带来直接关联产业5元的产值。翻译产业已成为文化产业中仅次于教育行业的又一基础产业。随着中国WTO合作的全面实施、北京奥运会及上海世博会的成功举办,中国翻译产业正迎来一个全新发展的黄金时期。 作为中部大省的湖北是全国著名的人才培养基地,有着数量众多的高校,门类多样的学科,实力雄厚的国家级科研机构,同时,其省会武汉市还是联合国教科文组织指定的中国三大外语人才基地之一。改革开放以来,湖北翻译行业也有了长足的发展。目前湖北96所普通高等学校中已有三所高校的外语院系拥有翻译方向的博士生导师,九所高校开办翻译硕士(MTI)教育专业,近十所高校外语院系开办了翻译系。此外,湖北还有10多家机构开展翻译培训,全省注册的翻译公司有300余家,其中仍在运营的有100多家。全国最大的两家翻译公司传神和元培都在武汉设有分公司或办事处,其中传神翻译公司还将其主体部分即全球多语信息处理中心设在武汉。因此,翻译产业所要求的语种多样化和专业化,在武汉都可以找到。不过,这一成绩的背后还存在着许多问题,需要认真调查研究,提出对策,使湖北的翻译服务水平更上一层楼。可以肯定地说,这种调查研究非常必要,它对于振兴湖北翻译产业具有深远意义。 基于这一思考,本论文对湖北,特别是武汉市的翻译产业现状进行了调查研究。在对现有文献进行分析的基础上,论文通过问卷调查、电话访问及统计分析等方法全面梳理了湖北翻译服务的市场现状,总结经验、找出问题、分析原因、提出对策,旨在为湖北翻译产业的发展提出合理化建议,对政府在翻译市场及翻译产业宏观调控中起到建设性作用,以此推动湖北翻译产业的健康快速发展,为湖北的全面振兴和崛起注入新的动力。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economic globalization and the deepening of China's opening to the outside world, the overall national strength of our country has been continuously upgraded, the pace of market exchange and integration at home and abroad has been accelerated, and the role and status of translation services have become increasingly prominent. Translation industry is also developing at an unprecedented speed and has become one of the most popular industries. According to the China Translation Association statistics, there are more than 15000 registered translation services. It is understood that China currently employs about 60, 000 translation professionals, translation professionals conservatively estimated to reach 500000, this number may increase to 1 million in the future. According to the China Translation Association, in 2010 alone, China's multilingual information market has reached 50 billion yuan, with an annual growth rate of 30-40%. The association expects China's translation market to exceed 100 billion yuan by 2015 as globalization accelerates. Multilingual information processing is the amplifier of modern economy. In the aspect of stimulating industry development, multilingual translation industry is one of the industries with the highest ratio of total relevance output. According to the analysis of international institutions, translation output value per 1 yuan can bring 5 yuan output value of directly related industries. Translation industry has become another basic industry in the cultural industry, second only to the education industry. With the full implementation of China's WTO cooperation and the successful hosting of the Beijing Olympic Games and the Shanghai World Expo, the Chinese translation industry is ushered in a new golden period of development. Hubei, as a big central province, is a famous talent training base in the country. It has a large number of colleges and universities, a variety of disciplines, powerful national scientific research institutions, and at the same time, Wuhan, the capital, is also one of the three major foreign language talent bases designated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Since the reform and opening up, Hubei translation industry has also made great progress. At present, three of 96 colleges and universities in Hubei province have doctoral tutors in translation, nine colleges and universities offer translation master's degree (MTI) education, and nearly ten foreign language departments have set up translation departments. In addition, Hubei also has more than 10 institutions to conduct translation training, the province registered more than 300 translation companies, including more than 100 still in operation. The two largest translation companies in China, Chuanshen and Yuanpei, both have branches or offices in Wuhan, in which the main part of the company, namely, the global multilingual information processing center, is located in Wuhan. Therefore, the translation industry requires a variety of languages and specialization, can be found in Wuhan. However, there are still many problems behind this achievement, which need to be investigated and studied carefully, and countermeasures should be put forward to improve the translation service level in Hubei. To be sure, this kind of investigation and research is very necessary and has profound significance for revitalizing Hubei translation industry. Based on this consideration, this thesis investigates the present situation of translation industry in Hubei, especially in Wuhan. Based on the analysis of the existing literature, the paper comprehensively combs the market situation of Hubei translation service by means of questionnaire, telephone interview and statistical analysis, summarizes the experience, finds out the problems, analyzes the reasons, and puts forward some countermeasures. The purpose of this paper is to put forward rational suggestions for the development of Hubei translation industry, and to play a constructive role in the government's macro-control of the translation market and the translation industry, so as to promote the healthy and rapid development of the Hubei translation industry. For Hubei's overall revitalization and rise into a new power.
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